


Walking traffic cone
Current obsession: DC (Jason Todd, it’s Jason Todd)

If you wanna protect AO3 or character ai. Or Wattpad. Or Tumblr. Or discord. Or even the right for undocumented people and minors to use the fucking Internet reblog this I swear to God. Reblog this and reblog as many KOSA posts as you can go on their website and contact your Representatives. Do it. Do it. Do it.



Happiness Will Come To You.

when tho

When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March


reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!


does anyone know if we have transmasc and transfem love and friendship today


We do. And tomorrow and the next day and every day forever and ever and ever too. :)

a long time ago i was struggling with being transmasc because i felt like i was betraying womanhood somehow. then one of my best friends came out as a trans woman and i realised "ah... there will always be so many beautiful women in the world, so it's okay that i'm not one of them". what i'm trying to say is you need to love each other or there's no point to any of this

in a reversal of this. when i came out as transfem i was almost dissapointed because i spent so long trying to be a truly good man. i was raised with a lot of shitty guys so i tried to be the most pro-feminist comfortable dude i could be for the women around me. when my egg cracked, i almost felt this feeling of "shit, are the only men who think like this secretly women inside?" and it feels nice to see that proven so utterly and completely wrong by the trans men i know in my life. i love seeing people take on the masculinity i hated and do amazing shit with it, god bless trans dudes


HELP 😭😭😭 this tweet will inspire fanfictions im sure. also i have a reputation, @gay-and-bitter immediately thought of me n sent the screenshot



*James, bringing Regulus home to meet his parents*

Regulus, seeing Monty and realizing James will always be hot no matter his age: thank the lord

Effie, seeing the same look she had when she met Monty’s parents for the first time: amen

This happened, I was the floor.

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