
Rose Wood



  • Terakhir diperbarui 2023-11-30
  • Semua jenis postingan
  • Warna kustom
  • Resolusi tinggi
  • Lokalisasi
  • Cari
  • Tagar

Some features include:

  • The ability to view full posts on the index page with the use of pop-ups. There is also an option to hide full text, chat and quote posts on the index page. However, full audio, video, link and answer posts are hidden as a default.
  • A day and night toggle button that stays in night mode until you turn it off!
  • Your choice of two or three columns. You can also choose between infinite scroll, manual load or pagination.
  • Responsive layout to ensure its usability as a mobile theme.
  • One photo photoset posts that are reminiscent of the Tumblr archive.
  • An optional updates tab that will disappear automatically if there is nothing written in the text box named "updates." You also have choices to choose from if you want to change the updates tab icon (bell, megaphone and more).
  • The font size and font family are customizable. To change the font family, please refer to Google's fonts site!
  • Optional rounded corners. 
  • An optional drop-down menu with 4 custom links. The theme also supports page links.

Dukungan tema: [email protected]

A responsive all-in-one theme that includes the option to hide the about, navigation and/or blogroll sections!
Terakhir diperbarui 2024-03-21
A responsive sidebar theme with a slide-out menu!
Terakhir diperbarui 2024-03-21
A responsive, all-in-one theme that includes the option to hide the about, navigation, muses, following, and recently liked sections!
Terakhir diperbarui 2023-11-14