• fanfic writers who write for rare pair ships are treasures and I hope they all know about the impact they have on fandoms. like… they’re the ones bringing these ships to lives, they’re one of the few people who saw the potential between two characters whose dynamics, whether or not they interact in canon, were overlooked by most fans, and they created something beautiful out of these potential dynamics. like??? hello???? that is pure genius.

    not to mention how they’re the lifelines for other people who enjoy these ships but didn’t have any fics to consume until these tireless writers spent hours or days or weeks or months or years writing about these characters and their relationships, and just shared the worlds they created with their audiences for free.

    or how they singlehandedly introduced the ships to new people who would’ve otherwise never thought about these ships before.

    how they could just make people fall in love with the dynamics between characters who have little to no canon screentime together.

    how they could just make people fall in love with the dynamics between characters who aren’t lovers in canon, characters who don’t indicate any clear hint of romance in canon.

    how they see what most fans don’t and how they create such beautiful worlds for these characters are simply insane.

    fanfic writers who write for rare pair ships are treasures.

    shoutout to every fanfic writer who writes for rare pair ships.

  • Weekly Thai Drama Fanfic Stats

    Week of 6/24/24 - 6/30/24

    Each week I'll use my Thai Drama AO3 Trends Dashboard to pull some data from AO3 about the quantity of Thai drama fics posted the previous week.

    Weekly Summary


    Daily Totals

    A line graph showing the Daily Net New Thai Drama Fics from June 24 to June 30. Most of the days show between 21 and 39 new fics, except June 27, which shows 11.ALT

    Top Fandoms

    A table showing which fandoms had the most new fics this week. There are 10 fandoms in the table. The top fandom is KinnPorsche, with 12,334 total fics and 60 new fics.ALT

    Fastest Growing Fandoms

    A table showing the top ten fastest growing fandoms of the week. There is a note which says that fandoms with only 1 new fic are excluded. The top fandom is Only Boo! with a total of 13 fics, 3 new fics, and 23.08% growth. Next is Wandee Goodday, with 51 total fics, 9 new fics, and 17.65% growth.ALT

    Note: We Are: The Series is actually one of the fastest growing 100+ fic fandoms on all of AO3 right now! See ao3-anonymous's post.

    See more data on the Thai Drama AO3 Trends Dashboard or on the AO3 Fandom Trend Analysis Dashboard.

  • I am obsessed with fictional guys being really weird about each other. Hard at work in the plausible deniability mines. You know those pairings who would jerk each other off before they'd kiss

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