glory to the resistance!

@pyaasa /


BDS added this section to their boycott page and I think people really need to read it:

please remember, pushing unorganized boycotts without carefully fact-checking every company in the list can be actively HARMFUL to the boycott movement.


hope you don't mind me adding: here's a list from the website about which companies to target our boycotts at right now:


the idea of open borders really doesn’t seem radical at all to me. like, from having traveled in the eu and between scotland and england/northern ireland and the republic, i’ve seen that it can and does work. what seems extreme to me is letting people drown at sea, especially when it’s being done by the eu??

the eu having internal open borders but then having an extremely hard border around it is an act of racism. i don’t think i’m exaggerating by saying that, europeans are free to enter where african and asian refugees are forbidden


There will come a day when the state of Palestine exists and the United States does not. You must earnestly believe this at all times


Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange


Just here to say that I'm not seeing enough people talking about the fact that Just Stop Oil is literally funded by the Getty family, specially Aileen Getty, the oil baroness. That's probably a good reason why a lot of their tactics in the news lately have seemed strange.


Just Stop Oil: Is the UK-based climate movement in the pocket of oil billionaires (on jpost)

Aileen Getty is one of several heirs to the $5.4 billion Getty fortune, which the family acquired through their oil company, founded in 1942. While the company no longer exists today, having been sold in the early 2000s, the money certainly still does, and so people have started questioning if, in reality, Aileen Getty still has active links to the oil industry.
However, unless Getty is investing in oil ventures so secretive that there are no records of them available to the public, the opposite appears to be true. In 2012, she founded the Aileen Getty Foundation, which, according to the foundation's objectives, "supports a wide range of local and global organizations and initiatives that enhance the environment, our communities and the lives of individuals through innovation, preservation, connection and kindness."
Based on this, it would appear that the heiress to an oil fortune has been using her money to combat the very business in which her family found its fortune.
In 2019, Getty provided the foundational grant to establish CEF and has pledged over half a million dollars to their cause, citing her belief that civil disruption is the only way to make a change on the climate emergency front.

Here’s some actual journalism there about Getty’s involvement with the oil industry.

And from a NY Times article These Groups Want Disruptive Climate Protests. Oil Heirs Are Funding Them.

Sharing these goals with the Climate Emergency Fund is the Equation Campaign. Founded in 2020, it provides financial support and legal defense to people living near pipelines and refineries who are trying to stop fossil fuel expansion, through methods including civil disobedience.
Strikingly, both organizations are backed by oil-fortune families whose descendants feel a responsibility to reverse the harms done by fossil fuels. Aileen Getty, whose grandfather created Getty Oil, helped found the Climate Emergency Fund and has given it $1 million so far.  
The Equation Campaign started in 2020 with a $30 million pledge, to be distributed over 10 years, from two members of the Rockefeller family, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil in 1870 and became the country’s first billionaire.
“It’s time to put the genie back in the bottle,” Mr. Case wrote in an email. “I feel a moral obligation to do my part. Wouldn’t you?”  

The statement in the Guardian in 2021:

Fossil fuels made our families rich. Now we want this industry to end by Aileen Getty and Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert

and in comparison the Fox News talking point you’re all regurgitating:

Big Oil heiress funding ‘Just Stop Oil’ group that threw soup on Van Gogh painting

So in summary:

  • Getty Oil no longer exists, and hasn’t done for 20 odd years.
  • Aileen Getty had no involvement with the company when was operating, her wealth is inherited.
  • The Greepoint oil spill took place in 1978.
  • At this time Aileen Getty was 21, dropping out of university, becoming an anti-war protestor and artist.
  • She was an AIDS activist in the 80s, and has been an environmental activist for many, many years as well.
  • There are no public records of her currently, or ever, being involved in the oil industry at all.
  • Her foundation donates to many environmental causes, including Sea Shepherd, who are the farthest thing from phony.
  • They also funded the scientists who chained themselves to government buildings not long ago.
  • Fox News is running many articles about how they are funded by Big Oil, discrediting one of the largest environmentalist action groups out there.
  • The attack on the art gallery is because they accepted sponsorship from oil companies, which they say is hypocritical as preserving art is pointless when society is due to be destroyed.
  • This is the same rationale behind the attack on Stonehenge
  • So maybe you should think about what propaganda you are not immune to.

