
Day dreaming about being a hW0re


20+ You can call me vent or stink (I kinda like stink) loser who can't talk about these things with people in real life

Stink's Ateez Masterlist



After "The Point of No Return" Summary: The aftermath of Hongjoong finding out his girlfriend got murdered at Coachella

Lost Sight of My Treasure (dad!Hongjoong x mom!reader) Part 2 TBA Summary: Hongjoong agreed to get married if she promised that he'd never have to choose between her and his career, but he didn't realize that his priorities would have to change when they had a child.



Cursed by Blood (Series Preview) Summary: Jeong Yunho was the nicest guy in school to everyone but Bae Y/n. Why? 10 years ago, his older sister was murdered by her older sister, so what better revenge was there than a sister for a sister?


None yet :(


Mafia San (mafia boss!San x mafia wife!reader | Arranged Marriage AU) (WIP) Summary: Where you get an arranged marriage and he refuses to see you as his equal even though you'd have been the leader of your family had you not married him and then have a long and tense marriage. San doesn't realize how badly he fucked up until, after your kids are grown, your son blatantly disrespects you in front of San's face.


The Reflection of You (WIP) Summary: You thought that there'd never be a person who could fully understand you until one day there was a man in the mirror and suddenly your thoughts weren't the only thoughts in your head anymore.


The Tragedy of a Prince (prince!Wooyoung x Reader) (WIP) Summary: Prince Wooyoung fell in love with you at first sight, promising you his future knowing full well the heartache he'd put you through.

To Fight for her Hand (suitor!Wooyoung x princess!reader) (WIP) Summary: Wooyoung wasn't interested in boasting about his physical prowess nor was he interested in the prize: the hand of a princess. He was just in this for fun. The only problem? The way that the contest was going, it looked like he was going to win the first princess's hand, but a certain third princess had already found her way into his heart.


Queen of Tears (Series) Summary: Chaebol heiress, Hong Y/n, and idol, Choi Jongho, fell in love three years ago, but now their marriage is tense, and Jongho can't take it anymore. He hates the Hong family, and he can't stand his wife. But suddenly, as he is considering divorce, she gives him some bad(?) news.

Everything Preview Part 1 Summary: Jongho wrote his song "Everything" so that he'd finally be able to move on from his ex-girlfriend to finally be able to pursue you.



Yo I just realized how screwy the POV is in "Lost Sight of My Treasure"


I think mean things more often than normal people because I know I will never do them.

Anonymous asked:

Okay i just read your fic for Everything and wow i need more😭

omg thank you!! It was only supposed to be two parts, but the feedback i've been getting for both this and "Lost Sight of My Treasure" is making me think about writing more parts for them!


Lost Sight of My Treasure (1)

Summary: Hongjoong agreed to get married if she promised that he'd never have to choose between her and his career, but he didn't realize that his priorities would have to change when they had a child.

c/w: angst pairings: idol!dad!Hongjoong x mom!reader a/n: I thought of this idea on a whim one day, and finally decided to write it out. w/c: 3.3k

When the children finished singing, you clapped as Haein smiled brightly. You hoped it would stay that way. You hoped she wouldn’t realize that her father hadn’t come tonight to see the performance she had been boasting for so long, eager for her father to see it. He said he would and she trusted him wholeheartedly, so when she looked through the crowd and didn’t see him, she thought that she probably just couldn’t see him from where she was. She had been practicing for a whole month! There was no way he would miss it when he said he wouldn’t, right? He had to be here. He had to have seen her sing her solo, right?

When the performance ended and certificates were being given out she received an outstanding achievement award for being so bold and taking the solo while also executing it well. She was her father’s daughter after all. Being a singer was in her blood, yet the very blood that ran through her veins refused to show up.


Everything (1)

Summary: Jongho wrote his song, Everything, to move on from his ex-girlfriend so he could finally pursue you.

c/w: slight angst pairings: idol!Jongho x idol!reader a/n: this was sitting in my drafts since I wrote that one drabble ages ago!

