
welcome home cheater

@railwynn / railwynn.tumblr.com

it's me, I'm the cheater ● For art go for #myart since there's a lot of random shit here ● You can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter! under same name :3 (i'm more active there so :v) ● Philippines

NEVER QUESTION YOUR ART!! I love your OC x Canon art sm, you're actually one of the people that inspired me to start sharing my own Oc x Canon XD !!



Thank you hun T0T Im so happy for youuu 💕

Anonymous asked:

you’ve probably been asked this before but i couldn’t find a post - is there a fic based on your alastor x OC? cos your art is amazing and the pairing is so intriguing, i have to find out more about them!! if not, no worries!! keep up the amazing work!!! xx

Nope! All the lore is in my noggin unfortunately 😅 I wanted to do more story based comics, i've been itchin' to write and draw long form comics for awhile but I just couldn't find the time qwq and the fact I struggle with writing yrbejwo

Thank you for the interest tho! I'm so happy my lil blorbos are getting love 😍


I've been a fan of your art for a while now and I just wanted to say that you honestly inspire me so much and to keep being yourself <3


Awwwww that's so sweet qwq 💕💕

I honestly needed to hear that, cuz sometimes, I question myself when I only draw canon x oc stuff. But I'm happy its inspiring other people too T0T

You do you as well hun, keep doing smth that makes you happy in this stressful world 💖


Dear Siren

In which Estelle loves taking a swim in Al’s room~

I don’t know if he has a swamp but I’m assuming he does with how big his room is-

The idea for this drawing was “what if he likes to brush your hair and is actually good at hairstyling (courtesy of his mom)” but lets be honest, we all know he’s gonna mess it up intentionally for the shits and giggles 😒

Also I’d like to imagine that Estelle has many nicknames for him and one of her favorite to call him is Allie/Al ٩( ᐛ )و

Anonymous asked:

Just wanted to send you some love as a fellow hazbin canon/oc shipper— Core is absolutely adorable and i love your art!♡ —☁️

AAAAYEBSJIS THANK YOU SO MUCHH!! 💕💕 Ya'll are so nice T0T im so happy everyone's enjoying then 😭💖

Anonymous asked:

Hi i really like the dynamic of core and alastor

I just wanna ask how did they meet.

Hi!! Thank you so much! 💕

Actually, the whole Hazbin crew met Core rummaging thru the back looking for spare parts after it was rebuilt. Typical cartoon fashion where there was a chase scene and funnt shenanigans and in the end getting caught by Alastor, who found the whole thing very entertaining.

I also remember drawing this as a prompt years ago, and its their first time holding hands XDD


hi, I've been seeing a lot of posts with your Hazbin hotel oc!! She's really pretty and I want to know more info about her and how she ended up in Hell if u don't mind :3


Hello! I'm glad y'all are liking Core so far! T0T Idk how much I wanna say cuz I might draw smth about it, but for general info; Core was part of the dark web, and has seen and done some nasty shit up till she died :)


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