Just because you don’t like how a particular protest is performed doesn’t make it a psyop for fucks sake.


if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck

That wasn't even taylor swifts jet. She just happened to be in the country and they sprayed some random jet, the same day they assaulted stonehenge. Because the druids and hippies who go to stonehenge for the summer solstice are people who need educating on environmental issues?

A multi billionaire using half a million to fund a group whose sole mission is to make every day people pissed off at environmental protests, as climate change becomes inescapable and legitimate environmental activity naturally grows. What is this other than a psyop?

Don't blame on malice what could be explained by ignorance, accept the ignorance here is fucking monumental.

Just Stop Oil began with a campaign of trespass and sabotage to disrupt fossil fuel infrastructure, occupying oil depots and blockading trucks to attempt to force concessions from the government. However, as the group’s focus has shifted towards more public-facing forms of disruption they are often asked why it doesn’t pick targets more closely related to fossil fuels. Most of the people I interviewed were frustrated by the idea that the group should go back to targeting depots, feeling that a lot of armchair generals were unaware that this approach had already been tried. One young woman who agreed to an interview expressed her frustration with these criticisms: “I’ve been told so many fucking times: Go to Parliament Square, go to an oil refinery or whatever. I’ve locked myself to an oil tanker for 36 hours. Nothing. I was just at Parliament Square for three days with 60,000 people, nothing happened. But my best friend throws soup on a fucking Van Gogh and we’re in the news for months.”


There is an attractive simplicity to the idea that environmental activism should focus on the things that are destroying the planet. For activists anxious about their own role in the climate crisis these moral justifications were often deeply connected to their initial motivations to “take action.” The use of militaristic language to describe fossil fuel infrastructure as a “legitimate target” was also a common theme in the interviews. Yet most people I spoke with admitted that — while they did not like inconveniencing the public — actions that focused solely on infrastructure were ignored by both the media and the government. A more senior member of JSO explained why he felt the actions at oil depots had been ineffectual: “With the infrastructure, it was brilliant because we shut that shit down. The problem was nobody reported it. Nobody heard about it. It didn’t get out there because the media won’t cover you if they can’t vilify you. We hate having to rely on the media, but right now we need our messages in the heads of as many people as possible, and that doesn’t happen without the media being used as an amplifier.”

via: & @hussyknee

As Just Stop Oil themselves have said:

The Suffragettes slashed famous works to highlight the hypocrisy of the British government physically harming real women via force-feeding, physical brutality and imprisonment, while professing to place them on a pedestal of virtue and modesty by ogling them in public in lascivious nude paintings as “great works of art”. So in comparison… We are on the brink of total social collapse – 1.5°C of global warming is on the horizon – definitely by 2030 but perhaps as soon as 2024 according to recent papers. This means half of all people living in Africa (700 million) on the move. Match that with already hostile migration policy and it’s a recipe for disaster. It means ever more frequent devastating crop failure, drought, floods and wildfires all over the world. Scenarios even worse than the worst scientific predictions keep coming true. Everything that we have loved, hold dear, have built and created, is on the line – art, music, film, dance, sports, community, culinary culture, architecture, agriculture, technology, public transport, the NHS, an abundance of nature…. all of it. For institutions to be more protective over a painting over all of this is sickening – a wake-up call that hundreds of millions of people are experiencing because of our action.


