

@naarisz / naarisz.tumblr.com

Narisz/Iris | She/Her | 22 | ☆Programmer Grill☆ Drawing's my hobbi(t) | I post my doodles here

🍦🍧🍨 ICE CREAM DELIVERY!! 🍨🍧🍦 give ice cream to your favourite bloggers and help them stay cool this summer. 😎🍦


Thank you! Sending ice cream to you too!! Have a great Summer!🍦<3


Elves with wings? Elves with wings.

Okay terrible headcanon, I’m so sorry

All elves being born with wings. An elf without wigs is basically unheard of.

Then the helcaraxe. And nearly all the noldor who crossed it lost them. Wrapping their wings around them and their loved ones trying to keep them warm. Frostbite and cold eating away at them until it is best not to have them, and they are amputated. At least cutting off the wings doesn’t cause much bleeding. They were too frozen.

The number of elves who still have wings upon arrival in Beleriand could be counted by a child.

And not only do the Feanorians have to see how many had been lost on the Helcaraxe due to them burning the ships, but nearly every one of them a painful reminder. Not just the empty places of where the ones who died were. But the empty places from where they all lost part of themselves, frozen away on the ice.

Ohh, interesting headcanon! :)


Peredhel power

i hope Cáno had kids with a wife in Valinor cause he might have a difficult time now. XD

The twins don't want to share their father with any other sibling 😂


Aredhel the white!!

((( Dtiys by @naarisz, I love your orange and blue lines)))


Ohh! This is gorgeous!

Love how you did the lighting with the orange and blue colours it looks beautiful. The pose is so dynamic! Love it! The lineart technique you used is so cool. *-* Her eyes are so pretty! And her hair too! The moon looks fantastic! Love the details and the colourful highlight! <3

This is a beautiful piece, thank you for participating!


a gift from the wonderful and talented @naarisz ♥️ i drew her Sauron for her dtiys and she drew my melkor in return!

He turned out so perfect!! I’m in love. The detail of the armor and clothes, his jewelry and the little smirk!!! And grond! And ungoliant!! Insane!! 🥹

Thank you so much dear iris ♥️


Thank you for participating in the DTIYS!! Loved your drawing. :)


Narisz's DTIYS!

Hii, everybody!! My first DTIYS is here!

There are so many talented artists and writers in the Silmarillion fandom, so instead of restricting the challenge for drawings/paintings only, you can participate by writing something inspired by my drawings too! :)

I've made four drawings for this occasion:

1. Fëanor, 2. Aredhel, 3. Sauron, 4. Maedhros

Rules: hmm, nothing? Enjoy it? Oh, @ me and/or use the #naariszdtiys tag, so I can reblog your post on my blog!

Prizes: A drawing by me, yey! I will choose one-one person randomly from both categories. :)

Deadline: minimum one month, but I feel like the event maay be two months long. (Depends on how much time I need for my uni thesis. :/)

That's it, I guess. Happy creating! :)

Unfortunately, I forgot to reblog it in the beginning of May. (Sorry, I'm all over the place nowadays xd.) But if you want, you can still participate till the end of May.

I'll choose two random winners after the event ended. :)

Hi, again!!

Soo this is the official end of my DTIYS. Thank you everyone who participated!!! All artworks were so, soo beautiful and amazing!! :)

I didn't want to type your usernames into a random randomizing website, so I left the heavy lifting (choosing random winners) to Python. Xd

The winners are: @purpurregen and @boxofsairo I'll message you about the gift drawing soon. :)

Anonymous asked:

Heelloooo!! I wanted to ask about the Aredhel drawing of dtiys.

When you draw the lights, if the lights are white, you draw as well a blue and orange shadow. How have you done that?????

Like, did you duplicate the layer and turned it orange? I know some people do that, but it doesn´t look like that to me.

Have you added them latter by hand? Is there some trick??????

pd: have a nice day :DDDD


I use the Chromatic Aberration feature in Procreate to play with colours and lighting. It gives the lines a rgb contour, so they have this cool glow effect. I used this for my Aredhel drawing too. :)

I wish you a nice day as well!


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