
Writing tips, Prompts and Dialogues


Pizza and books are Life.

Introduce characters

Here are some ways to introduce characters in a story

The Action Introduction, Show the character in the midst of an exciting or significant action. This immediately captures the reader's attention and gives them an impression of the character's personality. For example, "With a swift swing of her sword, Maya cleaved through the enemy ranks, her determined gaze never wavering."

The Dialogue Introduction, Introduce the character through a captivating conversation or monologue that reveals their thoughts, beliefs, or conflicts. This allows readers to get a glimpse into the character's personality and motivations. For example, "As the rain poured down, James leaned against the lamppost and muttered, 'Life's just a series of missed opportunities, isn't it?'"

The Physical Description Introduction, Describe the character's appearance in a vivid and memorable way. Focus on unique features or attributes that make them stand out. For example, "Her emerald-green eyes shimmered like pools of liquid wisdom, and her silver-streaked hair cascaded down her back like a flowing river."

The Entrance Introduction, Have the character make a grand entrance that immediately grabs attention. This could involve a dramatic arrival or an unexpected appearance that disrupts the scene. For example, "The doors swung open, and in walked a tall figure cloaked in darkness, their presence filling the room with an air of mystery and intrigue."

The Symbolic Introduction, Use symbolic elements or objects to introduce the character. This can be a powerful way to convey their personality or role in the story. For example, "As the sun set behind the mountains, a solitary figure emerged from the shadows, their footsteps leaving behind a trail of delicate rose petals."

The Flashback Introduction, Begin with a flashback or memory that provides insight into the character's past and sets the stage for their introduction in the present. This can create intrigue and a sense of anticipation. For example, "Sarah closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to that fateful day in her childhood, the day that shaped her into the strong, resilient woman she had become."

The Contrast Introduction, Introduce the character by highlighting a sharp contrast between their external appearance or behavior and their inner thoughts or emotions. This can create intrigue and pique the reader's curiosity. For example, "Despite his rugged exterior and tattooed arms, Jake possessed a gentle touch and a heart that yearned for love and acceptance."


Showing 'Excitement' in Writing

  • Eyes lighting up, sparkling with anticipation
  • A broad, uninhibited smile
  • Bouncing lightly on the balls of the feet
  • Clapping hands together
  • An animated, almost unstoppable flow of talk
  • Quick, energetic movements
  • Laughing freely and loudly
  • Rushing to share the news with someone else
  • A sudden burst of energy, such as jumping or running
  • Throwing arms up in a gesture of victory or joy

Showing 'Sadness' in Writing

  • Eyes brimming with unshed tears
  • Shoulders drooping, as if bearing a heavy weight
  • A quiet, almost inaudible sigh
  • A far-off gaze, eyes not focusing on anything specific
  • A faint tremor in the voice when speaking
  • Slow, shuffling steps
  • Turning away to hide one's face
  • Forcing a smile that doesn't reach the eyes
  • A hand absently tracing an old scar or memento
  • Slumping against a wall or sinking into a chair

Expressing 'Anger' in Writing

  • Jaw clenching tightly
  • Hands balling into fists
  • Veins throbbing visibly at the temple
  • Eyes narrowing to slits
  • Breathing becoming quick and shallow
  • Stomping or heavy footsteps
  • Voice rising in pitch or volume
  • Flushing or reddening of the face
  • Throwing or slamming objects
  • Brows knitting together in frustration
  • Lips pressing into a thin line
  • Teeth grinding audibly
  • Staring with a hard, fixed gaze
  • Sarcasm dripping from every word
  • Snapping responses or barking orders

Advanced Synonyms for Your Novel

  • Cold - frigid, icy, chilling
  • Hot - sweltering, scorching, torrid
  • Small - minute, diminutive, petite
  • Big - vast, colossal, gargantuan
  • Smart - intelligent, astute, savvy
  • Dumb - obtuse, vacuous, dim-witted
  • Fast - swift, rapid, fleet
  • Slow - sluggish, lethargic, dilatory
  • Old - ancient, decrepit, venerable
  • Young - youthful, juvenile, fledgling
  • Good - excellent, superb, stellar
  • Bad - dreadful, atrocious, abysmal
  • Strong - robust, sturdy, formidable
  • Weak - feeble, frail, flimsy
  • Funny - humorous, witty, comical

Signs of Attraction

  • Mirroring your movements unconsciously.
  • Frequent light touches on your arm or back during conversation.
  • Persistent eye contact, with pupils dilated when looking at you.
  • Quick glances at your lips while talking.
  • Frequent, almost nervous laughter in response to your jokes.
  • Finding excuses to start or extend conversations.
  • Revealing personal details in hopes of creating a deeper connection.
  • Sudden interest in your hobbies or activities.
  • Adjusting clothing or hair when they notice you looking.
  • Offering compliments not just about your appearance, but your qualities or achievements.
  • Standing closer to you than to others in a group.
  • Making plans for future meetings without a specific reason.

Sad Last Words

  • "Tell them I loved them more than all the stars in the sky."
  • "Promise me you'll keep laughing, even when it hurts."
  • "I wish we had more time—so much more."
  • "Don't let my end stop you from beginning."
  • "Remember, not all who wander are lost, but I guess I was."
  • "I hope you find the happiness that eluded me."
  • "Forgive me, for I have loved too deeply to live lightly."
  • "Keep our memories alive, they were the best part of me."
  • "It's so dark now, but I used to be afraid of the dark."
  • "I'm not scared, just sad to be leaving you."
  • "I'd do it all over again, just for one more day with you."
  • "Don't cry for me; I'll be waiting in the quiet places and soft moments."
  • "Say my name sometimes, it'll sound like music."
  • "I'm letting go now; please hold on."
  • "I wish my words could have told you all the love I felt."

