
Pilfering Apples

@pilferingapples / pilferingapples.tumblr.com

Open for Tumblr Askbox Trick or Treat the last week of October! Come say hi!

An Ongoing Effort to Index This Blog

You’re probably here for reference material! Here’s a tag list to hopefully make finding that easier!

Before I get into the tag lists, a note on my Editorial Policy, such as it is:  I truly appreciate corrections, warnings about bloggers/writers operating in bad faith, etc! But if you’re contacting me with actionable info please come off anon or leave me some other way to get hold of you, so I can follow up if I need more info! I don’t post or reblog incorrect or hateful material on purpose, which means if I missed something I probably need more information!  I’m happy to keep a convo private if asked, I just need to be able to verify my sources. 

That out of the way! The tags!


Actually it's tumblr and i can ramble on about this as often and as much as I like and it's making me happy today, so :

A theatre poster presented itself, adorned with the title of a tragedy from the ancient repertory called classic: "Down with tragedy dear to the bourgeois!" cried Bahorel. And Marius heard Combeferre reply:-- "You are wrong, Bahorel. The bourgeoisie loves tragedy, and the bourgeoisie must be left at peace on that score. Bewigged tragedy has a reason for its existence, and I am not one of those who, by order of AEschylus, contest its right to existence. There are rough outlines in nature; there are, in creation, ready-made parodies; a beak which is not a beak, wings which are not wings, gills which are not gills, paws which are not paws, a cry of pain which arouses a desire to laugh, there is the duck. Now, since poultry exists by the side of the bird, I do not see why classic tragedy should not exist in the face of antique tragedy." (LM 3.4.3, Hapgood)

A vital note : " classic" tragedy means Neoclassical-- the old, formalized style of French plays , then still very much in control of the art scene. The Neoclassicals were the Dire Foes of the up and coming Romantic movement. So Bahorel's side of this is very direct: he's calling for the end of Neoclassical theater, like the scarlet Romantic theater kid he is. Combeferre is being more roundabout, but possibly even more insulting! The word Combeferre uses for " duck" is " canard" (because that's the French word for duck). But it was also the term for a certain kind of trashy pulp journal , especially ones claiming to be " true crime" type stories. " The Shocking Murder of So and So" kind of stuff.

So Combeferre is (a) equating the neoclassical repertoire, held up at the time as the pinnacle of classy good taste, to these cheap journals the Neoclassical fans would surely have loathed (or at least claimed to loathe; plenty were definitely buying them) , and (b) calling the Neoclassical repertoire the " poultry" in this summary-- something domesticated and made consumable and ridiculous , distorted out of shape with its original (c) saying it can't even do what it's supposed to do -- " a cry of pain which arouses a desire to laugh" is a big problem for a tragedy! So unlike Courfeyrac and Enjolras in the next passage, Bahorel and Combeferre aren't disagreeing; Bahorel has just gone " those fuckin' assholes" and Combeferre has responded by going all in on the WAYS they are assholes . This is Theater Nerd Solidarity XD

--It's also absurdly complicated, good grief, I don't blame Marius for being confused by this one at ALL :P


Eugène Scribe cutting a “play” into predetermined parts, as depicted by Nadar on the front page of Le Journal amusant in 1859.

Scribe was the one to codify the concept of ‘well-made play’, much mocked by the critics of Neoclassicism. Or to quote Gautier: “How singular! M Scribe, without novelty of design, without depth of thought, without severity of style, without comic force, without features and without words, succeeds in creating works that are nevertheless the most agreeable for those who compose the supply of our theatres.” (more of Gautier salt for French readers over here)


Actually it's tumblr and i can ramble on about this as often and as much as I like and it's making me happy today, so :

A theatre poster presented itself, adorned with the title of a tragedy from the ancient repertory called classic: "Down with tragedy dear to the bourgeois!" cried Bahorel. And Marius heard Combeferre reply:-- "You are wrong, Bahorel. The bourgeoisie loves tragedy, and the bourgeoisie must be left at peace on that score. Bewigged tragedy has a reason for its existence, and I am not one of those who, by order of AEschylus, contest its right to existence. There are rough outlines in nature; there are, in creation, ready-made parodies; a beak which is not a beak, wings which are not wings, gills which are not gills, paws which are not paws, a cry of pain which arouses a desire to laugh, there is the duck. Now, since poultry exists by the side of the bird, I do not see why classic tragedy should not exist in the face of antique tragedy." (LM 3.4.3, Hapgood)

A vital note : " classic" tragedy means Neoclassical-- the old, formalized style of French plays , then still very much in control of the art scene. The Neoclassicals were the Dire Foes of the up and coming Romantic movement. So Bahorel's side of this is very direct: he's calling for the end of Neoclassical theater, like the scarlet Romantic theater kid he is. Combeferre is being more roundabout, but possibly even more insulting! The word Combeferre uses for " duck" is " canard" (because that's the French word for duck). But it was also the term for a certain kind of trashy pulp journal , especially ones claiming to be " true crime" type stories. " The Shocking Murder of So and So" kind of stuff.

