
i love learning, i hate school


youth liberation | teacher in training | netherlands | 23 | BLANK/EMPTY ACCOUNTS WILL BE BLOCKED!!!!

Random writing tips that my history professor just told during class that are actually helpful

  • Download all your sources or print them so you can turn off your wifi
  • Give your phone to someone
  • Just. WRITE. Writing is analysing, you’ll get more ideas as you write. It doesn’t need to be perfect, for now you can just blurt out words and ideas randomly. You can fix it later.
  • Create a skeleton/structure before writing.
  • Stop before you get exhausted. It’s best to stop writing when you still have some energy and inspiration left, this will also motivate you to get started again next time.
  • Make a to do list
  • Work in bite sizes. Even if it’s not much, as long as you put some ideas on paper or do some editing.
  • Simple language =/= boring language, simple language = clear language.
  • Own your words. If they are not your words, state this clearly in the text, not just in the footnotes.
  • STOP BEFORE YOU GET EXHAUSTED. Listing it again because it’s easily one of the best tips a teacher has ever given me.

Hello! I am new to studyblr and I decided to dedicate my blog to whatever I am studying at that moment.

My interest lies mostly in languages and history, and I study Celtic Languages and Culture at university.

Here are some of my notes!

^ celtic studies and some classical archeology ^

^ Tagalog and Baybayin ^

If you have a blog with similar subjects please interact so I can follow you ^-^

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