

jen | 20s | she/her | my writing

rating: explicit

chapter word count: 6,385

total word count: 76,328

The summer before his senior year of college at NYU, TK finds himself in Galveston, Texas, working at a restaurant on the beach. It’s there that he meets Carlos, a fellow server with a heartstopping smile and a need for a temporary break from his own life back in Austin. Without planning it, the two of them fall into a whirlwind romance that’s a bad idea for a million different reasons, yet they can’t figure out how to stay away.

updates on fridays

thank you to @lightningboltreader and @rmd-writes for beta reading and to @reyesstrand and @welcometololaland for the additional love and encouragement <3


rating: explicit

chapter word count: 6,385

total word count: 76,328

The summer before his senior year of college at NYU, TK finds himself in Galveston, Texas, working at a restaurant on the beach. It’s there that he meets Carlos, a fellow server with a heartstopping smile and a need for a temporary break from his own life back in Austin. Without planning it, the two of them fall into a whirlwind romance that’s a bad idea for a million different reasons, yet they can’t figure out how to stay away.

updates on fridays

thank you to @lightningboltreader and @rmd-writes for beta reading and to @reyesstrand and @welcometololaland for the additional love and encouragement <3


1.5k // T // husband shenanigans

TK has an idea for role play. Carlos isn’t totally on board.


happy birthday, @welcometololaland!! this idea came from a conversation between lola and I almost a year ago, and then a few days ago, she said: I wish someone would write the gas station attendant and customer role play. I looked at the calendar and went: oh bet 👀


Call Me (By My Name) | E | 911 Lone Star | 11/12

Chapter 2 - Call Me Maybe (TK)

Chapter 4 - Dirty Talk (TK)

Chapter 6 - Phonography (TK)

Chapter 8 - Hotline Bling (TK)

Chapter 9 - Hung Up (TK)

Chapter 10 - Hung Up (Carlos)


Ring ring, good people of Tumblr. Welcome to a Tarlos canon divergence/AU (we're not quite sure) written by Lolaland and @rmd-writes, posting every Thursday and Sunday.

Thank you to @lightningboltreader for beta reading and @strandnreyes for cheerleading!


The last thing Carlos Reyes ever expected was to find himself calling a phone sex line. But Austin feels like a small town when it comes to finding a one night stand and desperate times call for desperate measures.

The last thing TK Strand ever expected was for someone to mistake his phone number for a phone sex line. But he’s lonely, horny and the guy sounds hot, so he gives into temptation and tries his best to sound professional.


The accidental phone-sex AU.


1.5k // T // husband shenanigans

TK has an idea for role play. Carlos isn’t totally on board.


happy birthday, @welcometololaland!! this idea came from a conversation between lola and I almost a year ago, and then a few days ago, she said: I wish someone would write the gas station attendant and customer role play. I looked at the calendar and went: oh bet 👀


Hot off the presses (er...campfire?):

T.K. sandwiches his s’more together, struggling to be patient long enough for the marshmallow to cool so he doesn’t burn his entire mouth. He’s planning to put it to use when they finally retire to their tent for the night and he’d rather not miss out on fun camping sex with his husband because he was in a hurry for treats. “Oh shit.” Carlos’ surprised exclamation pulls T.K. from staring at his s’more in the firelight just in time to see his husband’s gooey marshmallow plop off his stick and into the fire. “Aw man,” Carlos says sadly as he stares at it going up in flames. T.K. finally takes a bite, chewing with his mouth open to try and release some of the heat. “See? You should have just set it on fire in the first place,” he says around a mouthful of chocolate and graham cracker.

Tagging @ladytessa74, @bonheur-cafe, @sugdenlovesdingle, @heartstringsduet, and anyone else who would like to share!


