
Gabrielle, if I'd only have thirty seconds to live, that's how I



Korra: I have a favor to ask of you

Mako: sure what’s up?

Korra: I need you to tell me of every little detail about your relationship with Asami when you guys dated

Mako, sighing: look, Korra, you have no reason to be jealous. Asami and I are just friends like you and I are so-

Korra: oh don’t worry I know that! I just wanted to know what you did so that I don’t make the same mistakes!

Mako: wow. Ouch. Fair, but ouch


Korra: ugh, how am I so pathetic? First I fall in love with some ridiculous bender guy that would never have worked out, then I fall in love with a beautiful Fire Nation woman so out of my league it hurts! Why can't I just be lucky in love?

Korra: *shoves her head in a pillow and screams*

Kyoshi, in the spirit world: wow, history really does repeat itself

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