Jongho pretended not to care too much about your presence. You weren't there for him, you were just seated with your group, not too far from his. He'd spoken to you a few times that left his heart pounding but left you wondering if he even liked you. When you caught his eye, he flushed, embarassed, but you didn't seem to notice as you waved at him with a kind smile that he returned. Okay, at least he does like you.

Jongho wanted to talk to you more, but he found himself reading through his old conversations with someone he shouldn't be thinking about anymore. It stopped him from seeking you out further, though he couldn't deny that he wished he was the guy you'd sing your groups' love songs for. He felt guilt eating away at him for these feelings, knowing he had yet to move someone else, so he didn't pursue you further.

When he was approached by Hongjoong to make a song for their next full length album "The World Ep. Fin : Will" He took a week baring his soul on papers that ended up cluttering his room more than he ever had before. Sleepless nights were spent trying to write the right thing. He wanted to do his feelings justice. He wanted to sing them out of his system and then, after the promotions and tour for this album were over, never think about them again.


Queen of Tears (Table of Contents)

pairings: idol!Jongho x chaebol heiress!reader

Summary: Chaebol heiress, Hong Y/n, and idol, Choi Jongho, fell in love three years ago, but now their marriage is tense, and Jongho can't take it anymore. He hates the Hong family, and he can't stand his wife. But suddenly, as he is considering divorce, she gives him some bad(?) news.

genre: angst, fluff status: in progress


I was worried that I'd write all my fics and then post them all at once, but I write fics so on and off that it'll become regular. I also forget that I wrote them and then find them later and I'm like Oh!!


Queen of Tears (1)

Summary: Chaebol heiress, Hong Y/n, and idol, Choi Jongho, fell in love three years ago, but now their marriage is tense, and Jongho can't take it anymore. He hates the Hong family, and he can't stand his wife. But suddenly, as he is considering divorce, she gives him some bad(?) news.

pairings: idol!Jongho x chaebol!reader

c/w: i mean?? none really? toxic family, I suppose

a/n: I wish I knew how to write more than 2k words at a time, but this one is 3k. This basically follows the same sequence as the first episode of Queen of Tears, so slight spoilers! also not proofread, I wrote this all in one day on a whim

w/c: 3.7k

Jongho smiled as he spoke, looking at his interviewer, “People have asked me what it’s like living with a queen like y/n. I can just tell you that I’m a lucky man who married the love of his life.”

At the same time, y/n looked into a different camera, expression friendly, but distant, “I know people thought that Choi Jongho married me to further his career, but as I had not shown my face, no one had any idea who I was, even him. I hope this will put everyone’s minds at ease.”


Stink's Ultimate Ateez Rec List (1)

As of 18/5/24

🌟 = personal all-time favorite 🔥 = smut

OT8/Multiple Members

poly!Ateez/poly!ship name x reader = all members are in a relationship with each other

Ot8/shipname x reader = all members are after/share reader

Ateez/Member x reader = all members are after or have been/will be with reader individually

Circus [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Hybrid AU) by @lani-heart🔥🌟

Blinding Lights [ongoing] (poly!Seongjoong(?) x Reader | Mafia AU) by @kpoppers-anonymous 🔥🌟

Player 1117 [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Dark Fantasy Otome AU) by @peachesyeo 🌟

like the moon [ongoing] (poly!Ateez x Reader | Non-idol Clan(?) AU) by @sunmoonjune 🌟 no smut (yet?) but rated mature

pirate king [completed] (pirate!Hongjoong x Reader, pirate!Wooyoung x Reader) by @chaseatinydream 🌟

Cleopatra [ongoing] (Ot8(?) x pharaoh!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥🌟

Dragon From the Window [ongoing] (poly!dragon!Ateez x witch!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥

subtle variations of heartbreak [completed] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟

Starring Role [completed] (San x Reader, Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟

blurred lines and lies [completed] (Yeosang x Reader, Jongho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @yuyusuyu

time of love [completed] (poly!Woosan x reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @desayunho 🔥🌟

this night together [ongoing] (alpha!yungi x omega!reader) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥🌟

Coffee House Diaries SERIES [6/8 completed | 2/8 ongoing] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @escapewriter

