



  • Last updated 2024-03-21
  • All post types
  • Custom colors
  • Custom images
  • High res
  • Localization
  • Search
  • Tags


  • Day and night toggle button that will stay in the selected mode until it is turned off. A light mode option is available for those who prefer a light color scheme on their blogs instead of the default dark colors. The day and night mode button will also change according to the scheme you are using.
  • You can choose between a left or right sidebar. Both layouts are responsive on multiple screens including mobile.
  • A slide-out menu with 4 custom links and a social media section that can be hidden.
  • You can also choose icons that you like for the menu and sidebar links from Boxicons. Please refer to the theme guide linked below for more information.
  • Includes custom like and reblog buttons, a custom "Not Found" page, a searchbar and updates tab.
  • This theme also supports NPF posts and page links.


  • If you have a FAQ page, you can toggle the option on and insert the link to your FAQ. The FAQ link will replace your ask link in the sidebar.
  • A greyscale option is also available. This will make all images black and white. The color will show up when you hover over the post.
  • Instead of giving you a selection of post sizes to choose from, you can type in your desired post size (i.e. 500px or 400px).
  • There is a selection of border styles, image styles, and header styles to choose from.
  • A different sidebar image is optional. Instead of your avatar image, you can upload another image like a gif. Dimensions must be a square.
  • A custom title and/or description. To activate the custom title and description options, just type anything in the text boxes "Custom Title" and "Custom Description."
  • Show or hide tags and/or captions on the index page. You can also hide the Tumblr controls on the index page.
  • The font size and font family are also customizable. To change the font family, please refer to this site!


  • The searchbar will be hidden automatically if you have the option to hide your blog from search results enabled. The updates tab will also be hidden if the text box titled "Updates" is empty.
  • For an in-depth explanation and tutorial on how to customize the theme to your liking, please refer to the theme guide! Everything you need to know will be addressed there.

If you have any questions or are experiencing problems, please contact me here

Theme support: [email protected]

Rose Wood
Rose Wood
A theme inspired by Tumblr's archive!
Last updated 2023-11-30
A responsive all-in-one theme that includes the option to hide the about, navigation and/or blogroll sections!
Last updated 2024-03-21
A responsive, all-in-one theme that includes the option to hide the about, navigation, muses, following, and recently liked sections!
Last updated 2023-11-14