
Nancy loves fixing Robin’s lunches. She tries really hard to go all out. Problem is that Nancy isn’t that great of a cook. Robin is so in love that she thinks Nancy is the best cook in the entire world and will defend her cooking to till her last breathe. She doesn’t seem to realize that Nancy’s lunches is the reason her stomach is always upset.


sits down to write a tense, thrilling finale, but is sleepy and a lil sad and writes this instead:

It’s still early, surely. She doesn’t have to get up. Doesn’t have to do anything but tilt her head until her lips brush against Robin’s brow, pulling a sleepy, wordless mumble from her, and slip her hands under Robin’s sleep shirt to feel the warmth of her skin against her fingers.

Robin makes another small sound, almost a whimper. She tucks her face deeper into the crook of Nancy’s neck.

“Not yet.” It’s almost a whine, slipping past her lips and into the quiet of the ship. Nancy presses her fingertips into her skin.

“No,” she breathes. “We have time. Go back to sleep.”


Fool ✮⋆˙

summary: Robin watches Nancy and Jonathan rebuild their relationship, and she has to keep her feelings and thoughts towards Nancy to herself.

excerpt here:
“When the world is ending, unrequited love should be the least important thing. Robin knows this, but if Nancy gets to be in love, she thinks she has every right to be as well. She knows it's stupid. In fact it’s all she can think about. She wishes she doesn’t care as much as she does. But she cares so much it feels like she has a knot instead of a heart.”

read more on AO3:


Ronance; An Exile in Guyville Interlude

Robin and Nancy get an unexpected phone call from Eddie.


Sunday mornings are always quiet in the small apartment. Robin is often found curled up on the end of the big brown couch wrapped in the chevron throw her grandmother made when she was a young wife. Today, she’s in her spot and holding a new copy of The Shipping News in one fist and a soy latte, brewed in her kitchen, in her other. L7 plays low on the stereo in the corner, the only other noise in the room is the sound of the typewriter keys clicking with the fast pace of her lover’s fingers. The sound of home.

The cordless phone sits in its cradle on the end table next to Robin’s tightly coiled body. Its ringing jolts her upright, the still warm coffee sloshing just at the rim of the handmade blue ceramic mug. The clicking of the keys is paused as Nancy rises from her spot at her desk and grabs the receiver of the corded phone that hangs between the kitchen and living room while Robin grabs the cordless receiver at her side. Anyone that calls this time on a Sunday will want to talk to both of them. Robin’s first thought is Max, but then she remembers that she’s got actual real life plans this weekend. Maybe it’s Stevie.


if i see another person say that they "dumbed down" robin in season 4 I'm going to riot. no they didn't!!! she helped so much with figuring out how to stop vecna. she figured out where eddie was hiding. she figured out that victor creel was attacked by vecna. her rant even got them access to victor. she's just as smart as she was in rhe previous season. and she's sill acts mostly the same around everyone else. the only person she gets really chatty and nervous around is nancy (which is who we see her with in most of the season). i would even argue that she's more comfortable with steve and the others now and is just being herself. stop saying that she's "dumber" or "more annoying now" please.


If Steve had died in season one, Robin and Nancy wouldn't have interacted. (Dustin wouldn't have an older brother. Lucas probably would have been beaten up by Hargrove. God, Dustin and Erica probably would have died in the Russian base or imprisoned) Robin would have just gone home. She wouldn't have known about any Russian messge. (If Robin hadn't known about it, would Dustin have been able to crack it? Probably not. I mean, would he have even been at Starcourt?) She wouldn't have made a friend in Steve. She would have just gone on thinking Nancy was a priss, that Steve Harrington died an asshole. She wouldn't have felt safe enough to come out to anyone in Hawkins. She wouldn't have been prepared when the "earthquake" happened. Robin wouldn't have been in the library helping Nancy. She wouldn't have been part of the group. Nancy would have gone into the Upside Down towards Vecna without any backup. I think people forget how integral Steve is to the story, how many lives he touched, and the people he brought together because he was there. God, Steve, and Robin's friendship are so important to the story. There would be no Ronance without Steve. . .without Stancy, actually. Despite what people think, Nancy and Steve could make it work without anyone else, but would they want to? So, if they made Ronance endgame, they would have to make Stancy as well. Poly with Steve and Robin still being platonic, of course. Would Robin date Nancy without encouraging Steve to do the same? She would probably bring him on their dates anyway. She doesn't drive, remember? Plus, I can't get the image of Robin being nervous and Steve's hiding in the booth behind Robin to suggest what she would say like Cyrano or just be there for support. Without looking up from her menu, Nancy just goes:

"Why doesn't Steve just sit with us?" Nancy said. "Besides, I figured out a while ago that you're a matching set."

"Steve? I don't see Steve!"

"Really? Because that guy's hair behind you looks a lot like Steve’s!" Nancy yelled. "I want to date both of you. Is that a problem?"

"Oh, thank god," Steve and Robin would sigh in relief.


i will not apologize for the monster i will become if season five drops and robin or steve dies. i’ll go full feral. like those are my girls!!!! my gals!!! they need to live and go on to have a sitcom in indy!!!! robin needs to canonize ronance!!! steve needs to do steve things!!!! they need to be the queerplatonic rep im starving for!!! fucks sake.


you can pry happy endings from my cold-dead hands. It can be the most heart stopping, gut wrenching fic that has every existed and I will read every drop of it if I get my happy ending. I have had enough painful endings in real life, give me happy in my fantasy world. It can be at the last second, it can be a single sentence, even a single word. Give me all the angst and hurt in the world for 500,000 words, but please give me the comfort I need in the ending. please and thank you.

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