Misfits [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @tainsan 🌟 no smut yet but I think there will be

His to Take [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader, Yeosang x Reader | High-school AU) by @santheestallion 🔥

Gentle (owner!Seonghwa x bunny hybrid!reader x fox hybrid!wooyoung) by @cheollipop 🔥

Black Ocean SERIES [completed] (pirate!Ateez x Reader) by @bvidzsoo!

whichever way [ongoing] (poly!woosan x aro!reader) by @igbylicious poly might not be the best descriptor for this one but it's okay they all fuckin 🔥🌟

murphy's law [completed] (alien!poly(?)!Ot8(?) X Reader) by @atzfilm all members are soulmates but not all romantically involved 🔥

We Ransacked The City [completed] (rich snobs!Seongjoong x reader) by @tenelkadjowrites 🔥

sway with me [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Space AU) by @luvt0kki 🔥

Our Precious [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @xerotiny99 🔥

Seonghwa Fics

mr & mrs park. (Seonghwa x Reader | Mafia AU) by @baekhvuns 🔥🌟

you're the one that I want [completed] (bad boy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

playing with fire [completed] (sugar daddy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

The Way to His Heart [completed] (general!Seonghwa x Reader | Joseon Era Arranged Marriage AU) by @edenesth

amazing grace (churchboy(?)!Seonghwa x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Take Me Home [completed] (faerie prince!Seonghwa x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Compass of Our Hearts (pirate!Seonghwa x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

iced americano [completed] (Seonghwa x Reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @escapewriter

Hongjoong Fics

Wanbelyn [completed] (surgeon!single dad!Hongjoong x nurse!nanny!Reader| SMAU) by @songmingisthighs 🌟

marigold (frat boy!Hongjoong x best friend!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3! 🔥

Blue Skies [completed] (producer!Hongjoong x single mom!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17

I'm the One (prince!Hongjoong x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

The Nightfury (pirate captain!Hongjoong x pirate captain!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

White Love (ice prince!Hongjoong x fire princess!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Stitched Hearts [completed] (dressmaker!Hongjoong x noblewoman!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Yunho Fics

Music of the Heart [ongoing] (ex-childhood friend!Yunho x Reader | SMAU) by @noonaishere 🌟

The Cat and Dog Game [ongoing] (restaurant owner!Yunho x chef!Reader) by @makeitmingi

Project: Make You Love Me [completed] (Yunho x Reader ft. fboy!Seonghwa | Non-idol AU) by @hwaslayer 🔥🌟

killing me (frat boy!Yunho x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Seeing Myself in You [completed] (idol!Yunho x idol!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17 🔥

Guerilla (serial killer!surgeon!Yunho x crime fiction author!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Promise (prince!Yunho x princess!Reader | Arranged Marriage AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

opposites attract (tutor!Yunho x popular!Reader) by @tainsan 🔥

the drill (Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @byuntrash101 🔥

summer's dive/summer's storm/summer's end (brother's best friend!Yunho x Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥

summer nights/summer's end (roommate!Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥

the fall (idol!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @honeyhotteoks

dance for you [completed] (dancer!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥🌟

Irrevocable Love (pirate!Yunho x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo 🌟

chai latte [ongoing] (Yunho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Little Touch of Heaven [completed] (physician!Yunho x herbalist!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Yeosang Fics

Entropy (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟

lessons in intimacy (camboy!yeosang x reader) by @honeyhotteoks🔥🌟

Better (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia Rival AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Salty tears, agog whispers (pirate!Yeosang x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

matcha latte [completed] (Yeosang x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

San Fics

back to you [completed] (badboy!San x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

1024UB [completed] (San x Reader | Non-idol Fwb AU) by @bro-atz 🔥

champagne problems [ongoing] (trainee!San x heiress!Reader) by @mingigoo 🔥🌟 no smut yet tho

ceilings [completed] (gym teacher!San x single mom!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Serendipity [completed] (San x Reader | College SMAU) by @staytinys

Mist (San x spirit medium(?)!Reader | High-school AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Horizon [completed] (faerieprince!San x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

