

@rubixpsyche / rubixpsyche.tumblr.com

Grade A Purebreed ******* They/them, Ace of the goddamn deck Hate will be forwarded to friend with humiliation/degradation kink :D Sorry yall (pissed off some TERFs/exclusionists, take this into account against any Allegations)

Heylo refugees, Twitter or Reddit, if yall are gonna copy my tags and write them as your own, I will be blocking you. No hard feelings, this is just a pet peeve of mine. Learn to peer review or something. Please.

Edit: Yall are making this very hard because yall are nice >:(

Tell me if you do not speak English well, I will use less acronyms, slang, and references, so your translation tool can work better 👍🏼 Never be ashamed of not speaking english.


No joke you guys NEED to get more comfortable blocking people. No more insulting people in public over different blorbo opinions no more making 2k long posts on how whatever ship you don't like shouldn't exist we've grown past that shit. Consistent posts about shit that make you uncomfortable? Block. Rancid blorbo opinions? Block. Is mildly annoying in your replies? Block. Pisses you off for reasons so petty you could never admit it publicly? Block. YOUR mental health will improve from not being upset 24/7, THEIR mental health will not be at risk of you lashing out because you happened to catch their posts on a bad day, and EVERYONE ELSE will benefit from not seeing the most embarrassing arguments known to man on their dash. "Oooh but they didn't deserve it-" dude you're presumably running a personal blog as a hobby not a public service. Who fucking cares.


guys. guys I just had a fucking vision of the next tumblr meme

you can do this with basically every cartoon animal and some real animals as well. I'm picturing fucking otters and like. snoopy and shit but garfield was the perfect prototype

[I.D. Two drawings of Garfield. The first is sitting down like a normal cat, as he used to be portrayed in the comics. The second, he is standing on two legs like a human and points to himself with a red glint in his eye. Text above and below reads “Become Bipedal.” End I.D.]

Thanks for the text ID! Anyway I did more of these and you guys can too


call off the meme now please

this is my favorite tag on this post actually


Sources: 1 2 3 4 5

Sources: 1 2 3 4 5

This post is what, hours old? Are y'all going for some kind of shitpost speedrun? Cuz i'm totally here for that

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