

@the-king-of-lemons / the-king-of-lemons.tumblr.com

i post about whatever i want you can deal | call me lemons or king or whatever else you can come up with | They/Them | fuck sideblogs everything goes here | not a minor | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | what the fuck

kind of a post.

pinned post of tags bc tumblrs search function is broken as fuck

feel free to like*/rb spam my blog i do not give a shit (*if youre gonna like spam at least reblog a few posts or ill think youre a bot)

am i on post limit? not yet

queue is mostly just rbs of fanart/original art have fun

if you see my memes reposted anywhere tell me because i have a huge ego and wanna see, if you see my art reposted let me know so i can tell them to take it down bc dont fucking repost art shitheads


Honestly if there's ONE thing I wish I could get all queer people to understand is that if you're in a situation where you know everyone would treat you differently, especially to the point of it putting your life in danger, if they found out you're queer, you aren't experiencing privilege, you're in a hostage situation.

Like sorry experiencing "passing privilege" is actually just being trapped in a room with a bloodthirsty t-rex and having people tell you that you should be thankful because thier vision is based on movement and you can just stand still. It's not a privilege to be erased, to have to lie to everyone around you to stay safe-ish, to have to closet yourself because you know even a single step out of line could be the end of your entire world.

None of us should have to be thankful to stand in front of a loaded gun while the person holding it goes "haha, don't worry, I only use this on faggots, and you're not a fag....right?" Like this is not a net good and it has almost nothing in common with actually being part of a privileged group.

Anyway, Happy Pride, let's leave this shit behind.


I think I’m gonna stop using tumblr search to find posts made by and for trans guys bc everytime I search ‘trans man’ on tumblr i see posts of people trying to act like trans men breathing is misogynistic

Like oh no someone headcanoned a character as a gay trans man. Gonna cry. Gonna piss your pants maybe?


Real question is why do people have such a huge issue with trans people headcanoning female characters to be trans men? Why are we restricted to characters that are canonically male? It's almost like the people who complain about this have a problem with someone of an assumed gender becoming another gender!

#How do you think we all got here. We were all female characters who got the chance to become real people and we did it by becoming men.#Sorry that I saw myself in a fictional women#I was only trapped living my life as a fictional women for several painful decades.#Sorry I connected to a character that reminded me of when I desperately needed to change who I was#Sorry I made your blorbo a boy. That was so evil of me. Sorry I erased a beautiful female character when I transitioned.


"Haha I'm a trans man but I'm in a male dominate field so I delayed my transition!" So you were shamed into staying closeted. How is that funny.

The idea that trans men and afab enbies need to misgender themselves so they can be used as objects for cis women's rights will always be transphobia and a gateway into terf rhetoric.

Is this real, though? This sounds like op made up a guy, I have never heard anything like this from anyone.

I was referencing this post, which I had seen minutes before I made this:

But other than that, yes it happens, all the time? Trans men and many nonbinary people are pressured to stay in the closet to not lose friends, to keep their scholarships, to retain jobs, to be able to stay in certain programs or schools, just because they find their transition embarrassing or "a blow to feminism," etc, and it's sometimes seen as "stealing resources from women" when they transition. Like the post I'm referencing, it's often presented as a joke, I just don't find it funny to admit that your support systems are so bad you think not transitioning is a win.


hell im a trans man thats fairly visibly queer, have my ID updated with my sex, and my dream since i was a kid was to get into engineering, or be an electrician. so many programs or unions or sponsorships or scholarships in the city i live in are specifically focused on getting more women into STEM/trades. i do not pass as a woman, my identification and records all state that im male, but i am still trans. i still have to deal with a lot of barriers to get into these fields.

but i end up having to ask whether i should misgender or out myself with every application. i dont get the respect that a (cis, abled, white, straight, middle to upper class) man otherwise would but im also not easily considered as a diversity hire. i keep wondering if i made a mistake by transitioning before applying for these things. i keep thinking about how my aptitude for engineering was praised as some feminist girlboss thing until i transitioned and somehow none of that wwas remarkable anymore.

Fun fact, trans men and nonbinary people earn 70 cents for every dollar a typical worker earns. So the idea that trans men are "privileged" when entering a field is bullshit.


Happy birthday pearlo @pearlescentmoo !! luv ya and yer content🫶🫶:3

Without the text ver:

I just realized i forgot to add a silly birthday hat🥲 oh welp


Shout out to the best fanfiction insert streamer of all time, Pac. Man was a longtime viewer of a niche Minecraft YouTuber and when the time came he immediately jumped into doing gay roleplay with said YouTuber and since that server ended he’s now made them both in the sims 4 with their surrogate child and he streams that shit for hours. Parasocial who I don’t think this community has stepped up its game enough

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