An Imprisoned Nightingale (pirate!San x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

mocha [completed] (San x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter 🌟

Love to Hate You [ongoing] (royal secretary!San x female scholar!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

u got it bad (baseball player!San x reporter!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Perfidy (San x Reader | Mafia Au) by @in-san-ity 🔥

Mingi Fics

Cause Baby You're My Muse [completed] (idol!Mingi x producer!Reader) by @makeitmingi

Ditto (Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @sluttywoozi 🔥

Wave (teacher!Mingi x teacher!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Fine Line of Our Worlds (pirate!Mingi x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

iced tea [completed] (Mingi x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Wooyoung Fics

tins without labels [discontinued] (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🌟

Wooyoung's Playlist (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥 spin-off from subtle variations of heartbreak

Midnight Kisses [completed] (best friend!Wooyoung x single mom!Reader ft. San) by @mingigoo 🔥

made for this (churchboy(?)!Wooyoung x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥🌟

Good Lil Boy (prince!Wooyoung x Princess!reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🔥🌟

If Without You (best friend!Wooyoung x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Heavy is the head that wears the crown (pirate!Wooyoung x princess!Reader | Black Ocean) by 🌟

cold brew [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Take Me Away (investigator!Wooyoung x courtesan!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Jongho Fics

Zemblanity (Jongho x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟

Secret Garden [ongoing] (prince!Jongho x Reader | SMAU) by @staytinys

Time of Love (brother's best friend!Jongho x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Lullaby of the seas (pirate!Jongho x siren!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

caramel macchiato [completed] (Jongho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter


Oh my goddddd shut uppppppp, and I got a star???

(I can't find a gif of it, but just imagine me being the one running away screaming because, omgggggg 😭😭🥰🥰)


ooh y'all i got shit in the queue~~~~~!!!


San's Adoption

a/n: i am writing so much, i'm churning this stuff out like butter (at varying quality, please scrape the mold off if you see any) c/w: none? pairings: (platonic) owner!Seonghwa x cat hybrid!San

San was really tiny when Seonghwa got him. He was from a humble shelter in a village that he was visiting for a work trip. A lot of the shelter hybrids in that village worked as volunteer tour guides and took tips for their own pockets, so Seonghwa was assigned to San, the skinny but smiley little cat hybrid prince. He was so friendly and loveable, Seonghwa couldn't help but want him around more often.

"What was your name, by the way?" Seonghwa asked his cat hybrid tour guide. "My name is San, sir, San like Mountain." Seonghwa smiled warmly at him, "Do you like it here in the village. Would you stay here your whole life?"

San hummed thoughtfully, "I don't know. I go along with whatever makes me happy. I am satisfied where I am right now, but I won't complain if something I like more happens so I can leave here. I would feel sad to leave the elders, but they would want what's best for me, too, I think."

"What do you think of me?" Seonghwa asked. San was surprised by the question, "Why would you ask me that?" "I'm just wondering, San. You don't have to answer." "Well... I think you're handsome- or maybe more like beautiful?" Seonghwa chuckled at his response, not expecting him to go for looks first. "You're also the first person to ask me so many questions about myself. Usually, people ask about the village or tell me about themselves. Probably because they want to take me home, but... I don't think I'm interested in that."

Seonghwa deflated a little at that. It seemed he wasn't interested in being adopted. "Ah, so you'd probably want to stay in the shelter then?" "What??" San asked, startled, "No! I like my friends but the shelter is so dirty! I really wish someone would adopt me so I could sleep in a bed with clean sheets! I shower every day, but that doesn't mean my sheets can go unwashed for months!"

Seonghwa choked on a laugh, and responded, "But you said you didn't want to be taken home?" "OH! No, I meant...," he blushed embarassed, "You have no idea how many noonas and even some big hyungs have asked to-" "OH!" "YEAH!" San exclaimed, "I mean sure I- I just-" Seonghwa laughed, patting San's head, "You don't have to explain that to me, I get it."