I like imperfect characters. I like characters who fuck up. I like when they have nuance and do good things and bad things and in the middle things, sometimes all in the same day. I like when they are aware of their flaws but can't always stop themselves from making mistakes. I like when they are forced to learn something new about themselves. I like when they grow from experience. I like when they are human.


wip wednesday

Carlos blames his poor performance on tiredness, but he knows it’s bigger than that. There’s something about the lights, the few people in the stands that have bought tickets to watch them practice, that has his heart pounding, his head all over the place. He needs to get it together and hit, stick the dismount he’s done since he was sixteen years old and debuting it in competition for the first time. These are still watered down routines. It shouldn’t be hard. It shouldn’t be. “Carlitos.” His mom lays a warm hand on his shoulder as he’s reaching for his water bottle. He squeezes his eyes shut and doesn’t lean into it. “Mi amor, you need to take a breath. You know what you’re doing.” He fights the urge to roll his eyes. “I do?” “Yes,” Andrea says firmly, moving her other hand to his other shoulder and making him look at her. “You could do these routines in your sleep. It’s just nerves.” Just, he repeats in his head, the force of it bruising. Like all he needs to do is just stop being nervous. Just let himself relax. Just pretend he has the right to comfort in this sport ever again. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches TK start down the vault runway, picking up speed as he nears the springboard. He does a clean handspring double front, with just a step on the landing. Carlos doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until he lets it out when TK’s feet touch the mat. “Great, isn’t he?” He startles when he hears his mom’s voice again, with a wince. She’s followed his gaze over to vault, a knowing smile making its way onto her face. “TK’s always been good on vault,” he manages, trying for nonchalant and landing somewhere better described as caught.

open tag!


Am I working on way too many WIPs at once? Absolutely. Thanks for tagging me @honeybee-taskforce @paperstorm @ironheartwriter @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut

“Hey, try and hold still.”

“I am!” TK insists.

He isn’t -- the excited energy wafting off of TK so clearly, Carlos wouldn’t be surprised if fireworks exploded from his skin. The buzz of him comes close the the morning of their wedding, which should insult him but instead doesn’t fail to completely cook up the fondness stored in his heart for TK’s joy. 

Carlos’ heart jumps but he rolls his eyes at his husband and catches his chin between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. With the other, he tries to apply one more silver rhinestone onto TK’s cheekbone. It rolls off as TK’s cheek lifts alongside his mouth.

“I can’t believe we’re gonna see her tonight!” TK gushes, his nose scrunched up now too.

Carlos hums and tries to apply the stone again. 

“You’re gonna have to brush off your CPR skills because I might have a heart attack when she comes on stage.”

“Don’t joke about that,” Carlos mumbles as the rhinestone finally sticks into place. He jaw clenches when he notices that it’s the tiniest bit out of line from the other ones. “Or maybe don’t talk at all while I’m doing this or it will never turn out well.”

TK twists his chin out of the loose grip and catches Carlos’ hand. “Babe, I’m sure it looks great.”

“It’s not like the picture you showed me,” Carlos admits and sighs, heart sinking.

“Breathe, baby.” TK’s thumb swiping over the back of Carlos’ hand. “We’re not striving for perfection here. We’re getting ready for a fun concert, not the Met Gala.”

“But you’ve been waiting for a year for this. I want everything to work out exactly as you planned it.”

“Remember last year’s pride? By the time the opening band plays, I will have lost half of these. So come on, sticker me up and we can move onto some glitter for you.” OPEN TAG &


WIP Wednesday

Happy hump day! You know that means one thing and one thing only. Time to post a peek of a WIP. I was tagged by @tellmegoodbye, @paperstorm, @strandnreyes, @lemonlyman-dotcom, and @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut. This is a peek from a fic I've called Lights Out that will be put up probably on friday. I've shown some of this in the past (If you've seen the peeks with Carlos asking Lou II 'Is your father home,' this is from the same fic, it just didn't have a name yet). Anyway, onward!

“When did you get home?” “Around midnight,” TK answers, his eyes closing again as he nuzzles closer to Carlos, his breathing slow and even. Carlos knows intimately how if he were to just pull TK into his arms in those moments and begin to brush his fingers through TK’s hair, his husband would be back out like a light within thirty seconds. And after not holding his husband for so long, the idea was definitely tempting, until TK continued, “I meant to stay up until you got home to surprise you, but clearly that didn’t happen. Sorry, babe.” The fact that TK had the audacity to apologize to him for falling asleep after he’d spent most of the last two weeks in Southern California battling wildfires, sleeping no longer than an hour or two at a time on some cheap, uncomfortable cot, has the need he feels to take care of his husband continuing to shift into something more.

And anyone else who may want to join in. I hope everyone reading this has a lovely day.

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