“We need to break the mirage that everything is fine and shatter the illusion of normal life,” explained Indigo Rumbelow, an organizer with Just Stop Oil, when I spoke with her. A trip to the museums, a football match, a journey to work — anything is up for disruption in this view. The goal is to jump onto every stage and create enough disorder to make it impossible to ignore the ongoing climate breakdown.


As said by one of the Van Gough protestors:

Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people?

People act like genocide is just evil men committing open atrocities and they forget that most of genocide is someone just like them keeping quiet because the results of the genocide are keeping them comfortable.

Hundreds of thousands of people united in going “well I don’t want to do or risk anything” and stonefacedly watching people be abused and killed. Each one thinking they are blending into the crowd unnoticed but are actually appearing to be a part of a soulless mob.


and as if this election cycle couldnt get any more confusing jkr is now endorsing the communist party

this is only because the british communist party is up their ass on the "define a woman" talking point but it makes for a real great screenshot

omg not even the commies want u


They always do this - they fill their rag of a paper that's given away for free at every trade union conference with transphobia, issue transphobic statement after transphobic statement, go too far and get called out, and then go "oh no honest we're not transphobic". Scumbag of a party whose ideas have a complete hold on the bits of the British left with any power.


David Tennant pissing off the Prime Minister bc he told government officials to stfu over their anti-trans bigotry and Michael Sheen literally poisoning himself investigating corporations dumping toxic chemicals in underprivileged areas is NOT the energy I expected from 2024 but oh man am I here for it.


The Michael Sheen thing is wild. In 2007 he did an interview with a dying whistleblower who investigated Monsanto PCB sites. And some journalists got in touch with him decades later. Here's a link


sometimes i browse zionist blogs just to see what the current talking points are and it always feels like an incredible game of dancing around the point. "jewish people have lived there for centuries" yes true. why are we funding the bombing of civilians. "living under hamas sucks and people in gaza hate them too." yeah i imagine many people in gaza have varying thoughts on the situation. why are we funding the bombing of civllians. "i saw some random twitter account say something antisemetic." im sorry that you were exposed to that. why are we funding the bombing of civilians.


In what world is Israel a victim? How the fuck is this military power a victim? How the fuck is it a victim when it is able to starve a whole population? When it can kill over 10,000 children in 4 months? These are rhetorical questions to keep myself from going insane. Fuck Israel.


The Paddington bear cafe in Paddington station has been bought out by a new chain (I never heard of FCB before but from a quick google search it seems they’re terrorising the south east) and I came to sit down and saw this sign!!! Limit laptop usage to 45 minutes!!!! The place is practically empty why the F do I need to limit my laptop time to 45 minutes! I am here to work until my train comes in which isn’t til 2 more hours. I hate when independent stores get bought out by these chains it just ruins everything. Not to mention the vibes. All the Paddington bear things are gone, you know that little bench he’s sitting on when you walk in - gone!! Kids loved that thing. This place has lost its soul


Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange


Just here to say that I'm not seeing enough people talking about the fact that Just Stop Oil is literally funded by the Getty family, specially Aileen Getty, the oil baroness. That's probably a good reason why a lot of their tactics in the news lately have seemed strange.


Just Stop Oil: Is the UK-based climate movement in the pocket of oil billionaires (on jpost)

Aileen Getty is one of several heirs to the $5.4 billion Getty fortune, which the family acquired through their oil company, founded in 1942. While the company no longer exists today, having been sold in the early 2000s, the money certainly still does, and so people have started questioning if, in reality, Aileen Getty still has active links to the oil industry.
However, unless Getty is investing in oil ventures so secretive that there are no records of them available to the public, the opposite appears to be true. In 2012, she founded the Aileen Getty Foundation, which, according to the foundation's objectives, "supports a wide range of local and global organizations and initiatives that enhance the environment, our communities and the lives of individuals through innovation, preservation, connection and kindness."
Based on this, it would appear that the heiress to an oil fortune has been using her money to combat the very business in which her family found its fortune.
In 2019, Getty provided the foundational grant to establish CEF and has pledged over half a million dollars to their cause, citing her belief that civil disruption is the only way to make a change on the climate emergency front.

