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My most used AU is my “Miriel and Thranduil are twins” au
Love the feanorians and the silvans (those can coincide)
also, thranduil’s trans 😁✌️


That “Legolas” is only his sinda name, that his actual name is in silvan, and bc it’s only his sinda name, he tends to change it up every few centuries, so “Legolas” has only been around for a few centuries, but the elf has been around for much longer, and that’s why we don’t know any of “Legolas’s” history, bc he wasn’t “Legolas” at the time it happened.

This is how he’s avoided detection through the ages.

Hc that this is actually pretty standard practise amongst silvan elves, and so you have a whole slew of silvans who are, yet aren’t known in elven history bc they keep switching up their “names” and no one connects the dots.


Part 3:

so the -we's grow up, and they're carefully told about Oropher's lineage, though they don't tell anyone else. it stays a secret. and then Orome shows up. it's a good thing Oropher wasn't there when he did, tbh. moving on: this part mostly follows the novel, elwe, ingwe, and finwe all fo to see valinor, they come back, gather the people and go on the great journey. finwe and Miriel have already gotten married elizabeth-swan-and-william-turner style.

of course, Morgoth has to be (temporarily) defeated and taken to Mandos, and the elves had a hand in it to, in fact Miriel managed to rip of his right arm and almost beat him to death. yeah, the family fued is escelating.

when they all get to Valinor, manwe and the other valar, notice that there is something off about Miriel and Ingwe and they do some digging. neadless to say, they were not happy to find out about ehir relations to Melkor and Mairon, or Ingwe's dragon parentage. it's a lowkey miracle that they weren't killed then and there.

(in this au, i figure the vala to be two sides of the same coin with Melkor, except they hide their own wickedness behind Eru's song and by surrounding themselves with light)

and they go "ok, cool, we'll let you live here, but you are not allowed to have any children that inherit your power. and we gotta put a lock on that power of yyours as well."

they go harder on Miriel bc Ingen does have access to Valinor and threatens the vala (out of parental love? idk. Ingen's bit of an ass)

(side note: ingen knocks up an elleth in valinor, but bc, like Ingwe and Miriel, he can't have any child of his inherit his power if they are born in valinor, Indis is completely dragon-power free) Indis and Ingwe do not get along, bc Ingwe loaths the vala, espescially Manwe bc Manwe has become lowkey obsessed with and possessive of him, while Indis (who is powerhungry) worships the valar. classic religious corruption, if you ask me.

of course, then Miriel falls pregnant, and it doens't go well, partially bc of Melkor and Mairon's blood that runs through her veins, which is reacting badely with the purified land that is valinor, and partially bc Indis poisoned her bc Indis wants Finwe. Miriel probably would have been fine with either obstacle alone, but combined they do her in. bc of her lose of power, Feanaro is (arguable blessedly) born without the blood of Melkor and Mairon running through his veins, and his eyes are a normal color. Miriel makes Finwe promise her that he will not divulge her family secret t feanaro untill he can fully comprehend and come to terms with the information without self destructing. and then she dies.

finwe does not take it well. in fact, he takes it so badely that he becomes heavily depressed and almost lifeless, and as a result, Indis was able to take advantage of it to push him into marraife with her for the good of feanaro and the noldo elves.

end of part 3

now onto part 4


Part 2:

we left off at Thranduil and Miriel's childhood. both of them show an exceptional prowes to magic and strength, it's obvious to see for anyone that know what to look for that they aren't normal elves. but bc they are not only the first elflings to have ever been born (as opposed to awakening at the lake) but also the first elf/ainur combo, no one really knows what tf is going on at any given time, and they all just write it off as just smth elflings do.

also, i hc that, in this au, most of oropher's ainur power was cut off by Mairon and Melkor when Oropher betrayed them, so while he is still tecknically an ainur, he doesn't have near the power of one, and comes across as a particluarly strong and magically gifted elf.

