
I have not been keeping up with idw star trek 2022


pronouns may vary | 20 | Lakota/white | #1 cisphobe | autistic + adhd + oh y'know | pain haver | leftist anarchist

Whatever. It's a beautiful hot summer's day and I'm eating the most perfect peach

Why don't you ponder the beauty of sunlight and ripe fruit


Whatever. It's a beautiful hot summer's day and I'm eating the most perfect peach


One day we'll all stop moralizing animal behavior and people will stop being Like That about it


Everybody is so weird about pitbulls like including people who overcorrect to be like "this is my dog Princess πŸŽ€ who I have not trained but she would never bite somebody trust me" but imo there's definitely a cycle happening with, like... how many of them are rescues with behavioral problems & then people go See? They Bite People & it's like. Yeah dude they're rescue dogs with behavioral problems. This isn't, like, breed specific


Something very linguistically interesting is happening with Cunt


Endlessly obsessed with the move of having Vulcans be Vulcan while also having a heat cycle so intense they can actually die from it. Imagine going to the omegaverse planet and everyone's just like. We don't talk about that.

That's kind of real honestly. The freakiest people are always, like, deeply repressed. Or at least previously were. This is a well documented phenomenon. Spock's like Jim I'm so horny I may actually snap you in half. It's very uncouth and genuinely dangerous & Kirk's standing there fully erect and he's like That's a risk I'm willing to take. For my crew


Endlessly obsessed with the move of having Vulcans be Vulcan while also having a heat cycle so intense they can actually die from it. Imagine going to the omegaverse planet and everyone's just like. We don't talk about that.


Thinking about "convinced they're a monster, terrified of getting close to people because they don't want to hurt them" x "you're not a monster to me but like I'm also a little into it when you get scary ngl" this sounds really specific but I've had several pairs of blorbos like that

Vulnerability issues x kinky bastard gets me every time. It's about the "I don't want to hurt you" and the "you won't ...........but I mean if you wanted to? πŸ‘€"


...Yknow yeah I can see it. Not my personal read of the specific vibe going on with Spock's Repression but that's basically what happened on amok time so yknow. About once every seven years it's spirk


Being vaguely familiar with the basics of a lot of different scientific fields always has me sitting here like. Well I'm not especially well versed in this but I know what it is and somehow that gives me a leg up on like 90% of people apparently


Deeply fascinated by the people who heard rightful criticism of generative AI (i.e. chatgpt etc) and decided all machine learning is evil or something. You sound like a scifi villain. You sound like the character who's wrong on an episode of star trek. That's not how this works

I feel like some people's takeaway from the 2020s AI Boom and Immediate Backlash has been "the computers... are evil?" When it's more like. The computers are tools and the entities with the most money to develop them are megacorporations with 0 regard for ethics re: data privacy, plagiarism, wasting a fuckload of energy, etc. Like it's not sentient and it's not gonna Get You it's just our cool new future capitalistic exploitation. You're getting mad at a hammer instead of the guy hitting people with it


Deeply fascinated by the people who heard rightful criticism of generative AI (i.e. chatgpt etc) and decided all machine learning is evil or something. You sound like a scifi villain. You sound like the character who's wrong on an episode of star trek. That's not how this works


Being a kid who hated kids (I don't anymore because children are people πŸ‘) was so funny like honey that's socializing. You're just autistic

I never got along with other kids my age or younger and the whole time I was like. This is because I'm a secret third category of person. I'm some manner of Short Adult. I'd be at the halloween party talking to somebody's mom

Like I never quite saw myself as the same type of creature as Children. Especially as I got older like entering the tween zone. And now I'm a normal sized adult and I no longer beef with kids probably at least in part due to not being expected to behave as peers anymore. I'm the same as I ever was


Being a kid who hated kids (I don't anymore because children are people πŸ‘) was so funny like honey that's socializing. You're just autistic

I never got along with other kids my age or younger and the whole time I was like. This is because I'm a secret third category of person. I'm some manner of Short Adult. I'd be at the halloween party talking to somebody's mom


Being a kid who hated kids (I don't anymore because children are people πŸ‘) was so funny like honey that's socializing. You're just autistic


The best way to get cis people to use they/them for you is to say you specifically don't use they/them

I cheated the cistem by going by they/them and then changing to binary pronouns for a while and changing back again without telling them


The best way to get cis people to use they/them for you is to say you specifically don't use they/them


Otc pain meds being lowkey poisonous is crazy because having chronic pain will have you playing liver failure chicken at age 20

Take the medicine there is no honor in suffering for no reason etc but also I hurt all the time so I have to edge my liver and if it ever cums I die

That's why the french call it that

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