

@ramenana / ramenana.tumblr.com

nana.29. artist. illust. mom  contact: [email protected]
Anonymous asked:

any idea when your shop will open up again? or the next time you’re doing a north texas event? I need a pyramid head charm that I missed out on last time 🥲

I don't have any plans to reopen any time soon. (Life has been very hectic unfortunately) but you can always DM me over IG when I do restock sometime next year and ship to you!

Anonymous asked:

Do you have an open shop?

I decided to close this year temporarily because I had too many conventions stacked and am a full time mom by day!

I plan to reopen some time next year :-)

Anonymous asked:

Hi do you do commissions?

I do but I am currently closed because I have back to back conventions all through this month and next so please check back around september!

I keep my commission status on my twitter @ ramenana

Anonymous asked:

oh…my goodness… your style scratches my brain so right, im so in love with your art

Thank you friend!!!


Here’s my trainer and my team on pokemon yellow !

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