
Archie Graphic Design

@roadarchie / roadarchie.tumblr.com

She/Her. Call me Ava or Archie. Commissions Open. Graphic Designer. Humanist.

Why does tumblr convert pictures to PNJ? You heard that right. PNJ. You wanna know what that is? A cursed fusion of PNGs and JPEG. I have never heard of it before up until this point. What the hell. Just use WebP at that point. Whatever lol.


My memory is getting worse I think. I found these medals. I remember getting them but I couldn't tell you which grade I was in or what the faces around me looked like. Just vanished. Without a trace. And I will never get that back.

cc: @murderandcoffee @heycerulean etc etc. LMK if you want me to stop tagging you guys, just wanted you to see my newest piece :)

Anonymous asked:

Your art is incredible, especially your glitchwork. Are there any artists you feel have inspired you, or made you want to learn the medium?

Maybe? I think it'd be a list too long to write out. I am inspired by many people, by the internet itself. I'm very forgetful to be honest so maybe I missed someone big.

However, the biggest inspiration I can think of right now is probably this tiktok channel (Don't judge!) That has these posts about god living in computers with these really well-written quotes with a Y2K aesthetic. Its really interesting and I'd give it a watch, however I cannot for the life of me find it anymore.

Please let me know if anyone here knows what/who I mean.

I suggest if you want to get into this sort of art, all you really need is GIMP- It is what I use and that is free. Then look up CRT monitor artifacts. Color Quantization (aesthetic and file size saver!), dithering, such as floyd-steinberg or Bayer. Get depressed (optional!), and just smash images together with layer blend modes and effects until they hit that spot.

Things you can also do: Circuit bending (extract juicy CRT monitor artifacts and other stuff), databending (with audacity), image compression artifact databending, print/scan loop artifacts.

Anyway I appreciate the compliments. You are the best!

EDIT: the tiktok channel/s are usually grouped under the hashtag and term "Divine machinery".


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