So Combeferre is (a) equating the neoclassical repertoire, held up at the time as the pinnacle of classy good taste, to these cheap journals the Neoclassical fans would surely have loathed (or at least claimed to loathe; plenty were definitely buying them) , and (b) calling the Neoclassical repertoire the " poultry" in this summary-- something domesticated and made consumable and ridiculous , distorted out of shape with its original (c) saying it can't even do what it's supposed to do -- " a cry of pain which arouses a desire to laugh" is a big problem for a tragedy! So unlike Courfeyrac and Enjolras in the next passage, Bahorel and Combeferre aren't disagreeing; Bahorel has just gone " those fuckin' assholes" and Combeferre has responded by going all in on the WAYS they are assholes . This is Theater Nerd Solidarity XD

--It's also absurdly complicated, good grief, I don't blame Marius for being confused by this one at ALL :P


Weird Duck Tales: more on the canard-duck-ente Origin Story

Another bit to add about canards for the duck-obsessed corner of the Les Misérables fandom on here, specifically a post about the Weird Duck Tales supposedly responsible for the idiomatic use of canard-duck.

Similar to English which has loaned the untranslated French canard for this purpose, German uses the word ‘duck’ (“Ente”) for untrue (media) stories, or hoaxes etc.; some media outlets traditionally put down intentional canards on April Fools’ Day.


Guest of Honor Spotlight: Christina Soontornvat

From Paris to Bangkok: a Thai-inspired retelling of Les Misérables

Christina Soontornvat’s Newbery Honor-winning children’s novel, A Wish in the Dark, is a Les Misérables adaptation set in a magical Thai-inspired world. Christina will discuss the inspiration for the book, how she decided when to be faithful to the original, and how Hugo’s powerful themes of compassion and forgiveness resonate across age ranges and cultures.

Learn more about Christina’s work at soontornvat.com.

Format: Short presentation followed by audience Q&A.

When: July 12, 2024


I wish there was a way to actually convey in english the transition between the plural and the singular verbs used by Javert depending on who he's speaking to. In french (and in my own native language, greek) we have this thing where, if we are addressing someone important, or even someone we respect, we have to address them as if they're mutliple people? Idk how to explain this in english. In english we just have "you", but in french we have two words for "you": "vous" (plural of "you") et "tu" (singular of "you"). But in greek culture we don't care about this that much and it is very common to talk to the waiter for example or to a stranger who is your age, in a normal way, not addressing them as if they're multiple people. And this doesn't necessarily mean you disrespect them or that you consider them inferior to you, it's just a sign of friendliness and familiarity.

But in France oh boy this is such a no no. If you address a stranger without respecting this formality it is so so deeply impolite. It's the equivalent of calling your Professor "bro". You just don't do it. However, if a state officer does it it's not just impolite, it's extremely offensive, it's perceived as an actual attack, which it is. It's saying "you are inferior, a second class citizen, and I will treat you as such and the state will treat you as such". And guess what, it still happens, but it happens almost exclusively to homeless people, immigrants or just non white people, mainly arabs and black people. These groups of people are often being addressed by the police for example as "one person" (singular of you) and not in plural, and it may sound ridiculous a to someone who is not familiar with that formality but here, it is an insidious but very real way of asserting authority over marginalized citizens while stripping them of their value and humanity.

And yeah Javert of course is extreeeemely polite to Valjean when he thinks he's Madeleine, because he's the Mayor, so he's a superior, so he addresses him using the plural form and of course he uses the singular form when talking to Fantine and of course he switches to singular form when he talks to Valjean later, once he discovers his real identity. This small detail really conveys how Javert treats Fantine and Valjean like actual flies that he can just squash with his boot. Also it should be noted that while Javert has started addressing Valjean in singular form, Valjean still continues to respect the formality, addressing him in plural. Perfect depiction of class hierarchy.


LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Blondeau’s Funeral Oration by Bossuet, LM 3.4.2 (Les Miserables 1972)

Monsieur, I have bowels of compassion. I said to myself hastily: ‘Here’s a brave fellow who is going to get scratched out. Attention. Here is a veritable mortal who is not exact. He’s not a good student. Here is none of your heavy-sides, a student who studies, a greenhorn pedant, strong on letters, theology, science, and sapience, one of those dull wits cut by the square; a pin by profession. He is an honorable idler who lounges, who practises country jaunts, who cultivates the grisette, who pays court to the fair sex, who is at this very moment, perhaps, with my mistress. Let us save him. Death to Blondeau!’ At that moment, Blondeau dipped his pen in, all black with erasures in the ink, cast his yellow eyes round the audience room, and repeated for the third time: ‘Marius Pontmercy!’ I replied: ‘Present!’ This is why you were not crossed off.” “Monsieur!—” said Marius. “And why I was,” added Laigle de Meaux.
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