"Why do you ask about adoption, though?" "Ah, I guess I've taken a liking to you," Seonghwa said, "You're fun to talk to, very nice. You seem to be very helpful, too." San smiled bashfully, "Thank you... You really want to adopt me?"

Seonghwa nodded, "Is that alright? I know you're satisfied here, but I live in a little more urban area... it would be quite a change."

San thought about it for a moment, "Well... if you don't mind having me," San said, "Please take care of me."

Seonghwa took San home, and San fit into his life well. Seonghwa learned that he was a lot more playful and mischievous than he had initially let on. It was more endearingly to mildly annoying than it was disruptive, so he didn't mind. San would poke at him and tackle him at inconvenient moments, and sleep in his bed, purposely moving to whatever side of the bed SEonghwa wanted to sleep on, even on days where he was exhausted.

Aside from that, though, San really was a good housemate. He cleaned up after himself, saw Seonghwa out in the morning and greeted him in the evening. His heart felt a little fuller knowing that his hybrid was at home waiting for him. He wasn't alone anymore, and neither was San.


Stink's Ultimate Ateez Rec List (1)

As of 18/5/24

🌟 = personal all-time favorite 🔥 = smut

OT8/Multiple Members

poly!Ateez/poly!ship name x reader = all members are in a relationship with each other

Ot8/shipname x reader = all members are after/share reader

Ateez/Member x reader = all members are after or have been/will be with reader individually

Circus [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Hybrid AU) by @lani-heart🔥🌟

Blinding Lights [ongoing] (poly!Seongjoong(?) x Reader | Mafia AU) by @kpoppers-anonymous 🔥🌟

Player 1117 [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Dark Fantasy Otome AU) by @peachesyeo 🌟

like the moon [ongoing] (poly!Ateez x Reader | Non-idol Clan(?) AU) by @sunmoonjune 🌟 no smut (yet?) but rated mature

pirate king [completed] (pirate!Hongjoong x Reader, pirate!Wooyoung x Reader) by @chaseatinydream 🌟

Cleopatra [ongoing] (Ot8(?) x pharaoh!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥🌟

Dragon From the Window [ongoing] (poly!dragon!Ateez x witch!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥

subtle variations of heartbreak [completed] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟

Starring Role [completed] (San x Reader, Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟

blurred lines and lies [completed] (Yeosang x Reader, Jongho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @yuyusuyu

time of love [completed] (poly!Woosan x reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @desayunho 🔥🌟

this night together [ongoing] (alpha!yungi x omega!reader) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥🌟

Coffee House Diaries SERIES [6/8 completed | 2/8 ongoing] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @escapewriter

Misfits [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @tainsan 🌟 no smut yet but I think there will be

His to Take [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader, Yeosang x Reader | High-school AU) by @santheestallion 🔥

Gentle (owner!Seonghwa x bunny hybrid!reader x fox hybrid!wooyoung) by @cheollipop 🔥

Black Ocean SERIES [completed] (pirate!Ateez x Reader) by @bvidzsoo!

whichever way [ongoing] (poly!woosan x aro!reader) by @igbylicious poly might not be the best descriptor for this one but it's okay they all fuckin 🔥🌟

murphy's law [completed] (alien!poly(?)!Ot8(?) X Reader) by @atzfilm all members are soulmates but not all romantically involved 🔥

We Ransacked The City [completed] (rich snobs!Seongjoong x reader) by @tenelkadjowrites 🔥

sway with me [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Space AU) by @luvt0kki 🔥

Our Precious [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @xerotiny99 🔥

Seonghwa Fics

mr & mrs park. (Seonghwa x Reader | Mafia AU) by @baekhvuns 🔥🌟

you're the one that I want [completed] (bad boy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

playing with fire [completed] (sugar daddy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

The Way to His Heart [completed] (general!Seonghwa x Reader | Joseon Era Arranged Marriage AU) by @edenesth

amazing grace (churchboy(?)!Seonghwa x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Take Me Home [completed] (faerie prince!Seonghwa x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Compass of Our Hearts (pirate!Seonghwa x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

iced americano [completed] (Seonghwa x Reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @escapewriter

