

Here is my piece for @tolkienekphrasisweek! Day Five was Textiles and Fashion, and I wanted to embroider an artwork for it:

I wanted to make something that represented the Oath of FΓ«anor from the Silmarillion. I tried to use black and red to give it a sort of violent feel. They also contrast really well with each other. This was my first time cutting out hands from felt and I think it turned out pretty good!


Two-drabbles-and-a-half for @russingon-week day 4: peace!

Maedhros is yet as lovely, lost in thought, as he was long ago under the blissful light of Laurelin. The harsh rays of the new Sun seem to suit him, picking out the blazing red of his hair and the sharp glinting edges of his smile. But he is not smiling now: nibbling at his lip, he looks down at the map unfurled before him with a fine crease between his eyebrows.

β€œSo the orcs drove you south across Ard-galen,” he says, β€œbut you did not turn to fight them off at Ladros.”

β€œThey were too numerous,” Fingon agrees, β€œand moved far too fast.”

One archly raised eyebrow. β€œAnd yet you dispersed them so swiftly, within reach of Himring, that not one of my watchmen saw it happen?”

β€œWell!” says Fingon. β€œThey were only a small force, and badly equipped at that.”

β€œA small force,” echoes Maedhros, β€œand yet they broke through all our great Leaguer, and somehow ambushed you within a day’s ride of Barad Eithel, and chased you and your men halfway across Beleriand.”

β€œWe were very much afraid,” says Fingon.

β€œThere your story collapses,” says Maedhros with a laugh, β€œfor you have never in your life been afraid of anything, for better or for worse. Give it up, Finno. There were no orcs.”

β€œPerhaps not,” Fingon concedes, grinning, β€œbut something compelled me here all the same.”

β€œYou might have thought of a better excuse than orcs,” Maedhros says, faux-petulantly; but he smiles again when Fingon kisses him.


See one of my favorite Rivendell headcanons is that even though it's a wonderful, peaceful sanctuary, pretty much everyone there could be incredibly dangerous if they wanted to be. Like, let's think about who lives in that valley.

  • Elrond Peredhel, resident healer and eldritch crime against nature, self-explanatory
  • Glorfindel, slayer of balrogs, self-explanatory
  • Erestor, probably Feanorian, definitely dangerous
  • Old Feanorian diehards, all of whom are probably looking for an excuse to commit morally justified violence
  • Old Gondolindrim/Iathrim, who, despite what they might tell you, are exactly as dangerous as the Feanorians
  • Garthaglir the Library Orc, who absolutely remembers how to use the giant battleaxe he keeps behind his desk
  • A strange, shadowy figure roaming the valley who I'm *sure* isn't Maglor Feanorian, but who is nonetheless a terrifying singer
  • Elladan and Elrohir, who have spent the last several centuries becoming nightmare fuel for Sauron's forces
  • Arwen, eldritch, bites
  • Bilbo Baggins, not to be underestimated, can defeat a grown man with nothing more than his scathingly polite commentary
  • Dunedain visitors, vaguely feral, highly trained
  • Aragorn, very feral, highly trained
  • Lindir, not actually dangerous, but if you upset him you are going to have problems with everyone else on this list

I actually really like the idea that a lot of the people who live in Rivendell are inherently kind of dangerous, because it means that they're actively choosing peace and kindness for themselves and I love that.


I’m sorry Maglor couldn’t make it as he was busy being my right hand, an indispensable position as *groaning in the background* I don’t have that one.

-Maedhros the Tall FΓ«anorion (the Dispossessed) to whichever of his many cousins or relatives threw the latest pointless celebration and is now bothering him about Maglor’s refusal to attend


Assorted thoughts on the Silm AU where all the elves are hobbits:

  • Eol isn't a bad dude here he's just a hobbit who was raised by men and is therefore very unaccustomed to Hobbit social norms. He takes Aredhel on their honeymoon and everyone think he's kidnapped her. Aredhel loves the trip though, even when Celegorm interrupts it to try and "rescue" her.
  • Gondolin is a neighborhood that hosts really awesome exclusive parties that very few people get invited too and no one can ever find. Turgon runs all the parties but no one's ever been able to get any information out of him about it.
  • Maeglin did once get kidnapped by Morgoth and blackmailed for party location information. He showed up and it was the most awkward night anyone there had ever experienced. He didn't even steal anything he just loomed over everyone and made insensitive comments about how short they were. No one blamed Maeglin of course, and he was fine afterwards. Turgon called Morgoth several mildly rude things at the party though so you know he was at the absolute end of his rope.
  • Caranthir is an aspiring textile merchant who often does trade outside of the Shire. During one of his trips, he meets a dwarfish warrior named Haleth and they end up getting married.
  • One day two very lost, sad dwarves named Tuor and Turin show up in the Shire and become the absolute talk of the town, especially when Idril (who has completely refused the many gentlehobbits who tried to court her) almost immediately runs off and marries him (say it with me, good for her!) Soon afterwards they have adorable little dwobbit Earendil.
  • Said Earendil, as a young adult, takes a perilous boat journey up the river to seek the elvish king, Manwe, to tell him that Morgoth is being a huge dick. Manwe is confused about this, because Morgoth was released from elf-jail with a guard who was supposed to stop him from doing anymore crimes. (He got imprisoned first because of an incident involving public drunkenness and tree-related vandalism)
  • The guard was Sauron. He did not, in fact, stop Morgoth from committing more crimes.
  • So Manwe and the other elvish nobles (the Valar in the original Silm) go down to the Shire, apprehend Morgoth, and return the stuff he stole.
  • As an apology for letting Morgoth cause so much chaos down there, Manwe leaves one of his finest warriors to guard the Shire. And that is how Eonwe ends up becoming the first elf ever to be deemed a hobbit-friend.

Elrond With A Modern Medical!Reader in Valinor

Request: Not sure if this is fic or just headcanons but: Modern!reader in middle earth who was a neurosurgeon in her old life and is now in Valinor working with Elrond to translate medical concepts to elven language before she dies and help advance their medical practice. Some differences between elven and human biology are found out in the process, it’s all quite fascinating to them both. She assists in a few operations but I imagine they don’t have many surgical operations to do in times of peace because people just aren’t getting injured like they used to during the famed battles against Morgoth and Sauron in middle earth. She helps on occasion but them elves are graceful and not injury-prone. - Anon

A/N: I was having trouble turning this into a fic, and since you gave me the option, not minding if I did a headcanon, I went with the latter. I had fun writing this, I also made their relationship ambiguous. Enjoy!

  • When you happen to arrive in Valinor, dazed by its eternal beauty and tranquillity, Elrond, with all his calming presence and wise demeanour was the first to greet and help you settle down. He was kind to welcome you into his new home.
  • During your time there, you and Elrond spend countless hours in his extensive library, trying to translate complex medical texts and concepts into Quenya, while he marvels at the intricacies of human detail in neurosurgery. To him, the ability to heal the brain by getting so practical and up close was fascinating.
  • β€œYou humans certainly love your precision and details,” he would say as he smiled while reading through a description of a delicate brain surgery. You on the other hand would laugh and tell him that not all humans are so meticulous, following up your comment by sharing more medical mishaps from your world.
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