


/ᐠ - ˕ -マ₊ ⊹
I'm Jay ✮ they/them ✮ 22 y/o
Rarely i'll post art and I have an Instagram but I'm much more active, weirder and cooler here

so why was Charles so adamant that Brad and Hunter were 'just best mates' ? like why did he come in so quick to say so? Richie couldn't even hear him so he was only defending them to Edwin and Crystal and it really has nothing to do with Charles wanting them to be 'good guys.' It was pretty clear Richie was just lying or joking because they'd literally spoken to Brad and Hunter and knew they thought they'd been murdered so I doubt Crystal or Edwin were believing the whole gay suicide pact thing, and yet Charles swoops in immediately like, no no they're just best mates!! And he specifically says 'best mates' rather than friends or best friends, when 'best mates' is what we've all come to associate with Charles and Edwin.

Everything else he defends Brad and Hunter for lines up with him wanting them to be good guys but this one things sticks out, unless he thinks being gay stops them from being good guys. Obviously Charles has no issue with people being gay, he accepts Edwin immediately, but he's projecting onto Brad and Hunter, he wants them to be good so he can prove he can also be good so it's much more personal if they turned out to be gay (again I don't think any other character was believing Richie's story, only Charles seemed bothered enough to debunk it) it's kind of giving the impression that Charles is actively avoiding thinking about his own sexuality or even the possibility of it. He shuts the joke down immediately, even though considering Edwin's journey this season, it seems more like a statement he'd have an opinion on. Basically Charles sees himself in these boys and all of a sudden their sexuality is questioned, making Charles think even a millisecond about his own, and whether that would stop him being able to relate to them and he just immediately shuts it down.

And if Charles gets his idea of good from what his Dad expected of him yet also wanting to be the furthest thing from his Dad, he probably has a really foggy idea of what 'good' even looks like. It's likely he can see how being queer isn't bad and accept it immediately in others but possibly struggle more with questioning his own sexuality. He's so quick to accept and forgive others yet holds himself to impossible standard of moral goodness he couldn't possibly wish to achieve. And if he's grown up in a homophobic environment which is very likely considering, he's probably got a very confusing idea in his mind about whether he could balance being good and being queer.


Everyone that looked at Niko when she was possessed by Litty and Kingham stared at her slack jawed and wouldn't talk, except Crystal. She smiled and tried to introduce herself or invite Niko over. Most likely this was because Crystal's psychic and therefore somewhat immune to their abilities, but maybe we weren't completely wrong about them either


People treat Niko and Edwin's friendship as an "opposites attract" situation but in reality they are both very kind people who pride themselves on knowledge and their ability to help others despite their struggles with isolation and social rejection from being sent away to boarding school. They're not besties in spite of their differences, they're besties bc theyre exactly the same.


Edwin enjoys detective novels and Niko enjoys scooby doo

Edwin "the books in our office are not just for display" payne vs niko "I do more than watch anime, I read" sasaki

Mr "if you take enough notes you can always puzzle it out" and ms "I have excellent reading comprehension"

They were made to work together.


Maybe Edwin isn't as reactive when they're in danger of being sent to the afterlife as Charles, because he believes without a doubt that Charles isn't going to be sent to hell. He only has himself to worry about, whereas Charles doesn't know where he'll be sent (if he truly thinks he's a bad person it's not that much of a stretch to think he believes there's a chance he'll get sent to hell) as well as fearing for Edwin going back to hell too.

I don't doubt both of them would do anything to stay together but I think it plays on Edwin's mind that he almost (unintentionally) stole Charles' tranquil afterlife from him, maybe sometimes he thinks if Death were to catch them and he was sent back to hell, at least Charles would get his true peaceful afterlife.

We know though, that Charles would rather go to hell (as he literally does) than be separated from Edwin.

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