n e way, one day teen-Thranduil is off on his own, and he comes across a Dragon (capital letter needed), and not the weird corrupt knock offs that Melkor created, no a proper Dragon. Dragons are someone of a mix between an ainur and an elf, power wise. Eru created them as a sort of unpredictable variable that'll keep ME from going to far into the dirt. most ainur don't like Dragons bc the ainur have no influence over them. furthermore, Dragons are arguable the most prideful creatures in all of arda, so they won't listen to anyone or anything (Eru created them specifically with the idea of being overwhelmingly prideful for the sole purpose of "no one can get them to bend a knee, not even a vala"). also, they can shape shift.

did i forget to mention Thranduil is trans in this au (like my other au?) yes? well, now you know!

anyway, Thranduil and the Dragon, Ingen, meet and they weirdly hit it off? instance sexual attraction, iykwim. the relationship is kind weird, bc it's also a bit of enemies/rivals to lovers, but they still aren't lovers, they just weirdly respect each other and find each other attractive, but by god does Ingen piss Thranduil off on a good day. interesting relationship.

and so, Thranduil falls pregnant with Ingwe and Lasgen (he's 38 btw, so about 16-ish in elven years. between there having never been any elflings before him and Miriel, thus there being nothing to compare them too, and the elves having no real understanding of when one becomes an adult or how age works, and with Thranduil and Miriel being half ainur, everything's a little up in the air and confusing)

Oropher and Cloudryad are like "jfc" but also, they can't judge bc they didn't know what they were doing either, the twin's conception is a result of hate-fucking, and Cloudryad was technically only 10 yo when she had the twins bc, while she spawned at the lake fully grown, she's only been alive for 10 years. like i said, confusing times.

Miriel is extatic at being an aunty (though she is somewhat pissed at ingen for taking advantage of her brother (i need to clarify that the Ingwen-thranduil relationship was consensual on both fronts, minus the whole age thing).

so, Ingwe and Lasgen are born and they are definitely their parent's kids alright, even though Ingen barely ever shows himself. thranduil is pretty much a single parent, and that's how he likes it.

and of course, Miriel and Thranduil also get stuck with babysitting duty for Cloudryad's sister Elya, and her friend Mori, mothers of Elwe, olwe, and finwe respectivly. the twins don't really have a problem with it, tbh, but it does mean that the -we's all get semi-raised by half ainur/half elves, with the benefit of having part ainu/part elf/part dragon playmates. needless to say, shit gets weird, and they certainly have an unconventional/chaotic childhood that makes them significantly stronger than most of their elven peers.

and of course, Melkor and Mairon hear about their greatgrandbbies, and there's an uptick of attacks on the family bc GREATGRANDBBIES. they also try to hunt down Ingen bc HOW DARE HE-. once again, i don't know if M&M are trying to get to Ingwe and Lasgen bc they want their ggb or bc they want to kill them.

end of part 2

now onto part 3


ok, bc @ariagreenleaf inspired me over on the clock app with the "Mairin and Melkor are Oropher's dads" au, i can't help but put a little spin on it, and see how it would impact my au!

to start of with, in this au, Oropher isn't siblings with Elya (Elwe, Elmo, and Olwe's mother), instead Elya is Cloudryad(Oropher's romantic partner) twin sister. i wanna keep the twin thing going, even though i want to make being descendents of M&M unique to oropher's line.

i personally hc that, as a result of his ancestory, Oropher, and all his descendents, have yellow eyes with a black slit of a pupil, instead of round, courtesy of Mairon. Oropher, Thranduil, Miriel, and Thranduil's kids keep these hidden with illusion magic and contact lenses bc it's way to revealing of their ancestory to other elves, espescially if those elves have met Mairon.

