
married life ain't hard when you got a union card!

@vonnegutcunt / vonnegutcunt.tumblr.com


Can you imagine that I haven't had a drop of water since yesterday?

Today, in the intense heat, I walked more than 3 km to find water but couldn't.

Unfortunately, we don't have the most basic rights in life.

reminder that donating just a few $ to gofundme campaigns actually helps, you don't have to donate huge amounts if you don't have the funds, every little bit is useful.


The last Jews of Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 2019, photographed by Bruno Zanzottera

Located along the Silk Roads and the edges of several former empires, the city of Bukhara has been home to a big and unique Jewish community for over two millennia - one of the most ancient ethnic groups in all of Central Asia. Historically they spoke Bukhori a Judeo-Tajik dialect. In the 1970s, Jews began to leave the Soviet Union, including Uzbekistan, and the synagogues as well as other Jewish institutions were closed by the Communist government. In Bukhara, the community has declined significantly: if in the past it consisted of 46,000 people, now there are just over 100 Jews. Those remaining want to make sure that their history, language and traditions do not get lost.
“Hindi, like Gaelic, is a colonised space. It is a language complete in itself, with its own history, literature, poetry and tradition. But more than sixty-five years after Indian independence, it has been surrounded and absorbed by English, so among the Indian middle classes it is no longer a prestige language. It is the vernacular, the language one speaks at home; one does not use it to write to the tax office, nor take one’s degree. So if it doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect – if it doesn’t matter if a noun is masculine or feminine; if a verb falls to be transitive in the past perfect; if you just use the English word, because who can remember the Hindi for mathematics or apartment or transubstantiation – then for all I wage my small battle, we’re losing the war. To speak our language perfectly – to choose to do so, despite decades of colonial influence – is another political act.”

“A’ghailleann”, Iona Sharma. (via a-witches-brew)


you sit down at the plastic table because your partner likes being outside at the bar even though it’s 90 degrees and 60% humidity at 10pm and you thought this corduroy dress was soooo cute but now youre all sweaty and so one of your balls has escaped your panties but youre wearing fishnets so your loose nut is now dying like a sea turtle in a six pack ring and youre the desperate diver trying to save it but blind and one handed and stone faced cause you can’t draw attention to the fact that youre doing a high stakes wildlife rescue on your stupid scrotum in public because it might turn into a six month news cycle and desantis might fly out to personally bulldoze the bar. and its a thursday

i dreamt this post got 19k notes overnight and everyone i knew had disowned me for for my cat 5 Sack Slip event

I got some groceries, some peanut butter To last a couple of days But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones Ain't got no records to play

Stop Making Sense (1984, Jonathan Demme)


The Watermelon Woman (1996) dir. Cheryl Dunye


Hey this movie is really important in queer history! It was the first feature length film directed by a black lesbian! You can watch it here for free!

I really recommend you do because while it is a rom-com (and a drama), it also looks at how the stories of black queers are over looked in history.


tired of cannibalism as a metaphor for love or sex. can we get into cannibalism as a metaphor for colonization.


The hardcore way to eat ramen: 1. Boil water 2. Eat block of ramen 3. Drink boiled water 4. Snort flavored powder 5. Fuck bitches

you looking for this my friend?

why is there a gif for this


The gif skipped stage 5


Happened offscreen innit.


Lieek I want to transfer to a university but im really considering especially in the wake of campus protests just how much and how many prominent universities have some degree of investment in weapons manufacturing and however small a contribution I don't want to be party to that. And there's also of course The Costs. But I don't want to go straight into the job market right now I'd like to be young and a student and a layabout for a bit longer while it's still expected of me. And I love learning and talking with other people about ideas. I don't know. I don't know.

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