Here’s some actual journalism there about Getty’s involvement with the oil industry.

And from a NY Times article These Groups Want Disruptive Climate Protests. Oil Heirs Are Funding Them.

Sharing these goals with the Climate Emergency Fund is the Equation Campaign. Founded in 2020, it provides financial support and legal defense to people living near pipelines and refineries who are trying to stop fossil fuel expansion, through methods including civil disobedience.
Strikingly, both organizations are backed by oil-fortune families whose descendants feel a responsibility to reverse the harms done by fossil fuels. Aileen Getty, whose grandfather created Getty Oil, helped found the Climate Emergency Fund and has given it $1 million so far.  
The Equation Campaign started in 2020 with a $30 million pledge, to be distributed over 10 years, from two members of the Rockefeller family, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil in 1870 and became the country’s first billionaire.
“It’s time to put the genie back in the bottle,” Mr. Case wrote in an email. “I feel a moral obligation to do my part. Wouldn’t you?”  

The statement in the Guardian in 2021:

Fossil fuels made our families rich. Now we want this industry to end by Aileen Getty and Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert

and in comparison the Fox News talking point you’re all regurgitating:

Big Oil heiress funding ‘Just Stop Oil’ group that threw soup on Van Gogh painting

So in summary:

  • Getty Oil no longer exists, and hasn’t done for 20 odd years.
  • Aileen Getty had no involvement with the company when was operating, her wealth is inherited.
  • The Greepoint oil spill took place in 1978.
  • At this time Aileen Getty was 21, dropping out of university, becoming an anti-war protestor and artist.
  • She was an AIDS activist in the 80s, and has been an environmental activist for many, many years as well.
  • There are no public records of her currently, or ever, being involved in the oil industry at all.
  • Her foundation donates to many environmental causes, including Sea Shepherd, who are the farthest thing from phony.
  • They also funded the scientists who chained themselves to government buildings not long ago.
  • Fox News is running many articles about how they are funded by Big Oil, discrediting one of the largest environmentalist action groups out there.
  • The attack on the art gallery is because they accepted sponsorship from oil companies, which they say is hypocritical as preserving art is pointless when society is due to be destroyed.
  • This is the same rationale behind the attack on Stonehenge
  • So maybe you should think about what propaganda you are not immune to.

Just because you don’t like how a particular protest is performed doesn’t make it a psyop for fucks sake.

Just Stop Oil began with a campaign of trespass and sabotage to disrupt fossil fuel infrastructure, occupying oil depots and blockading trucks to attempt to force concessions from the government. However, as the group’s focus has shifted towards more public-facing forms of disruption they are often asked why it doesn’t pick targets more closely related to fossil fuels. Most of the people I interviewed were frustrated by the idea that the group should go back to targeting depots, feeling that a lot of armchair generals were unaware that this approach had already been tried. One young woman who agreed to an interview expressed her frustration with these criticisms: “I’ve been told so many fucking times: Go to Parliament Square, go to an oil refinery or whatever. I’ve locked myself to an oil tanker for 36 hours. Nothing. I was just at Parliament Square for three days with 60,000 people, nothing happened. But my best friend throws soup on a fucking Van Gogh and we’re in the news for months.”


There is an attractive simplicity to the idea that environmental activism should focus on the things that are destroying the planet. For activists anxious about their own role in the climate crisis these moral justifications were often deeply connected to their initial motivations to “take action.” The use of militaristic language to describe fossil fuel infrastructure as a “legitimate target” was also a common theme in the interviews. Yet most people I spoke with admitted that — while they did not like inconveniencing the public — actions that focused solely on infrastructure were ignored by both the media and the government. A more senior member of JSO explained why he felt the actions at oil depots had been ineffectual: “With the infrastructure, it was brilliant because we shut that shit down. The problem was nobody reported it. Nobody heard about it. It didn’t get out there because the media won’t cover you if they can’t vilify you. We hate having to rely on the media, but right now we need our messages in the heads of as many people as possible, and that doesn’t happen without the media being used as an amplifier.”

Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange


Just here to say that I'm not seeing enough people talking about the fact that Just Stop Oil is literally funded by the Getty family, specially Aileen Getty, the oil baroness. That's probably a good reason why a lot of their tactics in the news lately have seemed strange.


Just Stop Oil: Is the UK-based climate movement in the pocket of oil billionaires (on jpost)

Aileen Getty is one of several heirs to the $5.4 billion Getty fortune, which the family acquired through their oil company, founded in 1942. While the company no longer exists today, having been sold in the early 2000s, the money certainly still does, and so people have started questioning if, in reality, Aileen Getty still has active links to the oil industry.
However, unless Getty is investing in oil ventures so secretive that there are no records of them available to the public, the opposite appears to be true. In 2012, she founded the Aileen Getty Foundation, which, according to the foundation's objectives, "supports a wide range of local and global organizations and initiatives that enhance the environment, our communities and the lives of individuals through innovation, preservation, connection and kindness."
Based on this, it would appear that the heiress to an oil fortune has been using her money to combat the very business in which her family found its fortune.
In 2019, Getty provided the foundational grant to establish CEF and has pledged over half a million dollars to their cause, citing her belief that civil disruption is the only way to make a change on the climate emergency front.

Here’s some actual journalism there about Getty’s involvement with the oil industry.

And from a NY Times article These Groups Want Disruptive Climate Protests. Oil Heirs Are Funding Them.

Sharing these goals with the Climate Emergency Fund is the Equation Campaign. Founded in 2020, it provides financial support and legal defense to people living near pipelines and refineries who are trying to stop fossil fuel expansion, through methods including civil disobedience.
Strikingly, both organizations are backed by oil-fortune families whose descendants feel a responsibility to reverse the harms done by fossil fuels. Aileen Getty, whose grandfather created Getty Oil, helped found the Climate Emergency Fund and has given it $1 million so far.  
The Equation Campaign started in 2020 with a $30 million pledge, to be distributed over 10 years, from two members of the Rockefeller family, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil in 1870 and became the country’s first billionaire.
“It’s time to put the genie back in the bottle,” Mr. Case wrote in an email. “I feel a moral obligation to do my part. Wouldn’t you?”  

The statement in the Guardian in 2021:

Fossil fuels made our families rich. Now we want this industry to end by Aileen Getty and Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert

and in comparison the Fox News talking point you’re all regurgitating:

Big Oil heiress funding ‘Just Stop Oil’ group that threw soup on Van Gogh painting

So in summary:

  • Getty Oil no longer exists, and hasn’t done for 20 odd years.
  • Aileen Getty had no involvement with the company when was operating, her wealth is inherited.
  • The Greepoint oil spill took place in 1978.
  • At this time Aileen Getty was 21, dropping out of university, becoming an anti-war protestor and artist.
  • She was an AIDS activist in the 80s, and has been an environmental activist for many, many years as well.
  • There are no public records of her currently, or ever, being involved in the oil industry at all.
  • Her foundation donates to many environmental causes, including Sea Shepherd, who are the farthest thing from phony.
  • They also funded the scientists who chained themselves to government buildings not long ago.
  • Fox News is running many articles about how they are funded by Big Oil, discrediting one of the largest environmentalist action groups out there.
  • The attack on the art gallery is because they accepted sponsorship from oil companies, which they say is hypocritical as preserving art is pointless when society is due to be destroyed.
  • This is the same rationale behind the attack on Stonehenge
  • So maybe you should think about what propaganda you are not immune to.

Just because you don’t like how a particular protest is performed doesn’t make it a psyop for fucks sake.


Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange


Just here to say that I'm not seeing enough people talking about the fact that Just Stop Oil is literally funded by the Getty family, specially Aileen Getty, the oil baroness. That's probably a good reason why a lot of their tactics in the news lately have seemed strange.


Just Stop Oil: Is the UK-based climate movement in the pocket of oil billionaires (on jpost)

Aileen Getty is one of several heirs to the $5.4 billion Getty fortune, which the family acquired through their oil company, founded in 1942. While the company no longer exists today, having been sold in the early 2000s, the money certainly still does, and so people have started questioning if, in reality, Aileen Getty still has active links to the oil industry.
However, unless Getty is investing in oil ventures so secretive that there are no records of them available to the public, the opposite appears to be true. In 2012, she founded the Aileen Getty Foundation, which, according to the foundation's objectives, "supports a wide range of local and global organizations and initiatives that enhance the environment, our communities and the lives of individuals through innovation, preservation, connection and kindness."
Based on this, it would appear that the heiress to an oil fortune has been using her money to combat the very business in which her family found its fortune.
In 2019, Getty provided the foundational grant to establish CEF and has pledged over half a million dollars to their cause, citing her belief that civil disruption is the only way to make a change on the climate emergency front.

Here’s some actual journalism there about Getty’s involvement with the oil industry.

And from a NY Times article These Groups Want Disruptive Climate Protests. Oil Heirs Are Funding Them.

Sharing these goals with the Climate Emergency Fund is the Equation Campaign. Founded in 2020, it provides financial support and legal defense to people living near pipelines and refineries who are trying to stop fossil fuel expansion, through methods including civil disobedience.
Strikingly, both organizations are backed by oil-fortune families whose descendants feel a responsibility to reverse the harms done by fossil fuels. Aileen Getty, whose grandfather created Getty Oil, helped found the Climate Emergency Fund and has given it $1 million so far.  
The Equation Campaign started in 2020 with a $30 million pledge, to be distributed over 10 years, from two members of the Rockefeller family, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil in 1870 and became the country’s first billionaire.
“It’s time to put the genie back in the bottle,” Mr. Case wrote in an email. “I feel a moral obligation to do my part. Wouldn’t you?”  

The statement in the Guardian in 2021:

Fossil fuels made our families rich. Now we want this industry to end by Aileen Getty and Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert

and in comparison the Fox News talking point you’re all regurgitating:

Big Oil heiress funding ‘Just Stop Oil’ group that threw soup on Van Gogh painting

So in summary:

  • Getty Oil no longer exists, and hasn’t done for 20 odd years.
  • Aileen Getty had no involvement with the company when was operating, her wealth is inherited.
  • The Greepoint oil spill took place in 1978.
  • At this time Aileen Getty was 21, dropping out of university, becoming an anti-war protestor and artist.
  • She was an AIDS activist in the 80s, and has been an environmental activist for many, many years as well.
  • There are no public records of her currently, or ever, being involved in the oil industry at all.
  • Her foundation donates to many environmental causes, including Sea Shepherd, who are the farthest thing from phony.
  • They also funded the scientists who chained themselves to government buildings not long ago.
  • Fox News is running many articles about how they are funded by Big Oil, discrediting one of the largest environmentalist action groups out there.
  • The attack on the art gallery is because they accepted sponsorship from oil companies, which they say is hypocritical as preserving art is pointless when society is due to be destroyed.
  • This is the same rationale behind the attack on Stonehenge
  • So maybe you should think about what propaganda you are not immune to.

Just because you don’t like how a particular protest is performed doesn’t make it a psyop for fucks sake.


Listening to the radio and they were just talking to someone who owns a bar. He said the reason why drinks are so expensive nowadays is cos younger generations are drinking a lot less alcohol so to make it profitable they’re having to charge a lot higher for those that do drink. But they say capitalism is the best economic system 🙄

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