Hongjoong Fics

Wanbelyn [completed] (surgeon!single dad!Hongjoong x nurse!nanny!Reader| SMAU) by @songmingisthighsingisthighs 🌟

marigold (frat boy!Hongjoong x best friend!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3! 🔥

Blue Skies [completed] (producer!Hongjoong x single mom!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17

I'm the One (prince!Hongjoong x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

The Nightfury (pirate captain!Hongjoong x pirate captain!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

White Love (ice prince!Hongjoong x fire princess!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Stitched Hearts [completed] (dressmaker!Hongjoong x noblewoman!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Yunho Fics

Music of the Heart [ongoing] (ex-childhood friend!Yunho x Reader | SMAU) by @noonaishere 🌟

The Cat and Dog Game [ongoing] (restaurant owner!Yunho x chef!Reader) by @makeitmingi

Project: Make You Love Me [completed] (Yunho x Reader ft. fboy!Seonghwa | Non-idol AU) by @hwaslayer 🔥🌟

killing me (frat boy!Yunho x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Seeing Myself in You [completed] (idol!Yunho x idol!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17 🔥

Guerilla (serial killer!surgeon!Yunho x crime fiction author!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Promise (prince!Yunho x princess!Reader | Arranged Marriage AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

opposites attract (tutor!Yunho x popular!Reader) by @tainsan 🔥

the drill (Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @byuntrash101 🔥

summer's dive/summer's storm/summer's end (brother's best friend!Yunho x Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥

summer nights/summer's end (roommate!Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥

the fall (idol!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @honeyhotteoks

dance for you [completed] (dancer!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥🌟

Irrevocable Love (pirate!Yunho x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo 🌟

chai latte [ongoing] (Yunho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Little Touch of Heaven [completed] (physician!Yunho x herbalist!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Yeosang Fics

Entropy (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟

lessons in intimacy (camboy!yeosang x reader) by @honeyhotteoks🔥🌟

Better (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia Rival AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Salty tears, agog whispers (pirate!Yeosang x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

matcha latte [completed] (Yeosang x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

San Fics

back to you [completed] (badboy!San x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

1024UB [completed] (San x Reader | Non-idol Fwb AU) by @bro-atz 🔥

champagne problems [ongoing] (trainee!San x heiress!Reader) by @mingigoo 🔥🌟 no smut yet tho

ceilings [completed] (gym teacher!San x single mom!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Serendipity [completed] (San x Reader | College SMAU) by @staytinys

Mist (San x spirit medium(?)!Reader | High-school AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Horizon [completed] (faerieprince!San x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

An Imprisoned Nightingale (pirate!San x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

mocha [completed] (San x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter 🌟

Love to Hate You [ongoing] (royal secretary!San x female scholar!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

u got it bad (baseball player!San x reporter!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Perfidy (San x Reader | Mafia Au) by @in-san-ity 🔥

Mingi Fics

Cause Baby You're My Muse [completed] (idol!Mingi x producer!Reader) by @makeitmingi

Ditto (Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @sluttywoozi 🔥

Wave (teacher!Mingi x teacher!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Fine Line of Our Worlds (pirate!Mingi x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

iced tea [completed] (Mingi x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Wooyoung Fics

tins without labels [discontinued] (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🌟

Wooyoung's Playlist (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥 spin-off from subtle variations of heartbreak

Midnight Kisses [completed] (best friend!Wooyoung x single mom!Reader ft. San) by @mingigoo 🔥

made for this (churchboy(?)!Wooyoung x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥🌟

Good Lil Boy (prince!Wooyoung x Princess!reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🔥🌟

If Without You (best friend!Wooyoung x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Heavy is the head that wears the crown (pirate!Wooyoung x princess!Reader | Black Ocean) by 🌟

cold brew [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Take Me Away (investigator!Wooyoung x courtesan!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Jongho Fics

Zemblanity (Jongho x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟

Secret Garden [ongoing] (prince!Jongho x Reader | SMAU) by @staytinys

Time of Love (brother's best friend!Jongho x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Lullaby of the seas (pirate!Jongho x siren!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

caramel macchiato [completed] (Jongho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU)


ahhh thank you for including project make you love me in this incredible list!! 🥰 truly honored!!



