
I have seized the light

@tofixtheshadows / tofixtheshadows.tumblr.com

"Stare. Pry. Listen. Eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Call me Dea. 33, white, bisexual. Consumed by image-making and storytelling. Come say hi!
Anonymous asked:

i love that elves are properly shown as imperial powers in DM. i'm personally clapping and cheering with every post you make on the matter. race doesn't quite exist in DM as we understand it in our reality (where skin color is used to box people into groups) but kui EVOKES it a lot and definitely takes advantage of real-world impulses and biases despite them not quite manifesting in DM the exact same way.

my favorite instance of it is how the elves of the west ("western civilization" which are also, conveniently, in the north) abuse and suck a region in the global south I Mean Utaya dry, and how they try to do it over and over and over again at the expense of the local populations there. it's such a good parallel.

It's really well done. Like, the elves have a very good reason to be there anytime a dungeon develops, they are theoretically keeping a demon from devouring the world ... but good intentions or not, it still allows them to throw their weight around and seize control of land and resources that they deem "lesser" races unfit to steward. All while not telling them what's really going on, and going around and snatching up random civilians around the world to throw them in prison.

Plus, as I've talked about before, Kabru implies that the Canaries were to blame for how Utaya went down. And he might be right! We don't know. But even if they weren't, best case scenario is still everything I said above.

I commend Kui for giving this storyline to a person of color in a majority white cast, and for giving him a fairly explicit (for Dunmeshi at least) racial identity.


My first reply got cut off but originally I was talking about how common it is for fantasy writers to fall into the "fantasy racism, but everyone is white" trap, and how deftly Kui subverts this by both being extremely in depth about how the differences between her fantasy races shape their societies, and by commenting on this with characters like Kabru and Thistle.

Anonymous asked:

i love that elves are properly shown as imperial powers in DM. i'm personally clapping and cheering with every post you make on the matter. race doesn't quite exist in DM as we understand it in our reality (where skin color is used to box people into groups) but kui EVOKES it a lot and definitely takes advantage of real-world impulses and biases despite them not quite manifesting in DM the exact same way.

my favorite instance of it is how the elves of the west ("western civilization" which are also, conveniently, in the north) abuse and suck a region in the global south I Mean Utaya dry, and how they try to do it over and over and over again at the expense of the local populations there. it's such a good parallel.

It's really well done. Like, the elves have a very good reason to be there anytime a dungeon develops, they are theoretically keeping a demon from devouring the world ... but good intentions or not, it still allows them to throw their weight around and seize control of land and resources that they deem "lesser" races unfit to steward. All while not telling them what's really going on, and going around and snatching up random civilians around the world to throw them in prison.

Plus, as I've talked about before, Kabru implies that the Canaries were to blame for how Utaya went down. And he might be right! We don't know. But even if they weren't, best case scenario is still everything I said above.

I commend Kui for giving this storyline to a person of color in a majority white cast, and for giving him a fairly explicit (for Dunmeshi at least) racial identity.

Anonymous asked:

Hi hello! I hope you’re having a good day/night!

This morning I saw your post about Kabru’s complicated relationship with food and how that ties into his past and PTSD and how he is as a whole and I lost my marbles a little (/pos). Food as a metaphor for anything is one of my absolute favorite things ever and I may or may not have spent over an hour scrolling through the rest of your posts about Kabru because he’s genuinely such an interesting character and your analysis of him was wonderful to read. The concept of him not eating in a series so focused on the importance of eating is just so fascinating and the depth it gives to his character makes me feel like I need to bite something (again, /pos).

I’m not sure where I was going with this, I just wanted to tell you that your analysis was absolutely delicious (in dungeon, haha) and I haven’t stopped thinking about it all day. If you had more to add to it at all I’d love to hear it but if not that’s cool too!! Thank you for making him rotate in my brain at high speeds all day and probably the rest of the week now, too.

Sorry this got so long 😅 I hope you have a lovely week 🫶

Hello! Thank you so much, I'm always really happy to hear that my posts have resonated with someone.

I don't have anything smart to add right now, but I'm sure I'll have more to talk about again soon. I've always got thoughts simmering on the back burner haha.

Take care!


Every time someone acts completely nonplussed about the occurrence of fandom racism I'm just like. What kind of world are you living in? Even if you're just skimming the surface of a fandom, if you see a nonwhite character in the media you should automatically assume that fandom is going to treat them unfairly. This is racism 101. Especially on this website where most people are reblogging or at least exposed to posts discussing real-world racism and the way it's interwoven into our daily lives. You think that all stops if it's fiction? You just haven't seen it personally. Or you think you haven't.

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