
@skambigbang / skambigbang.tumblr.com

An event for writers and artists within the Skamverse.

We are starting off with a bang!

Celebrating the first week of the 2024 Skam Big Bang with the following stories that have started posting:

The Dream of Life (M) by Flatfootmonster with art by Alterlove2021

I turn to you (when I can’t sleep through the lonely night) (T) by selfsufficient with art by Hodge 

To Build A Home (E) by Happily_Evak_After with art by CelesteKayy 

The Cure (E) by Anna _Driessen and Viola_player1 with art by monikacharaabi

Some say I should learn to cry but I only learned how to fly (T) by Arfel with art by Garce 

Time of our Lives (M) by Sprookjes with art by Pauline 

Murder at 21:21 (M) by Hodge with art by Laika

Superstar (E) by Miniloc Island and Ghostcat with art by Parallel-Univers

Parallel pieces of You & Me (T) by Jules with art by Katmylittlesunshine



SKAM Big Bang 2024

This is it everyone, just one more day! The Skam Big Bang 2024 kicks off tomorrow with a great slate of stories. Tune in, enjoy and show our authors all the love with plenty of kudos and comments. 

Check out the schedule and subscribe to the Skam Big Bang 2024 A03 collection for all the new stories and the great art that accompanies them! 

The Skam Big Bang kicks off tomorrow Friday June 21, 2024. Fics may post anytime on their day. It’s almost here!


We’re counting down to the start of the 2024 Skam Big Bang! Check out the schedule and subscribe to the Skam Big Bang 2024 A03 collection for all the new stories and the great art that accompanies them!

The Skam Big Bang kicks off this Friday June 21, 2024. Fics may post anytime on their day. It’s almost here!


And as out last entry, a great writer, you may remember them from last year's WW1 odyssey, Prevalent_Masters, bringing Unmasked, with art from AltErLove2021, and beta support from Avignonscat. A wtFock cloak and dagger in the world of fine art.

Prevalent_Masters what inspired you: I love heists and am darkly fascinated with the world of art crime, forgeries, and art theft. I started to think about what an art theft AU would look like with these characters, both of whom don't strike me as the criminal type in canon, and how I could write something fun and believable in that vein without losing sight of who the characters are and their relationship with one another. 

AltErLove2021 what inspired your art: I was immediately drawn to the art heist AU, because I've always loved museums and great art. So imagining Robbe and Sander as rival thieves is so much fun and the story is just so good.

Avignonscat what made you decide to beta: I was a beta for the first time last year and it was fun to be able to help with the story a little bit, bounce ideas around and see the story evolve. So when Prevalent Masters asked me if I’d like to beta again for them I was very happy to.

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!


Today we are featuring I'm Trying Hard to Fit Among Your Scheme of Things, from JackFrost_Sander, with art from Hodge. A wtfock entry with not just Sobbe, other SKAMverse evaks make appearances too!

JackFrost_Sander what was your inspiration: A question posed by my boyfriend. He asked me to imagine a world in which we would have monastery-like institutions devoted to science... and so I did... 

Hodge what inspired your art: In JFS’ story, there is this whole new world created, with beautiful reference pictures and descriptions, and I can’t wait to explore this imagery further and take reference from what already exists.

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!


Switching gears, today we’re featuring Him, written by Maddie, art by CelesteKayy. A wonderful story drawing from the best of SKAM's traditions.

Maddie what inspired you: I have always dreamed of writing a fic about this kind of relationship, and Skam has inspired me to write my thoughts down. Especially Skam Netherlands.

CelesteKayy what inspired your art: Everyone's dealing with such deep, dark emotions and traumatic pasts, there's anxiety that pushes them in and out of reality and you can feel that terror and emotion. At the same time you get some bright moments as Lucas and Adrian discovered their feelings for each other and their relationship blossoms.

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!


Today we're featuring another collaboration: Attraction, written by Laika_the_husband & Midlifecrisis, art from Eirabach.  An AU heavily inspired by the Smiths' lyrics.

Laika_the_husband & Midlifecrisis what inspired you: The Smiths song There is a light that never goes out has the lines "I thought, oh God my chance has come at last / but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask", that have haunted Laika for years. This is one of his efforts to write about them - and yet another effort that doesn't quite get there the way he planned. But it became a solid story, so no losses here.