Stink's Ultimate Ateez Rec List (1)

As of 18/5/24

🌟 = personal all-time favorite 🔥 = smut

OT8/Multiple Members

poly!Ateez/poly!ship name x reader = all members are in a relationship with each other

Ot8/shipname x reader = all members are after/share reader

Ateez/Member x reader = all members are after or have been/will be with reader individually

Circus [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Hybrid AU) by @lani-heart🔥🌟

Blinding Lights [ongoing] (poly!Seongjoong(?) x Reader | Mafia AU) by @kpoppers-anonymous 🔥🌟

Player 1117 [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Dark Fantasy Otome AU) by @peachesyeo 🌟

like the moon [ongoing] (poly!Ateez x Reader | Non-idol Clan(?) AU) by @sunmoonjune 🌟 no smut (yet?) but rated mature

pirate king [completed] (pirate!Hongjoong x Reader, pirate!Wooyoung x Reader) by @chaseatinydream 🌟

Cleopatra [ongoing] (Ot8(?) x pharaoh!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥🌟

Dragon From the Window [ongoing] (poly!dragon!Ateez x witch!Reader) by @thelargefrye 🔥

subtle variations of heartbreak [completed] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟

Starring Role [completed] (San x Reader, Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥🌟

blurred lines and lies [completed] (Yeosang x Reader, Jongho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @yuyusuyu

time of love [completed] (poly!Woosan x reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @desayunho 🔥🌟

this night together [ongoing] (alpha!yungi x omega!reader) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥🌟

Coffee House Diaries SERIES [6/8 completed | 2/8 ongoing] (Ateez x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @escapewriter

Misfits [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @tainsan 🌟 no smut yet but I think there will be

His to Take [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader, Yeosang x Reader | High-school AU) by @santheestallion 🔥

Gentle (owner!Seonghwa x bunny hybrid!reader x fox hybrid!wooyoung) by @cheollipop 🔥

Black Ocean SERIES [completed] (pirate!Ateez x Reader) by @bvidzsoo!

whichever way [ongoing] (poly!woosan x aro!reader) by @igbylicious poly might not be the best descriptor for this one but it's okay they all fuckin 🔥🌟

murphy's law [completed] (alien!poly(?)!Ot8(?) X Reader) by @atzfilm all members are soulmates but not all romantically involved 🔥

We Ransacked The City [completed] (rich snobs!Seongjoong x reader) by @tenelkadjowrites 🔥

sway with me [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Space AU) by @luvt0kki 🔥

Our Precious [ongoing] (Ot8 x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @xerotiny99 🔥

Seonghwa Fics

mr & mrs park. (Seonghwa x Reader | Mafia AU) by @baekhvuns 🔥🌟

you're the one that I want [completed] (bad boy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

playing with fire [completed] (sugar daddy!Seonghwa x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

The Way to His Heart [completed] (general!Seonghwa x Reader | Joseon Era Arranged Marriage AU) by @edenesth

amazing grace (churchboy(?)!Seonghwa x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Take Me Home [completed] (faerie prince!Seonghwa x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Compass of Our Hearts (pirate!Seonghwa x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

iced americano [completed] (Seonghwa x Reader | Non-idol SMAU) by @escapewriter

Hongjoong Fics

Wanbelyn [completed] (surgeon!single dad!Hongjoong x nurse!nanny!Reader| SMAU) by @songmingisthighs 🌟

marigold (frat boy!Hongjoong x best friend!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3! 🔥

Blue Skies [completed] (producer!Hongjoong x single mom!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17

I'm the One (prince!Hongjoong x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

The Nightfury (pirate captain!Hongjoong x pirate captain!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

White Love (ice prince!Hongjoong x fire princess!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Stitched Hearts [completed] (dressmaker!Hongjoong x noblewoman!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Yunho Fics

Music of the Heart [ongoing] (ex-childhood friend!Yunho x Reader | SMAU) by @noonaishere 🌟