Oropher loves his parents, but he doesn't like them. espescially in the beginning. he doesn't agree with what his fathers are doing. he understands that it's largely a result of Eru taunting Melkor with the whole "i have designed your every move, nothing you do isn't part of my plan, you have no true free will" schtick, and as a result Oropher, and his descendants, HATE Eru. like, it's personal for them.

however, that doesn't mean that Oropher thinks his parents should have gone off the deep end. bc logistically, it just doens't make sense to him. if you wanna stick it to eru, there are so many ways you could do that WITHOUT attempt at world domination/destruction, wich will inevitable catch the attention of the other valar and fail somewhere down the line. also, oropher has never been one for undeserved/unnecesary deaths. he has no issue dealing death out when he deems it deserved, but he isn't a fan of going out of his way to kill beings that have never even met him.

Oropher isn't particularly nice, but this disagreement is the main cataclyst of the rift that grows between parents and child, and eventually Oropher can't take it anymore.

what ultimatly breaks the camel's back is when oropher ends up spending time with the elves at lake cuivienen, and he meets cloudryad.

they were enemies at first (as is true to my original au) and they genuinly tried to fight/kill each other.... but then they clicked. enemies to lovers, as you will. n e way, Cloudryad knocked some sense into him (literally) though it should be noted that Cloudryad aint a saint either.

and then the 2 had Miriel and Thranduil.

Mairon and Morgoth wanted Oropher back, but when he redused, they sent an orc party after the grandbbies (mayby to kill them, maybe to capture them, maybe bc they want grandbby priveleges too, idk. it adds flavor, if oropher doesn't truelly know why his parents sent creatures to get to his kids).

Oropher and cloudryad beat them off, obviously, but Oropher is done with his parents at that point. his emotions are a mess, he loves them, but he dislikes them right now, and he doesn't know if he loves or hates them at this point either.

continuing, Thranduil and Miriel grow up into a pair of terrifying warriors, and while they do have their own distinctive personality, oropher can identify some aspects of his parents in them too. Miriel is like a fiery blaze, unwilling to bend or break, just like Melkor, and Thranduil is calmer, more likely to slit your throat from behind than to attack you from the front, like Mairon.

of course Cloudryad keeps Oropher in line (via a few loving knockes in sparing matches), and the kids grow up semi-safe (if you think that's the last of M&M, you're wrong.)

i'll create a part 2 later.


My au:

Frodo: Legolas, i’ve noticed that the ring doesn’t seem to bother you! Even gandalf has trouble with it, yet you don’t seem to give it a second glance.


Legolas: my dear hobbit friend: if i wanted world domination, i’d go ask my sister. The ring can do nothing for me that i wouldn’t be able to figure out on my own.


At what generation do you think elves stop considering their grandparents/grandkids family family? Especially those who live in valinor, bc like, no one dies, but you can’t exactly tell an elf not to fall in love or have kids, and over time that’s gotta build up.

I mean, i personally don’t really think of my great grand parents as family family (bar 1). Like, i understand that i’m related to them and their predecessors, but all things considered they’re practically strangers.


When Oropher returns from the halls, and the Sindar have a ball for the first time since he’s returned, that has invited all the elves, even the noldor-

Finwe makes it a point to keep several elves between himself and Oropher at all times because if Oropher comes into stabbing distance to Finwe, it’s over for him. Doesn’t matter that there would be many witnesses. Cloudryad would have bailed Oropher out.


You know what grinds my gears a little bit sometimes in silmarillion fanfiction, specifically feanorian fanfiction?

It’s when authors write that the elves, specifically the feanorians, nolofinwions, arafinwions, etc, had/have swordfighting lessons/strategical war training/etc, in VALINOR.

Bc the entire point of valinor is that there is no need for it, they never thought that there was a need for it. That’s why feanor pulling a sword on nolofinwe was so bad. Bc there was literally no preexisting notion for such actions. It’s why morgoth could catch them so off gaurd.

Like, the noldo were fucking noobs when it comes to combat/war (through no fault of their own) during valinor/the beginning of their time in middle earth AND THAT’S WHY they ritually fucked up so badly.

They didn’t know what they were doing, guys.

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