
even baddies get saddies

@stydixa / stydixa.tumblr.com

adeline. Tracking: #useradie

Hello supporting friends ! My family and I have been suffering and struggling over staying safe and alive for almost 260 days due to the gruesome and catastrophic war over Gaza. Our house and our livelihood source have vanished with the black days of the war and we became displaced, hopeless , homeless and desperate because we can't provide the simplest daily needs . It's a tragedy and hardship. We have been living in a small dirty tent all these sad days, facing famine, terror of bombings , shortage of medical care and with no sanitation facilities . It's incredible hell on earth, and this is why I am asking you to be beside us against these sad days. Support us with the means you have either by donating whatever you can or sharing my link to other donors. Be helpful and supporter to people in need.

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