Deepening Conflict or Disdain Between Characters:

  • "You've become everything you once hated."
  • "Was your conscience ever a part of our friendship?"
  • "Go ahead, keep pretending everything's fine."
  • "This isn't just a mistake; it's who you are."
  • "How do you sleep at night knowing what you've done?"
  • "You've taken everything from me; what more do you want?"
  • "You're not the victim here, no matter how much you play the part."
  • "Our so-called friendship was a convenience, nothing more."
  • "I've outgrown you and this toxic drama."
  • "You never understood me, and you never will."
  • "That's the problem—you think you're above it all."
  • "You're not sorry for hurting me, you're sorry you got caught."
  • "I used to defend you; now I see I was defending a lie."
  • "We're done here. There's nothing left to salvage."
  • "It's too late for apologies, you've shown your true colors."

Any good dailouge or propts for people who openly admit that they've never had people care about them, so why care about themselves?

  • "No one has ever cared about me."
  • "Why should I care about myself when no one else does?"
  • "I've always felt invisible to everyone."
  • "What's the point of caring when no one notices?"
  • "I've never had anyone show they care about me."
  • "It feels like I’m completely alone in this world.“
  • "I don’t see any reason to keep trying."
  • "Every day feels pointless because no one cares."
  • "Sometimes, I wonder if anyone would notice if I disappeared."
  • "No one ever asks how I’m doing."
  • "Caring about myself feels useless when no one else does."
  • "It’s hard to care about myself when I feel so alone."
  • "I've never been a priority to anyone."
  • "I don't think anyone would care if I stopped trying."

Argument-Ending Sentences That Evoke Strong Emotions:

  • "So this is who you really are?"
  • "I can't believe I ever trusted you."
  • "You were never there when it mattered."
  • "This is the last time you let me down."
  • "I guess we were never meant to be."
  • "Just go, I can't even look at you right now."
  • "I've given you so many chances, no more."
  • "Everything you said was just a lie, wasn't it?"
  • "You think you're right, but you're just alone."
  • "I'm done trying to make this work."
  • "You've shown me enough; it's over."
  • "Keep your excuses to yourself, I'm done listening."
  • "You chose this, remember that."
  • "I'm not wasting another minute on you."
  • "Forget my number, we're through."

Intriguing Conversation Prompts

  • "If you knew the truth, you'd run the other way."
  • "Why do you keep fighting a battle you've already lost?"
  • "This isn't just a game to me, you know."
  • "I've seen what you're capable of, why do you hold back?"
  • "Do you ever get tired of wearing that mask all the time?"
  • "Isn't it exhausting, keeping up all these lies?"
  • "You think you know what's best, but you're just as lost as I am."
  • "How can you speak of justice when your hands are so dirty?"
  • "I dare you to tell me something true for once."
  • "You're not evil, you're just broken. And so am I."

Romantic Confession Dialogue Prompts

  • "I've tried to hide it, but my heart beats only for you."
  • "Just hearing your voice is enough to make my day complete."
  • "I've been lost in love with you, in every thought, every breath."
  • "Can we just stop pretending and admit we're meant for each other?"
  • "I know we're worlds apart, but my world is right here with you."
  • "It scares me how much I need you."
  • "Do you ever feel like our hearts are having a conversation of their own?"
  • "I look at you and see the rest of my life in your eyes."
  • "Being with you has made me understand what 'home' really feels like."

Better Synonyms for 'Happy'

  • Elated: in high spirits; exuberant; joyful.
  • Jubilant: showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph.
  • Ecstatic: subject to or in a state of ecstasy; rapturous.
  • Cheerful: noticeably happy and optimistic.
  • Blissful: extremely happy; full of joy.
  • Buoyant: able to stay afloat; showing resilience.
  • Mirthful: merry or amusing.
  • Radiant: brightly beaming with joy.
  • Contented: feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation.
  • Uplifted: emotionally or spiritually elevated; elated.

Words to Describe Facial Expressions (Anger Edition)

  • Fuming: visibly enraged and simmering with anger.
  • Scowling: displaying a dark, threatening expression.
  • Sneering: showing disdain through facial contortion.
  • Glowering: looking or staring with sullen dislike, hostility, or anger.
  • Grimacing: twisting the face to express pain, disgust, or contempt.
  • Flaring nostrils: indicating increased anger or activity; preparing for action.
  • Tight-lipped: pressed together, often in determination or repressed anger.
  • Furrowed brow: a forehead lined with concern or anger.
  • Taut: pulled tight, showing stress or strain, often from anger.
  • Incensed: extremely angry; furious, as if filled with smoke.

Toxic Family Dialogue Starters

  • "Why do you always have to make everything so difficult?"
  • "You'll never understand all that I've sacrificed for you."
  • "Can't you see how much you're hurting me with your selfishness?"
  • "You only think about yourself, don't you?"
  • "I should have known better than to expect your gratitude."
  • "You’re just like your [mother/father]—you only care about yourself."
  • "Stop being so sensitive; I was just joking!"
  • "No one else will ever put up with you the way I do."
  • "You think you're better than us now, don’t you?"
  • "I guess I just can’t do anything right by you."


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