
The Inscrutable Exhortations of my Soul

@tanoraqui / tanoraqui.tumblr.com

Only found in comets...and in trace amounts in blueberries. (NevillesGran on AO3, Thobbit on ff.net but that's not as good. Search this blog for the niche crossovers of your dreams, which I make up when I should be asleep.)

re-reading the end arena scene in the first hunger games book and i really don't think the movie did it justice. katniss and peeta are literally covered in blood (fresh and dried), and dirt. their hair is matted, peeta can't even stand on his own. they’re both almost skeletons. when they realize the capitols going to make them kill each other peeta throws away his knife but katniss has so much ptsd she almost shoots him without even thinking when she sees him raise a knife, and then panics realizing what shes doing even though peeta is almost begging her to let him die. he's so close to death that he knows even uncovering his wound (which he does) will be letting katniss win. when katniss comes up with the plan to eat the berries the berries are FULLY in their mouths, and they can taste them before the gamekeeper call it off. and peeta gives her a 'very gentle' kiss (in katniss's own words) before they eat the berries. peeta passes out the second they're on the helicopter and katniss is so feral they sedate her from behind after she’s done screaming for peeta

everything about this scene is absolutely tragic and horribly painful.


The whole “every character is Jin Ling’s uncle” is funny in canon, but can you imagine Jin Ling graduating in a modern au, running around desperately trying to get like twelve extra tickets off of any classmates who might not need all of theirs, only so the most random collection of people you have ever seen in your life can attend—ranging from heirs to multi million dollar companies, to the cheerful man who operates the ‘Root (Vegetables) of All Evil’ produce stand at the local farmers market?


I don't want a romantic partner I want friends who will go dumpster diving with me, I want neighbors who will knock on my door and ask for butter because they forgot to buy some and it's sunday. I want book shelves in public spaces, food banks and shared tool sheds and community gardens. I want to trade home grown tomatoes for a couple of eggs with my neighbor and I want to bring food over to my friends house when I've cooked too much. I want bicycle only streets and I want people to go on spontaneous walks with. I want people to ask me for help when they need it and I want to be able to ask for help in return. I want community as a safety net. I want people to stop focusing on the vague concept of the one, who will Cure All Isolation and Loneliness. I want every single person to be able to find support and comfort around them, regardless of their relationship status.

Whether or not you still want a romantic partner is besides the point by the way. Of course you can want both, I would even expect most people to want both. The point is that society sells us romance as a fix for the lack of community. The point is people saying "you'll find someone someday" instead of saying "let's make an effort now". I don't want a romantic partner to fix a problem that goes much deeper than what they could fix. Also I'm aromantic.


Pros of letting your cat sniff your food/drink

  • Makes them feel included
  • Their reaction might be funny
  • If it's safe for them to eat it's ok if they have a little lick lick it's fine, here, have some butter, my son. Yes, numnum

Cons of letting your cat sniff your food/drink

  • They might try it and then become a fiend for that food/drink every time you have it for the rest of forever
  • They might sneeze on it

as I’ve got older I’ve realised the literal worst or most life destroying thing can happen and then u wake up the next day and it’s like. Ok now what


the cinematic migraine experience of spending the entire day like “why do i feel so bad so Suddenly what the fuck Triggered This what did i DO” and then hearing an ominous clap of thunder. and being like. ah. barometric pressure

sitting here getting increasingly grumpy all day like “ok but what is with the body-wide Unease why are the joints & muscles misbehaving why is my head made of elastic bands what have i DONE” & then got a notification for a severe thunderstorm warning. barometric pressure you motherfucker


Where's my Jewish phrase for when you people are being irrevocably horny?

“This, too, is Torah, and I must learn!”

None of these words are in the Bible: This is a very strange concept to an outsider and possibly even to me. I probably understand what this is saying but it’s kinda weird. Let’s bring attention to that.

By Allah, you people are dogs. I will reblog as always: This is gross and possibly not an appropriate thing to say publicly but I mean that in the most lighthearted and unserious way possible because clearly I found whatever you said or did entertaining enough to platform it.

This, too, is Torah, and I must learn!: Nobody asked me to look at this or platform this, I don’t have to look at this, perhaps I shouldn’t be looking at this, but I’m going to double down anyways for the bit. <-speculative analysis, needs more data of natural usage of phrase in the wild


so matt's absolutely giving scorched earth orders behind the scenes right. Not only are publically visible transfems dropping like flies, but every third person who musters up the audacity to comment negatively on Staff or Matt about this vanishes fucking instantly

Wuhoh this is quickly catching on. If I'm deactivated anytime soon, it's cuz I got nuked. I'm not going down without a fight. Y'all remember that.

someone reblog this version for posterity. If the only copy is on my blog, that vanishes with me. I honestly doubt i'll get smote but better safe than sorry yeah? I'll be fine, but if I'm not, I'm making sure the crime scene is as damning as it gets.

If you live in the EU are or an EU citizen and your account gets deleted for any reason you think isn't justified, please consider doing the following:

1. Make sure to collect evidence of what happened on your end.

2. Contact Tumblr support and tell them you are requesting your data under the GDPR and that as part of the request you want them to state what specific personal data they collected justified the deletion of your account. If they refuse to do either, state that they are under a legal obligation to provide this data to you, that they should forward your request to and put you in contact with their "Data Protections Officer", and that if they do not comply, you will alert the relevant "Data Protection Authority".

3. If in step 2 they showed evidence of some kind of discrimination or did not furnish reasonable information, or you suspect they are lying, do the following: Find either the data protection authority (DPA) of your country of residence or that of Ireland (may be a better choice if your government discriminates against queer people) on the EU website, on the website of the DPA you should be able to find guidance on how to submit a complaint. Try to follow their guidelines but also make sure that in your complaint you state that: your account was unjustifiably deleted, what measures you took under step 2, and what Tumblr responded with.

Basically your goal with the above should be to get Tumblr to show that they either had no reason to delete your account or discriminated against you when deleting it. With substantiated claims, the DPA can essentially force the company to fix their behaviour (reinstate your account) and if there is a pattern, the DPA may fine the company. You can also usually claim monetary compensation (including for e.g emotional damage) for such discrimination or other violations of the GDPR in small claims or similar court (contact a lawyer in your jurisdiction, there are quite a few that offer consumers advice who don't charge fees unless you win compensation).

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