
The Cryptid of the Clutter Dimension


death count:10 cracked count: 2 poof count:12 kill count:3 Former rp account. Now used for other things.

Dealing with Bot followers like…

So as I am sure everyone and their mother is aware of the CONSTANT PORN BOT SCOURGE WE BEEN DEALING WITH. Even I have been affected. I can't tell you how many times in a mere FEW HOURS that I have to report and block these damn things that try to follow me. Guys always remember. Make sure that the followers you get are actually liking following and posting and does NOT have some weird bikini model lady as their icon or no icon at all. Stay safe all? Lets hope tumblr can actually figure this crap out.


Art by @xjunjox



I drew these for my sisters birthday a few days ago!

go read her fic here!! (this doesn't happen in it, but it is basically their relationship lol)


I wanna adopt tessa and take care of her and tuck her into bed and be that nice parent that all there friends with bad parents come over to our house and think I'm cool


I don't remember who gave me this idea (I think it was @minotaur-asterion) but there was a headcanon post about all the voices dancing, and now here I am with a shitpost I put way too much effort into because my animator brain couldn't resist. When you get a song stuck in your head and all the voices who live there have a dance party, and you just gotta deal with it

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