
Here's how to spot a Mad Scientist:

  • Is very smart in a specific field
  • Probably hasn't slept in the past 4 days
  • Depressed
  • Slowly decends into madness/gets obsessed over something to the point where they destroy their lives over it/makes causing general chaos and destruction into their life goal

Here are other minor signs you might want to look out for (doesn't apply to all Mad Scientist):

  • Very pathetic. A loser, if you will
  • Is gay
  • Wears glasses
  • Has a best friend who is extremely friendly and also a poet
  • Graying hair despite their relatively youthful appearance
  • Can be a little bit silly (as a treat)

Note that not all Mad Scientists are actual scientists. The Mad Scientist can be disguised as something else and may try to trick you; do not be fooled. Look for these traits to identify a real wild Mad Scientist.

Now you are ready to go out into the wild and find your very own Mad Scientists to hyperfixate on for the next month! Hope this helped❤️


The Frankenstein musical actually drives me mental, because so much of it is corny asf, but it’s JUST GOOD ENOUGH that I’m SO serious about the fact that with revisions, it could be really fucking good, I just don’t know what those revisions are and it makes me so mad 😭

Is this going to be my new obsession. “How to make the Frankenstein musical actually good”.


The story goes that today in 1816, Lord Byron read “Fantasmagoriana” to his four house guests – Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Claire Clairmont, and John Polidori - and inspired his challenge that each guest writes a ghost story. Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein” as the result of the challenge.

Image: Portrait of Mary Shelley, c. 1840, and a page from a draft manuscript of “Frankenstein,” 1816


Hey remember that Mummy remake that came out in 2017? That was supposed to kick off a whole MCU-style slate of films, involving the Universal Classic Monsters?

Unfortunately, it wasn't good. And we never got Javier Bardem as Frankenstein's Monster, never got a fresh Wolfman...


Are You Afraid Of The Dark Universe? is a podcast that fixes not only The Mummy 2017, but now has almost 20 fictional films between the two fantastic writer hosts, Dalton Deschain and Dylan Roth, and various guest pitches. They've got John C. Reily as the Invisible Man, Amber Midthunder as a Werewolf, and a Trans Allegory Black Lagoon that will make you cry!

Also many films are acted out full-script, with voice actors, and this lovely trailer for House of Dracula was made by listener Luke Martin.

Needless to say, one gets invested.

If you love your Re. Dracula, you'll probably love The Dark Universe! It's on all the podcast places.

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