

@spinchip / spinchip.tumblr.com

ice emperor enjoyer
August . 24 . he/him


I’ve finally gotten around to updating my Commission info! Hi there, my Name is August! I work a full time job and take commissions on the side. I’m a trans man, mentally ill, and cartoons are some of my favorite things in the world :] Feel free to look around my blog for more examples of my work! Additional examples will also be added below.


  • hardcore N/S/F/W
  • mecha
  • Ships that are abusive/pedophilic/incest


  • OCs and furries
  • Light-medium armor
  • blood/heavy gore
  • characters from different fandoms (including fandoms I’m not personally in)
  • ships (Self ships included)

Want something not listed? Mini comics, icons, character doodle pages, etc. feel free to reach out and ask!


  • I’ll start on your commission when the payment is sent
  • I have the right to refuse to do any commission
  • I will always keep you updated on any progress to ask for your input
  • If it’s time sensitive let me know
  • If you are interested please email me at [email protected] or through Tumblr Messenger

I have an exciting announcement- I have a date scheduled for top surgery! I’ll have to travel in early may to have it done since no one in my state does it. That’s far sooner than I was anticipating!

So while I’ll be working my day job about as much as I possibly can leading up to my surgery date, I’m also going to open discounted commissions to hopefully help pay for travel accommodations and any other possible expenses- I basically want to be prepared for anything! I’ll be happy to share more details after my surgery is complete if anyone is interested.

If you’re interested in a commission, please reach out!

If you’d like to support me another way, i have a ko-fi here or my cash app is AJAdams82


Shows this to you like I’m showing off a picture of my child in my wallet. Have you seen my girl

This is my oc Dot! Check out her official reference art

In season 1, she lost her leg during the Great Devourers attack- the second from the right drawing above is what she looked like during her first year of college, before the attack and before she dropped out of school and moved across country to another town for better medical care. In her actual reference drawing, I show her prosthetic that she often wears- in the Snake Jaguar disguise, her pants cover the prosthetic completely so no one realizes it's her!

A little bit into her recovery she takes a job at legotarget which is the bottom drawing lol. retail hell. then the drawing closest to the right is just another casual outfit that shows off her crutches! Her metal prosthetic is incredibly advanced but she doesn't wear it all the time, preferring to just use her crutches on more casual days :]

tl;dr- A big snake ate her leg


Shows this to you like I’m showing off a picture of my child in my wallet. Have you seen my girl


Kai is fantastic with children because he has a childlike heart. He uses that to connect with play which leads perfectly into teaching, making him a great instructor to kiddos and a wonderful mentor.

Nya is okay with kids. She has a really good heart and can form strong bonds, but she's not sure what to do with kids at first so she leans heavily into emulating what she thinks a mother might do and it feels awkward. Once she gets more comfortable she's better recieved

Jay is good with kids because he's funny but the moment they enter middle school he's suddenly the cringest person on the planet for the next 6 years, then they swing back around to liking him again. He's the one all kids want on their team when they play lego team fortress 2

Lloyd is only sliiiightly worse with kids then Nya. The parental figures in his life didn't set quite the best example and he grew up way too fast so there not much common ground he can recall to help him. What would dad do? Um, do the opposite...?

Cole rules with kids. He's got a nurturing heart and he loves kids and wants a big family. Sometimes people are just naturally inclined to parenthood and Cole was blessed with that aspect, he just seems to be able to read a kids mood and know exactly what they need so easily.

Zane is surprisingly good with kids because he takes them 100% seriously and they love it. A kid can walk up to Zane and say, with all the gravity and weight a five year old can muster, "my favorite color used to be blue but now it's green." And Zane will nod like they've just told him the secret of the universe. Also they can repeatedly ask him "why?" About everything ever and he always responds with an explanation about anything and everything



(Warnings: disrespectful discussion of self harm/suicide by a side character. murder. Lots of death.)

They're here about a series of murders. Nya doesn't know why they dragged the ninja out to this nothing town with its stone castle and still water lake, with its missing persons and their empty spaces. The ninja aren't detectives, even if Zane likes to pretend. With twelve people missing, Zane keeps his fedora at home and approaches this delicately. Nya wishes he'd put on that stupid hat.

She's also not sure why she keeps slipping up and saying murder when it's really just missing persons, officially. Eight men, four women, varying ages. All different kinds of backgrounds vanished without a trace.

I'm not a fish, I am a stone

A playlist about two journeys back

1.Titanic Risen - Weyes Blood 2.Sea Birds - Burning Hearts 3.Geysir Nationale - Gregory & The Hawk 4.Jellyfish - Vashti Bunyan 5.Divers - Joanna Newsom 6.Mearcstapa - Fleet Foxes 7.Frebeight - Gregory & The Hawk 8.Dark Water - Astana 9.When We Were That What Wept For The Sea - Colin Stetson 10.Close to None - Future Islands

dude I love when you get experimental with your writing <3


THANK YOU I had been sitting on that little fic for a while now, debating whether it was too strange to post so I'm glad it's recieved well!



(Warnings: disrespectful discussion of self harm/suicide by a side character. murder. Lots of death.)

They're here about a series of murders. Nya doesn't know why they dragged the ninja out to this nothing town with its stone castle and still water lake, with its missing persons and their empty spaces. The ninja aren't detectives, even if Zane likes to pretend. With twelve people missing, Zane keeps his fedora at home and approaches this delicately. Nya wishes he'd put on that stupid hat.

She's also not sure why she keeps slipping up and saying murder when it's really just missing persons, officially. Eight men, four women, varying ages. All different kinds of backgrounds vanished without a trace.


it’s always “why did you sacrifice yourself and leave me behind” and never How was the sacrifice Was sacrificing yourself fun it looked fun


Never the Dark


warnings: discussion of past child death, drug abuse/addiction


Tumbling headfirst into another Realm is never a graceful thing.

Wu’s words before he’d sent Zane flying through that portal are playing on repeat- He can see his face drawn and shuttered in sorrow as he splattered the realm tea across the throne room floor, “I am sorry I couldn’t protect you,” He says as the ground under the Ice Emperors feet grows unstable, “I am so proud of all you are, Zane- The white ninja, the first nindroid, my student, and my friend. I hope one day you can forgive me.” Zane has never seen Wu cry before.

the ground vanishes beneath him, and he’s falling.

Nindroid. Nindroid. Nindroid.


He’s a nindroid. He’s- he’s-

The impact is not gentle. He lands in mud at least, the cushion of it just barely enough not to snap his spine with the force of it. Back first he crashes on the side of a wet hill, a mound of earth slick with muck that he tumbles down until he rolls to a stop at the base in a mess of broken armor and tangled limbs. His mouth tastes like old blood and oil and he can’t think- can’t- can’t calm the utter horror and panic crawling up through his wiring-

Memory floods his processor hot and uncomfortable, his world expanding from a tiny cold pinprick to an unfathomable reality of loss. He didn’t realize what he was missing- couldn’t understand the absence of it. Now it's all he can feel. A gaping chasm opening up in his chest that eats and eats until all that remains is the memory of a good man and the bloody remains of a bad one.


"I know I could have loved you but you would not let me" with braincell goes hard as hell. doomed yuri

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