
hello love

@theinconvenientlifestyle / theinconvenientlifestyle.tumblr.com

new mum, desi, post a lot of screenshots sometimes, forgive me if I'm uncommunicative right now

I want to bring another fundraiser to your attention. In the link above, Fadi Ayyad has told the story of his family, who lost their home in Northern Gaza and have been forced to evacuate to the south.

Fadi is a high school student who wishes to graduate and further his studies. And his father, Ayman is a well-respected and known Gazan educator, who has lost his source of livelihood during this war.

Their lives have become a constant struggle for survival, from trying to secure what food and water they can to the constant bombardment and raids by the Israeli military which threaten to take their lives at any time.

Their situation is dire. They require $35,000 to evacuate their 8 family members and after 1 month they have not even gone over $1000 yet.

Help this family reach their goal and evacuate to Egypt, where they can get back a semblance of stability and safety. Donate if you can, and please share!

You can also reach Ayman on tumblr @aymanayyad81

"I was lining up a photo when I felt my face explode," Tirado wrote in an op-ed for NBC News that June. "My goggles came off and my face was suddenly burning and leaking liquid, the gas mixing with the blood. I threw up my arms and started screaming, 'Press, I'm press,' although I'm not sure if anyone could hear me with my breathing apparatus and the general chaos around me." Tirado permanently lost vision in her left eye, which led to additional complications like dizziness and lack of depth perception. The National Press Club said it had learned that Tirado also suffered a traumatic brain injury from the blow, and developed dementia as a result. "While we she has battled, her condition has continued to worsen to the point she is at life's end and receiving palliative care," it wrote. Writer Noah Berlatsky, a friend of Tirado's, wrote on his Substack that she had been struggling with "short-term memory troubles," adding, "She still has some lucid moments, but they're becoming more infrequent."

From a bullet classified as non-lethal


Ahmed and Tala are two young videographers from Gaza who have been making short documentary style videos on the realities of daily life in Rafah. They cover topics that are often overlooked when discussing the genocide. In this video, for example, they talk about how waste management systems have collapsed and the impact on refugees' health.

Content warning: breif images of decaying animals in the waste.

Israel is committing ecocide by deliberately causing long term environmental damage in Gaza that will impact future generations. Creating desperate situations where proper waste management is impossible to maintain is but one aspect of Israel's attack on Gaza. We have also seen the use of white phosphorus, the destruction of farm land, and killing indigenous plants.

For more on ecocide, I recommend the Guardian article Ecocide in Gaza by Kaamil Ahmed, Damien Gayle and Aseel Mousa.

Ahmed is on Instagram @ ahmed.ys3. Tala is on Instagram @ tala__darwish. Both of them have Go Fund Me campaigns to help them evacuate/survive in Gaza.

Ahmed's link: https://gofund.me/1e3eaa69

Tala's link:

Available Go Fund Me campaigns for people whose stories have been shared on watermelllonarchive can be found in the resources post.


Some of y’all really think racism in America looks like this:

When it really looks like this

You are not exempt from racism just because your country’s version is not the same as ours


Oh def reblogging this version


I thought it would be Australia tbh


8 months of Genocide and, 15,500 children killed

30,000 orphans

35,000 child amputees ( Gaza has the largest population of child amputees in the world)

and there are people out there still justifying this??? like are you not human enough?



I don't know why there are fake people distorting our image. I am Moataz from northern Gaza, a graphic designer, and this is my Instagram account. I photographed almost the entirety of northern Gaza. You can visit it and make sure. Unfortunately, we have gone through a lot and there is no passion to delve into the controversy of what is happening outside the world.

For this reason, I unfortunately do not receive any donations

This is my campaign, and I will continue to fight to reach its long-term goal and rebuild my home, just as I fought throughout 257 days of war to stay alive. This is all not for me, but for the sake of my daughter, my wife, and our future children. My brother was martyred a week ago, and this is the biggest thing that has happened to me in this war, but I cannot surrender. I will keep trying just for the sake of my family.

30 minutes


30 minutes


30 minutes

13 minutes 🚨🚨

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