The Cat and Dog Game [ongoing] (restaurant owner!Yunho x chef!Reader) by @makeitmingi

Project: Make You Love Me [completed] (Yunho x Reader ft. fboy!Seonghwa | Non-idol AU) by @hwaslayer 🔥🌟

killing me (frat boy!Yunho x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Seeing Myself in You [completed] (idol!Yunho x idol!Reader | SMAU) by @hanniiesuckle17 🔥

Guerilla (serial killer!surgeon!Yunho x crime fiction author!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Promise (prince!Yunho x princess!Reader | Arranged Marriage AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

opposites attract (tutor!Yunho x popular!Reader) by @tainsan 🔥

the drill (Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @byuntrash101 🔥

summer's dive/summer's storm/summer's end (brother's best friend!Yunho x Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥

summer nights/summer's end (roommate!Yunho x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @honeyhotteoks 🔥

the fall (idol!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @honeyhotteoks

dance for you [completed] (dancer!Yunho x dancer!Reader) by @santheestallion 🔥🌟

Irrevocable Love (pirate!Yunho x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo 🌟

chai latte [ongoing] (Yunho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Little Touch of Heaven [completed] (physician!Yunho x herbalist!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Yeosang Fics

Entropy (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟

lessons in intimacy (camboy!yeosang x reader) by @honeyhotteoks🔥🌟

Better (Yeosang x Reader | Mafia Rival AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Salty tears, agog whispers (pirate!Yeosang x reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

matcha latte [completed] (Yeosang x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

San Fics

back to you [completed] (badboy!San x Reader) by @ateezmakemeweep 🔥🌟

1024UB [completed] (San x Reader | Non-idol Fwb AU) by @bro-atz 🔥

champagne problems [ongoing] (trainee!San x heiress!Reader) by @mingigoo 🔥🌟 no smut yet tho

ceilings [completed] (gym teacher!San x single mom!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Serendipity [completed] (San x Reader | College SMAU) by @staytinys

Mist (San x spirit medium(?)!Reader | High-school AU) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Horizon [completed] (faerieprince!San x OC) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

An Imprisoned Nightingale (pirate!San x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

mocha [completed] (San x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter 🌟

Love to Hate You [ongoing] (royal secretary!San x female scholar!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

u got it bad (baseball player!San x reporter!Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥

Perfidy (San x Reader | Mafia Au) by @in-san-ity 🔥

Mingi Fics

Cause Baby You're My Muse [completed] (idol!Mingi x producer!Reader) by @makeitmingi

Ditto (Mingi x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @sluttywoozi 🔥

Wave (teacher!Mingi x teacher!Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Fine Line of Our Worlds (pirate!Mingi x Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

iced tea [completed] (Mingi x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Wooyoung Fics

tins without labels [discontinued] (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🌟

Wooyoung's Playlist (Wooyoung x Reader | Non-idol AU) by @nonclassyparty 🔥 spin-off from subtle variations of heartbreak

Midnight Kisses [completed] (best friend!Wooyoung x single mom!Reader ft. San) by @mingigoo 🔥

made for this (churchboy(?)!Wooyoung x Reader) by @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥🌟

Good Lil Boy (prince!Wooyoung x Princess!reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🔥🌟

If Without You (best friend!Wooyoung x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic

Heavy is the head that wears the crown (pirate!Wooyoung x princess!Reader | Black Ocean) by 🌟

cold brew [completed] (Wooyoung x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter

Take Me Away (investigator!Wooyoung x courtesan!Reader | The Way to His Heart Spinoff) by @edenesth

Jongho Fics

Zemblanity (Jongho x Reader | Mafia AU) by @in-san-ity 🔥🌟

Secret Garden [ongoing] (prince!Jongho x Reader | SMAU) by @staytinys

Time of Love (brother's best friend!Jongho x Reader) by @sorryimananti-romantic 🌟

Lullaby of the seas (pirate!Jongho x siren!Reader | Black Ocean) by @bvidzsoo

caramel macchiato [completed] (Jongho x Reader | Coffee House Diaries SMAU) by @escapewriter


Thank you for the mention! ♥️

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