
I liveblog and I make gifs

@swan2swan / swan2swan.tumblr.com

Check the tags "swan watches" and the show name (e.g. "swan watches bleach") or check the show name tags!

Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.

Oh, this? This is the 2000 masterpiece Titan A.E., the master animator Don Bluth's bold venture into the world of Science Fiction. Boasting script treatments by the increasingly-famous Joss Whedon and the voice talents of Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, Bill Pullman, and Nathan Lane (among others), it was also one of the first forays of a fresh new sub-studio at Fox called Blue Sky Studios!

It boasted a terrifying premise of a future where alien invaders not only overwhelmed, but physically destroyed the entire Planet Earth--dramatically depicted in a trailer that ran before every single screening of 1999's Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Boldly fusing 2D animation with 3D ships, environments, aliens, and camerawork, it was a tremendous fresh step in the world of animated cinema. Creed's "Higher" was the theme song for the trailers and TV spots.

It made negative seventy million dollars at the box office, bankrupted Fox Animation, and killed animated films forever

also i kinda think i always headcanoned Cale as a butch dyke?


I know the genie is out of the bottle and you can't go back but dear GOD I hate the mainstreamification of fandom so much

I do NOT want authors or showrunners or actors to acknowledge us or talk about fanfic or fanart or fan theories! I do NOT want people asking questions of the canon creators and getting them answered (make up your own answers, like god intended!) I do NOT want companies making jokey advertisements aimed toward fandom!

I know that fandom was never entirely underground but like... I miss that fourth wall existing, you know?


Trying to find the Heart in this film at the moment and worried it's not going to be there.

Yeah, lol, nope.

It was kinda fun for the ride, but...overall, no. We didn't meet the Quiet Place Queen or escalate the stakes, it just sort of...showed what you could infer was going to happen from the end of the prior movie.

We go on. We spread the word of the countermeasures. We start killing them.

But it was far less interesting than what I imagined.


Okay, so, do these things have any olfactory capabilities?

Because they've got all these sharp teeth, but they keep killing things and then moving on, so it doesn't look like they do much eating...do they have perfect memories of what they killed and where, so they can find their way back no problem? Do they smell things, but dimly, so only feed on carrion? Are they symbiotic with flies, do they wait for those to swarm? HOW DO THEY BIOLOGY???

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