
I actually like it when ships hurt each other in long lasting and unforgiveable ways. I like it when they leave vicious, glaring scars. I like when they leave traumas. I like when they stab each other and torture each other and ruin each other’s lives and violate every inch of each other’s values. and I like it when they fucking kill each other permanently dead. 

favorite comedies that ended too soon ≡ Santa Clarita Diet (2017-2019)
“People can be sweet and dangerous. Example, us. Also, koala bears.”

When Veilguard comes out, please keep it in the back of your mind every single time you interact with Varric and Lucanis that their writer got laid off with little to no warning and that she is and always will be a Dragon Age legend and one of the reasons why the franchise has stayed afloat for as long as it has


Wow. Talk about attention to detail.

I will probably reblog this every time I see it on my dash because it’s absolutely stunning


This is literally insane. How did you have the patience. Tell me your secrets o’ art god.


ok!!! :0

Part of me is like “neat. Reblog,” and part of me is like “I understand now why impressionism took off, because there’s a 0% chance the artist wasn’t like ‘fuck this shit’ by the halfway point.”


if you’ve ever thought i’m standoffish, politely distant, or generally hard to befriend, know in your heart that i’m exactly the same in real life. my neighbours just showed up at my door drunk on Canada Day celebrations and told me how desperate they’ve been to meet me for the past few months and then tried to fix the water pump in my basement

one of the neighbours returned today with heavy machinery and gravel and fixed my driveway. i feel like a feral animal they’re trying to coax with little treats

they've told me the gossip which is that a few years back a 70 yr old man collapsed the bridge at the end of my road by driving his tractor over it, lost his tractor in the river, climbed back up the cliff unscathed, walked an hour home, and then the whole road fell into disrepair and all the campgrounds closed and the once popular waterfall down the road became obscure and secret. so like, be the change you want to see in the world. collapse a bridge to chase out the tourists. also you can lose widespread knowledge in under 10 years if one old man collapses a bridge

also i met this bridge collapsing old man on a walk a few months ago and he said to me "you should check out the river at the end of the road, there's a tractor in it!" like he wasn't the one who put it there


an important principle of fandom (and life, actually) is that if you want more of Less Popular Thing, it is good to create positive spaces and events for it. however, if you use those spaces to take cracks at the More Popular Thing which you perceive as stealing oxygen from your Less Popular Thing, you do not increase the audience for Less Popular Thing. you decrease it, because you irk people who like both Things. and depending on the relative popularity, there are quite possibly more people who like both Things than people who only like Less Popular Thing. (not to mention - you kill your chances of recruiting people who like More Popular Thing but are neutral on or haven’t considered Less Popular Thing.) 

you’re not campaigning for votes (where There Can Be Only One), you’re marketing for a share of people’s attention. don’t be petty. be effective

Also applies in general. Insulting people’s tastes is highly unlikely to result in them becoming more receptive to yours, and you’re likely to only succeed in alienating them (and quite possibly putting them off whatever you’re recommending for life.)

Just focus on whatever you’re trying to promote. “This show’s great; I think you might like it! It’s about blah blah blah” or even “If you liked X you might like Y too; they’re quite similar in some ways!” It sounds cheesy, but this really is a time to just be focusing on the positives.

Plus, even if I like Less Popular Thing and actually hate More Popular Thing, I don’t want to be a part of a fandom that spends significant time complaining about the thing they don’t like, I want to be in a space filled with people enjoying the thing that they do like.

I have chosen not to get involved in fandoms for this exact reason before. If I poke my head in and see nothing but bitching about other folks having a good time in a different part of fandom, I leave, regardless of my feelings about the source material.

Who wants to be part of a fandom filled with nothing but toxicity?


Honestly? Some of us enjoy being allowed to speak about all the things we didn’t like about something, particularly if that thing is supposedly an adaptation or offshoot of something we love. You can make room for the haters of the fandom too if you just add an anti [whatever] tag or server or thread or whatever. A lot of good fic has come out of people’s desire to do better than a canon they hated because it did their favourite dirty. A lot of haters are fans too. Give them a place to complain to each other in peace - somewhere where the relentless joy and rainbows people don’t have to go if they don’t want to - and then they won’t mind so much if they aren’t allowed to complain in other places. Source: A person who now inhabits the #anti trop tag and who yet still loves Tolkien fandom.

My dude, way to miss the point on two levels:

1) You can be a hater all you like. Nobody is stopping you. What you shouldn’t do is mix up the bits where you’re being a hater with the bits where you’re trying to convince people to like the stuff you like, because it’s highly ineffective.

2) Nevertheless, if a significant portion of your fandom activity is bitching about the stuff you hated, that’s going to create a terrible and offputting atmosphere. “Complaining to each other in peace” is fine for short periods of time (though I will still always recommend taking it to the group chat) but unless you’re particularly funny or insightful about it, and most people are not, hating on things gets very boring very fast.

It’s not about ‘relentless joy and rainbows’ - criticism is and always will be a healthy part of fandom - it’s about not focusing your fandom identity around what you hate. Or, for that matter, your real-life identity.

#very very seriously centreing your identity around what you hate#is psychologically bad and will make you unhappy in the long term#nobody can STOP you doing it but mostly you’re hurting yourself


Further more, the first post in this thread is about Comparing Fandoms

I don’t care if you want to be a hater, go ahead and hate. But if I come to Fandom A to talk about it i have 0 interest in only seeing hate for Fandom B in the tag

Hated the latest update of A? Fine, i agree that blorbo was very ooc and what on earth was that sloppy writing?

But i don’t want to come to the fandom tag to talk about the latest (terrible?) update of A and only find people bitching about the latest update of B???

Yes, please tag your hating properly so people who don’t want it can block it, but also PLEASE stay on fucking topic

Further more, the first

post in this thread is about

Comparing Fandoms

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

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