


mainly qsmp, maybe other things too // he/him // fanart reblog sideblog: resplat
Anonymous asked:

I saw your post about what aypierre said, and want to highlight a reply he made a bit after the original post. https://x.com/AypierreMc/status/1778384850854027752

it feels extremely enlightening and reassuring, especially concerning some "criticisms" people have regarding the situation, and especially having it come from a cc who certainly knows a BIT more behind the scenes than qsmptwt

i hadn't realized i didnt send this one here as well! thank you (translation below)

[the tweet this reply is to has been deleted, i don't know what it said]

"You only see one side of things without hearing what the other side has said.

Nobody has said the opposite, even Quackity has admitted it, and even we CCs have admitted it, so dont give me your "when it suits you" shit.

But no answer will ever satisfy you.

He doesn't talk directly to[/about] the admins because of legal threats and when there are legal threats the #1 rule is to not say anything about the opposing party. This has been said 36,000 times now.

Quackity himself has acknowledged that there are mistakes, and said that he would restructure (which is what people wanted in the first place) but clearly that's not enough.

Weirdly enough, nobody talks about the fact that more people stayed with the team than those who left (this obviously doesn't invalidate the problems, but it does show that they were localized and not across the whole company).

Everything could have been settled privately and quietly, but if suddenly it becomes legal trouble via the unions, I'm sorry, but it leaves only one way out: the legal one.

You don't tolerate doxxing, but if you want to keep digging it, that's what happens, and you've got to take your share of responsibility."


"Personally, as I have been a victim of 3 swattings in the past including one where 7 PSIG agents¹ came to my house with famas², I understand more than anyone else Quackity's want to step back from everything after the doxxing. Even more so when he's in the US and he's hispanic. And you all forget during this that he's only 22 years old. It's crazy that in 2024, despite the known past issues with doxxing, people are still not careful. I've seen comments like "yeah but he should have a security team blah blah" or "well he's a CC he's a public person" and you are completely sick [if you say that] you no longer seperate reality from online.

In short, I think it's time everyone calm down. If you still like QSMP, share that love with those who also continue to like/play on QSMP and ignore everything else.

And for those who don't like it anymore, turn the page, go get fresh air, go save kittens, I don't know, something that brings you joy.

For context don't hesitate to watch Quackitys stream [he links the vod]

And may I add, nothing justifys or excuses doxxing, and this is true for everybody, not just for the doxxing of CCs."


¹ PSIG is a specific part of the french national guard that specializes in going against high-profile criminals and such, huge deal.

² type of assault rifle


i feel like i should share here, as its important to keep an eye out for it, that artea said on stream yesterday that soon he will make their statement on the quackity studios situation and her experience (hopefully sometime next week, theres things theyre sorting out regarding this though). she will first speak on stream (which the date for that will be announced prior to the stream) and afterwards a document with all he says will be released. art asks kindly to not paraphrase what she says, instead try to directly quote anything they say as to not stir up misinformation.

"some things i will talk about will be interesting, it will be a lot to process as well, so i ask you guys once i drop my statement on matters, to be aware that it will be quite a lot, and i dont want people to uh paraphrase me - when i talk about my things i want as much of it as posible to be uh quoted. so dont paraphrase me, just quote me directly once i talk about things. thats what the document will also be there for." -artea on stream yesterday (around 2:49:04)

so yeah, keep an eye out. ill do my best to offer my own quotes when they do this stream - and please remember to support art no matter what! shes an amazing and incredibly talented and funny person and i wish him only the best (genuinely their streams are so chill aside from the scuff)

Anonymous asked:

i agree that excluding pomme from the merch would not have been a good move either. they should’ve either :

1) waited until everything is resolved before releasing merch

2) releasing it alongside a statement saying that the money from the sales would go toward paying the admins (if that is the case)

bonus : announcing pomme merch right while it’s known that her admin is in a tedious situation is the problem tbh not that the merch exists

im gonna post these, i cant formulate a proper response right now because in dealing with smth else but i will later. i think this is important for people to see though this is well formulated and did help me understand more the stance


i said it in french ill say it in english now that more people are being vocal about it here:

would you guys rather them skip pomme entirely?

genuine question.

because i bet you the answer is no. and you would still rage, maybe even more, if they skipped her entirely.

yes, i agree, they really, really need to communicate with pommin about.. everything. but its a fucking lose-lose situation to you i guess? because either they announce her statue and you rage, or they skip her statue, and you rage.

im confused and i feel like im looking into an entirely different world seeing this response right now. what do you want them to do? getting mad at statues is the least of our issues.

Anonymous asked:

It’s the wording of “not feeling comfortable for some time” in the note that makes it seem like not just moving for better opportunities.

