


[icon of Quentin Coldwater, a frog, by @fishfingersandscarves]

Prayers for all the gay clowns trying to grow out old undercuts but now it's pride month and hot out and they wanna look hot while out but they're still in the ridiculous, eternal half-ponytail hair phase and resisting the urge to shave it all every day clutching the sides of the sink pleading to the mirror like "no. No! it'll be worth it. it'll be worth it." Stay strong, warriors


There's gotta be a better way of talking about fatigue cause I'll be standing there in the fucking trenches like thousand yard stare and I explain this as "I didn't sleep well last night." & everyone's just like "lol that's Sleepy Kurt! Why don't you go to bed earlier" I'll kill us both


whoever made the decision to make umpires wear cameras... you are a legend

this is genuinely the funniest thing i've ever seen


beg for your life, tennis boy


[id: two photos of a tennis player arguing with an umpire. he appears small due to being viewed from the umpire's perspective. /end id]

[continuation of id: The camera must be mounted above the umpire's head bc we are at least 2 feet above the tennis player. he (the tennis player) looks first dismayed and then distraught. end id]


β€œIf you want my body AND you think I’m sexy, come on baby let me know,” sings Rod Stewart. He puts a lot of emphasis on that conjunction, which I take to mean that both conditions must hold before the imperative consequence obtains. Thus, if you think he’s sexy but you don’t want his body (perhaps he is only astrally sexy), you don’t have to let him know. Likewise, if you want his body but you don’t think he’s sexy (perhaps you want his body for science, or meat) he doesn’t want to hear about it.


told my cabbie for the 3am airport trip that I was feeling a bit nauseous and he immediately took my bag away from me and said "Trip to the airport is 12 dollars. I'll drive slow." and then he did-- no fast corners, very gentle stops at the lights. and I was willing to pay the extra few dollars for it, but when the meter hit $12 he clicked stop and let me ride the rest of the way free. and it might just be the insanity of waking up at 2:30 after 4 hours of sleep but I was really emotional about it. Like ok Mr Sandeep, the world is still good actually.


the real danger of spending too much time with friends is you stumble out of ten days of happiness and good food like oh my god THAT was real life. my job means NOTHING


lol nice outfit loser *puts phone up to ear* huh…? what? oh um- okay. anyway 1828 called. they said they found something really really scary in goya’s house


The DC Dyke March was hundreds of dykes, ALL MASKED, 100% MASKING, marching through the streets of DC against genocide in Palestine in 60+% humidity and 90ish degree heat, including disabled dykes of all kinds.

Organizers, you CAN make masking mandatory for events AND enforce it easily. It’ll work.

You ain’t gotta be perfect! I spent most of 2022-2023 unmasked bc I fell for the propaganda too and after two years isolated I wanted to be a slut and felt I couldn’t do that in a mask. But you’re allowed to change your beliefs and do better. You can care about disabled folks!

If you wanna see/know more about DC dyke march, check out their insta: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7-bV3RxN48/?igsh=a2tyb2c5c3JnbWd5

Video can be seen via news reporting: https://youtu.be/CicuypJ7JWw?si=zhGI2VUZylUmZ5qS

In the mystery and the energy of loving, we all view time’s shadow upon the beloved as wretchedly as any of Poe’s narrators. We do not think of it every day, but we never forget it: the beloved shall grow old, or ill, and be taken away finally. No matter how ferociously we fight, how tenderly we love, how bitterly we argue, how pervasively we berate the universe, how cunningly we hide, this is what shall happen. In the wide circles of timelessness, everything material and temporal will fail, including the manifestation of the beloved. In this universe we are given two gifts: the ability to love, and the ability to ask questions. Which are, at the same time, the fires that warm us and the fires that scorch us.

Mary Oliver, The Bright Eyes of Eleonora: Poe’s Dream of Recapturing the Impossible

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