Eirabach what inspired your art: I was inspired by the beautiful way Laika and MLC create a true sense of place, and how that works alongside their characterisations to create an immersive reading experience 

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share


Switching gears, we're featuring the second of our collaborations this Bang, our OG/WTFock special crossover story The Cure written by viola_player1 aka @paralleluniversesfan and Anna_Driesen2121 aka @annadriesen2121with art by monikachaarabi, and beta support from the amazing Avignonscat! A rollercoaster of a ride, with mystery, spies, exotic locations, and cameos from the SKAM multiverse. 

Anna_Driesen2121 & viola_player1 what inspired you: It was more of an organic process this year. We started with wanting four characters that did not know each other being brought together to resolve something. To that we added intrigue, subterfuge, and mystery. And the glue that holds it together is their growing attractions.

MonikaCharaabi what inspired your art: The meeting of EVAK and SOBBE, love, respect and great tenderness of the boys. Support for mental illness. An international crime story, a great mystery. A lot of interesting information about international organizations

Avignonscat what inspired you to beta: I was a beta for last years’s Big Bang.  It was my first bang and it was fun to be involved in the event. It’s interesting to see the writing process and being involved means helping keep the fandom alive.

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!


Next up: From Christmas Eve to Wedding Vows, from samuelmallombassangaeng, with art from Jazzi128. An Elu AU during the holidays.

samuelmallombassangaeng what inspired you: My friend's brother, once told me that he had a boyfriend. At that time on Christmas Day, I celebrated Christmas with them. Then I agreed with them to stay at their house. Then in the evening, I saw them from their bedroom door as they were opening their respective Christmas presents. Then they thanked each other and did something romantic that night. He proposed to his boyfriend that same night. And a few weeks later, they were married in France where they' live now.

Jazzi128 what inspired your art: The sweet and interesting style of writing

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!


Today we feature  Cinderfella by Teejaysnow (@teejaysnow), art by Garce, with beta support from HedwigsTalons (@always-evak). Are you squeeling as much as we are for Eskild as a fairy godfather?

Teejaysnow what inspired you: I had the sentence “Godfather. Fairy godFATHER. One bad translation by a heteronormative writer and you get misgendered for the rest of your career.” stuck in my head, and it just felt like a very Eskild thing to say. And then little cherub Eskild turned up in my head, all sassy in silky red booty shorts and tiny, white wings, and… well, here we are? Garce what inspired your art: Teejaysnow's story is a fun AU that is just a good time with a sassy godfather, Eskild, and a prince Even for Isak to fall for, which is such a hoot.

HedwigsTalons what made decide to beta: Teejaysnow's story is a fun AU that is just a good time with a sassy godfather, Eskild, and a prince Even for Isak to fall for, which is such a hoot.

Being a beta really lets you develop fandom connections. Not only have I been able to see stories grow and change over time but I've become better friends with the writers too

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!


Next up:  The Time of our LIves, written by Ana (@zoennes), with art from Pau_wo. Drawing inspiration from film and bringing to the page with Zoe and Senne, we can't wait!

Ana what was you inspiration for this fic: A simple insta story showing the actors re-enacting the famous lift from the movie as (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life played in the background was enough inspiration to have me imagining a canon divergent story where fate brings their characters together to do the same. I for sure am having a great time writing them dance to that song while they rehearse to perform it in a dance competition.

Pau_wo what inspired your art: Dance and Zoenne, the greatest combo. Being a fan of dirty dancing, I could not pass on the possibility of creating art for this story. 

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!


Switching gears, today we’re featuring Cracks in the Ice, written by AlterErLove2021 (@alterlove2021), art by Mazarinwrites (@mazarin01), and beta supported by ClareA. A coming to terms AU set in the world of competitive hockey.

AltErLove2021 what was your inspiration: I love reading sports romances and the idea of an undeniable connection between athletes that burns on and off the field (or ice in this case). The heat and chemistry between teammates or rivals. And why hockey? Because of the aggression that's part of the game, the trash-talking, the fighting, the toxic masculinity on the ice and in the locker room make for an explosive combination to explore, find love and come out.

Mazarinwrites what inspired your art: The scenery and that the story takes place in Norway. Also the way the author write the story, the use of words. It's beautiful. And last, but not least the plot. It's a very fun one. I instantly knew what kind of art I could make. 

ClareA what inspired you to become a beta: Last year I beta’d 3 stories and it was the best experience. I love working with the writers on all aspects of their story so when two of those writers signed up again I was totally on board. It’s such an honour to be even a small part of their creations.

The SKAM Big Bang starts June 21st! Follow us for more sneak peeks and share!

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