
Good drawings of bad horses

@shirecorn / shirecorn.tumblr.com

Art Blog of Michael A Crill - portfolio at michaelacrill.com - VisDev artist, Focus on character and creature design. he/him/hire me
Anonymous asked:



why haven't I followed you yet-


See it all on my MLP art blog @skyscrapergods

Back to the ask: I dont know! why haven't you? You're missing out on my biggest hits such as:

Most of which were collaborative art pieces with audience participation, so I think I'm seeing a theme for what gets popular. Stuff like this wouldn't be possible behind a paywall, and that's the beauty of tumblr. Support my existence so I can keep doing free art! Patreon | Ko-fi | Gumroad | Redbubble


Seeking battle music!

It is time now. Musical horses of the world, lend me your songs for this moment.

I need epic, sorrowful soundtracks of world ending calamity. I need a song where you lose everything. I need a song where you watch the sky drop to the earth like it's trying to crush the mountains.

This is a tragedy. This is slaying the one you love. I need you fall a hundred thousand miles, weeping with broken wings.

Here's what I have so far. I want songs, movie and game soundtracks, with and without lyrics, but especially those with orchestral accompaniment.

Make me think of giant titans clashing in the sky, their hearts breaking at the violence toward each other, even as they crush cities and states beneath them. Long teeth and blood, hitting like bombs, cresting like tidal waves in slow motion.

Here's some pictures for inspiration. I need More music to listen to while I draw the actual scenes.

Remember, these beasts are miles tall and wide. Their hearts could level kingdoms, and they are breaking.

Remember, this playlist is about VIBES not lyrics.

It's something to listen to while I write and draw, not for capturing the story.

Highlights of songs that have the perfect vibe:

Church Of The Helix Choir - Bloody Sunday

Shadow of the colossus - a despair filled farewell

Avatar the last Airbender- the last Agni kai

JC Row -Final Eclipse


Seeking battle music!

It is time now. Musical horses of the world, lend me your songs for this moment.

I need epic, sorrowful soundtracks of world ending calamity. I need a song where you lose everything. I need a song where you watch the sky drop to the earth like it's trying to crush the mountains.

This is a tragedy. This is slaying the one you love. I need you fall a hundred thousand miles, weeping with broken wings.

Here's what I have so far. I want songs, movie and game soundtracks, with and without lyrics, but especially those with orchestral accompaniment.

Make me think of giant titans clashing in the sky, their hearts breaking at the violence toward each other, even as they crush cities and states beneath them. Long teeth and blood, hitting like bombs, cresting like tidal waves in slow motion.

Here's some pictures for inspiration. I need More music to listen to while I draw the actual scenes.

Remember, these beasts are miles tall and wide. Their hearts could level kingdoms, and they are breaking.


Back in business baby!

I need a better setup for my tablet than just -pulls it on and off my lap several times a session- because I keep breaking the cable ports from all the repositioning.

Let's see if I can make this one last more than 2 years



Happy years of pride!

I have become even happier, and the distance wider.

I wonder if you know these things are linked

But then I remember that to you

My happiness looks like suffering


I want to vape water so bad. It looks like fun and I remember sucking the mist from my mom's miniature rock fountain and laughing out clouds of distilled water and a little bit of dirt.

Tiny horses we dipped in and out of the fog, mistepped and broke their tiny legs, left them too close to the little motor which somehow sprouted blisters on their plaster hides.

Spinning sticks in the embers trying to make smoke rings before we get scolded for playing with fire.

Ok I'm an adult now can I play with fire? Can I play with water?

What are they packing into those pens that rots our lungs and blisters and scars and does such fun things we call "popcorn" like it's a snappy bright flavor of addiction?

Can I just play with it?

I don't trust anyone to make toys in an industry whose mission statement is to hurt and harm in 10 colorful new flavors!

Literally it's just clouds. You made clouds into polkadot poison and gave it to kids like bubbles and a wand.

We have to laugh and mock and boo and try to make it uncool to somehow stop the damage but fuck, it IS cool! It's dragon's breath without the biting cold of winter but you went and made it sick.

Man what the hell. Imagine if bubbles could kill you.

Why did they do that?

I'm going outside to find cool sticks. I just wish I could bring the clouds with me.

Ok apparently putting water in your lungs in general is just bad for you. Helps resolve my wishes, but I'm still mad about the nicotine industry.


I want to vape water so bad. It looks like fun and I remember sucking the mist from my mom's miniature rock fountain and laughing out clouds of distilled water and a little bit of dirt.

Tiny horses we dipped in and out of the fog, mistepped and broke their tiny legs, left them too close to the little motor which somehow sprouted blisters on their plaster hides.

Spinning sticks in the embers trying to make smoke rings before we get scolded for playing with fire.

Ok I'm an adult now can I play with fire? Can I play with water?

What are they packing into those pens that rots our lungs and blisters and scars and does such fun things we call "popcorn" like it's a snappy bright flavor of addiction?

Can I just play with it?

I don't trust anyone to make toys in an industry whose mission statement is to hurt and harm in 10 colorful new flavors!

Literally it's just clouds. You made clouds into polkadot poison and gave it to kids like bubbles and a wand.

We have to laugh and mock and boo and try to make it uncool to somehow stop the damage but fuck, it IS cool! It's dragon's breath without the biting cold of winter but you went and made it sick.

Man what the hell. Imagine if bubbles could kill you.

Why did they do that?

I'm going outside to find cool sticks. I just wish I could bring the clouds with me.

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