
"Netflix cancels show because of capitalism" is true but they aren't even succeeding at capitalism. Pretty much all streaming services are hemorrhaging money right now. In their desperate attempts to win at capitalism, they are failing at capitalism. They are killing art for the sake of a pretend profit they never receive. Pathetic.


I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean

"Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth"

Who's afraid of little old me?

Well, you should be

( nothing special just somth i drew while thinking about TS new album ā€¦. It was suppose to have a second slide but i got tired so here it is šŸ«¶šŸ»)


I actually like it when ships hurt each other in long lasting and unforgiveable ways. I like it when they leave vicious, glaring scars. I like when they leave traumas. I like when they stab each other and torture each other and ruin each otherā€™s lives and violate every inch of each otherā€™s values. and I like it when they fucking kill each other permanently dead.Ā 


it really is insane to me how in the mid 2010s netflix had a reputation of making cool, inclusive series as well as saving tv shows after their networks cancelled them, and now here we are today with every halfway decent netflix original show getting cancelled after 1-2 seasons and a bajillion episodes of bigmouth

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