- Sharp!

not particularly for me it feels that way. but im an optimist whos had the shittiest month imaginable so im clawing for anything good right now.

i wont speak more though, i wish to respect xandão/pancks wishes and not speculate on their reason for leaving.


just as a general post going forward with the qsmp admin situation.

we will likely hear a LOT less about it until it is done with and everything is sorted out.

because, like it or not, this is no longer a simple situation. it is no longer drama-adjacent. it is legal. and anything said about it by those involved can be used in a legal setting. nobody can just say whatever without it being final.

the line between what can and cant be said is so, so incredibly thin that its genuinely best to say nothing unless there is evidence you can show. in my opinion, this includes updates like "everythings being worked on". its best to shut your mouth until the paperwork is done.

you never want to dig a deeper grave for yourself, or others, with your words.


I gotta be real, I'm a little disappointed in that Quackity stream just now

Like don't get me wrong, it's SUPER cool that we're about to start getting German players, and I'm really excited for it

But I don't think I'm the only one who was hoping for some sort of update on the Admin Situation

I wasn't exactly expecting a "Oh btw everything's fixed, nothing to worry about!" But at least some acknowledgement that thing's are still being discussed would have been nice

They say no news is good news, and since we haven't heard anything bad since the last update, that's at least a LITTLE promising

I'm still gonna be patient, since we've now gotten official confirmation from the French Union that what was happening could potentially warrant legal action if the Admins choose that route. But just that statement alone will definitely put pressure on Quackity. Just again, I would have liked some sort of acknowledgement

So we'll have to keep waiting and hoping for the best, I guess


the problem is, he kind of cant say anything. when you get to the point in a situation where it has become a legal issue, you begin to tread a VERY thin line of what you can and cant say. and often its much better to not say anything unless it is fully final and done. for example, last time quackity gave an update some of the things he said weren't entirely final i think (the complete pause on npcs for example). and at the time it was okay, but if he were to say that now this is in official legal territory, it would not be as okay.

also if i had to guess, a lot of legal things are being discussed as well currently. contracts, pay, stuff like that - things that can't be talked about publicly until they are finalized, period.

so right now quackity cant say anything because things are still like he said in his last update - being worked on.


i also think people attacking those who play qsmp right now dont understand if you want them to play something other than qsmp then you have to actually idk support them when theyre not playing qsmp? pierre just made the great point of one of the reasons hes playing right now is because he does not have the luxury of being able to do variety and still get views and money. there are multiple qsmp creators in the same position. fit played yakuza yesterday and i never saw him break 1k viewers (and while things above 100 are still a lot of viewers, its not as usual).

if you want creators to not play qsmp to put pressure to compensate people, then actually support them when they dont play qsmp.



sorry i shouldnt interact with this probably but i took 1 look at twitter and saw so many people hating on pierre and saying he never cared because he said he'd play qsmp today. brother. brother. my siblings in christ. he was the first cc to speak out about everything, he was also, im pretty sure, the first to be notified of this by léa since this whole thing resulted from an accidental leak by him, he was actively trying to discuss it with quackity before lèa went public with it, and possibly so much more behind the scenes too. are. are these people gonna have the same reaction if etoiles or baghera or antoine say theyre okay with playing because things are going well and theyve been shown proof of improvement and pommes admin being okay. like.

Anonymous asked:

ccs have so far only said that they trusted Quackity to do the right thing (which I do too to an extent btw this isn’t hate towards him or anything), that doesn’t mean that him and his studio can’t still make mistakes.

Also the union can only do anything if Qstudios accept their help and communicate with them (which I hope is happening but we don’t know really as there hasn’t been confirmation of it by neither party)

i dont know. my gut says something doesnt aline here and something isnt right. i dont think léa has the full picture or may have the wrong informations. but we can only see what happens now.

Anonymous asked:

Could you say what you think doesn’t align with previously said things in Lea’s recent statements ? I’m curious cause I can’t think of anything that doesn’t make sense in her story right now

i dont feel like it aligns with what quackity himself has said and what the ccs have said. i know theres a chance quackity could be speaking in good faith because its his company and he doesnt want to say anything bad, which i understand but dont personally think is the case, but with ccs case ive only heard good things said by them - and we know from what q's said the ccs are very involved in whats happening.

it also, overall, does not line up with the fact they have a union with them who i doubt would allow things like this to happen without good reason.

but thats my opinion


also, is it not common when renewing a contract to temporarily remove access from the services gained via the previous contract until things are settled again? so like. if theyre planning to offer new payment to the admins it would make sense if access to things like the discord is temporarily removed until they can come to them with the new contract. it makes it much easier and smoother, especially if someone decides to decline for any reason.

i think the issue here is really just communication.


not to have bad faith but i dont fully trust what léas said. it doesnt line up with some previously said things i think. they also literally have a union on their ass right now i doubt what she said is totally the case. its also just a gut feeling, and my gut rarely isnt right.

at the very least i think its a misunderstanding. they could be focusing on a different issue in this whole situation and may get to what léas speaking about soon but not right now. the kicking of actors and admins may be so they have ample room to investigate and restructure everything - temporary. and once again they literally have a union on their ass i dont think theyd kick workers with no reason behind it

idk. we'll see how things advance. im not saying léa is doing this maliciously, maybe emotionally and out of worry yes, but she is stirring the pot. i think it'd be best to keep quiet until things advance more. in the end, we're only 3 days into a deep running issue. so things will pan out still with time.

dont panic.

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