
Challenge: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.

@poetry-protest-pornography tagged me so let's do this!

everyone is gettin' real mean with their forcing decision making so here's my bunch of ql picks:

yeah have fun with these choices!

i'm genuinely loving seeing everyone put each other through this nonsense and i'm voting in every poll that pops up on my dash whether i know y'all or not so please feel free to have an opinion over here too 🀣

uhhhhhhhh who i have i not seen tagged yet or who hasn't posted this from my (relatively small) mutuals list? let's seeeeee how about @callipigio, @babetanatat, @raikantop, @writerwithoutsound and @pandasmagorica with absolutely no pressure to actually do this if you don't wanna or don't have time or brain for it πŸ’– or do it if you're someone else and you see this! pretend i tagged you! or someone else did! the internet is all made up anyway!


Mini-Bracket: Best Marriage Proposal in a QL

So, as many of y'all may have heard, as of June 18, 2024 the marriage equality bill just got passed in Thailand, making it the first Southeast Asian country to legalize same sex marriage and also only one of three countries in all of Asia to legalize it (Taiwan legalized it 2019 and Nepal legalized it in 2024 as well). While technically it won't fully go into effect for another 120 days, I've planning to do something to celebrate it for a while so with great pleasure I introduce the first mini-bracket: Best Marriage Proposal in a QL!!!

What's a mini-bracket? Well since we are currently still in the Most Unhinged Bracket (currently in the finals and about halfway through the loser bracket) and I have a planned hiatus coming up due to traveling, what it really means is that there will be a shorter submission time, no prelims, all one-day long polls, and will be running at the same time as everything else. This is just supposed to be a little fun thing to celebrate marriage equality!

Same base rules apply (which you can read in the form and in the pinned post) EXCEPT this time I'm going to open it up to all QLs! While GLs are still in the early stages of becoming an established industry compared to BLs (and thus it still feels kinda unfair to them if I were to say that that the brackets were for all qls but would still be like 90% bl at least), it didn't feel right to not include them in this one!

Also there's some extra rules this time!

  • For the purposes of this poll, the proposal MUST be for a queer couple (mlm or wlw)
  • While this is to celebrate gay marriage being legalized in Thailand, any East Asian live action bl is eligible
  • It must be a legitimate marriage proposal, not just an offhand comment about wanting to get married in the future or making some other type of serious commitment as a couple that isn't marriage (like moving in together). Those are all good, but not what I'm wanting to highlight here.Β 

Submissions Close on June, 22 @ 7 PM GMT

Submit your favorite marriage proposals in a QL Here!

Thou Art All The Essence Of All Knower Of All Delighter Of All - Dr Devang H Dattani

Good Morning

Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes OfΒ 

Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri

Doctor Devang H Dattani

Infinite SriSriSri DDD

Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team

See The Media Photo Video For


God Morning

#Essence , #bliss , #TheBlissCity , #philosophy , #mindfulness , #DrDevangHDattani , #nature , #awareness , #InfiniteSriSriSriDDD , #Quotes , #Life , #art , #zen , #awakening , #quote , #spiritual , #photography , #Video , #meditation , #psychology , #poem , #poetry , #motivation , #inspiration , #quoteoftheday , #love , #words , #thoughts , #joy , #pun , #enlightenment ,Β #Delighter , #knower , #infinite , #spilled ink , #good morning , #spilled writings


Consider: Porsche + Jom + Tem platonic cuddle puddles

Porsche is incredibly physically affectionate, he NEEDS to be cuddled, and he needs more than poor lil Chay can give (he’s busy, hia, he has to practice guitar!).

He’s got his side-hustles going that really don’t give him a healthy relationship with physical touch. One day he’s drinking and shooting the shit with Jom after a match, after getting himself patched up. They’ve had enough where Jom decides fuck it, Porsche needs a hug.

They wake up in a tangle of limbs on the floor, mutually decide to never mention it, then mutually forget that decision and tease the hell out of each other about it all the time.

They keep it up for a bit. It’s fine, it’s for the bit, it’s not that serious. Except then one day they automatically curl up together for bed, and hey it’s really nice. And ofc Tem gets dragged into the pile bc he gave them shit for it, so Jom and Porsche just tackle him. He’s getting cuddled whether he likes it or not! (Porsche always ends up in the middle ofc, he needs Maximum Snuggles)

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