
dream SUBMISSION blog

@one-time-i-dreamt / one-time-i-dreamt.tumblr.com

last night I dreamt I was being smothered to death by a giant ladybug My Ko-fi click here to submit a dream click here to ask questions blog Instagram personal Instagram chat with me

I had a dream where I stumbled on Japan and tried to get away from authorities with other escaping people from the same facility. We pretended to be tourists and kept hopping from a train to another to drop our chasers off.

It was very stressful and scary. At one point, I was standing on a train near doors, watching outside. First, I saw on a floor a little light in rainbow colors. I thought that it is a good sign (as it is). Then, I saw a house sized, white statue of the God Shiva outside. He was white and sitting in his lotus pose.

As he became aware of me staring at him, the statue came alive. He opened his eyes, which turned into human eyes, his lips turned black and his hair became real, too. Shiva looked directly at me.

He signed me two signs and after that he signed me a message with full sign language as I was passing by him. I thought in the dream, sad; "Oh no, no. You have to deliver that message to me in some other form as I don't speak sign language."

I remember only the first two signs, which he used to greet(?) me:

Anyone speaking sign language (any country's, any dialect)? Do these mean anything? I assume they do as words always mean something but this is the first time I get message in sign language.


not a dream

had to pass 15 STEP AUTHORIZATION to log into my Twitter

15 photos of animals that had to be rotated to match the same direction another image was pointing at

and I failed so I had to go through the sound version where I had to recognize the sound of the drums 15 times :'((((((((


I needed guidance, so I went to my friend’s house. He was a Hawaiian elder, a chief or something, so I knew he’d be able to help me with my problems.

While I was there telling him what was bothering me, this little gray puppy ran up and hopped in my lap, started licking me all over. He told me the dog just showed up one day, so he’d been feeding it, but he can’t touch it since he’s allergic to dogs. It was so cute, this little gray thing with dark gray eyebrows and a dark gray moustache.

The elder had to get up to get his allergy medication, and on his way to the bathroom he told me I should take my boat and sail, go see the world. I was looking at the art on his walls and decided I’d take the dog with me, as a companion, so I named him Eyebrows ‘cause of his dark eyebrows.

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