
I don't think cis people realize, or maybe they just don't care, how they idea that they would rather encounter a bear in the forest than a man directly feeds into transphobia.

Behind this decision to choose a bear over a man is the belief that being around a man, particularly in an isolated environment, is the most dangerous scenario that a woman could possibly be in.

If a woman feels this way, that she'd prefer to be in an isolated environment in close proximity to a bear than a man, how do you think that woman might feel about, say, being in a bathroom with a man? Or someone who she perceives as a man?

How do you think this woman's fear of being in a bathroom with a man (or a "man"), her belief that it's the worst possible scenario for her, might affect trans people?

Sometimes praxis makes people completely unable to deal with practical realities like the fact that other people don't agree with them, so they'll read something like this and just go "well transwomen aren't men, duh", ignoring that transwomen not being men doesn't change the fact that an irrational hatred of men and the expectation they literally can't control themselves is nonetheless a key driver of transmisogyny, because they think we're men and treat us as though we were.

I feel like it should not be difficult for people to recognize that "trans women aren't men*" and "transmisogynists are misgendering trans women and saying they don't belong in womens bathrooms because they're 'men'" are both true statements and don't contradict each other in the slightest. The fact that transphobes don't respect trans people as their real genders is like, transphobia 101, why are people struggling to understand this.

*some trans women are men and that's totally okay because multigender people are great, but trans women generally aren't men

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