
perennial garden

@perennialgarden / perennialgarden.tumblr.com

it's a good thing

The full Fall/Holiday 1995 'Sanctuary' catalog by Cher (1995)

Incredible mail-order catalog started by Cher in 1994; this is the 1995 edition. Unfortunately, it seems the venture ended after the 1995 issue. According to a 1998 article, this was due to mismanagement & order-fulfillment problems.

Luckily found a copy available online, then scanned & cleaned-up this wonderful relic of 90's Renaissance Revival & Whimsigothic fashion & design!


when i see people express sentiments like this, my thought is pretty much “who exactly are you trying to prove a point to?” the democrats? if trump gets elected, they’re going to be completely sidelined if not worse and will be entirely focused on trying to get back in power and i can tell you they will NOT be moving further left. netanyahu? it’s a BETTER outcome for him if trump wins since trump is SIGNIFICANTLY more pro-israel than biden has ever been. the people in gaza? they need a ceasefire which has been rejected by both the israel and the hamas sides multiple times and a trump win WILL NOT make that a stronger possibility.


While this tweet feels suspiciously like psyops, this kind of perspective is growing more and more common. It comes from the belief that it is more important to punish sinners for their crimes than it is to care for the innocent.

It is there in the voices who want Israel to burn more than they want Palestinians to have their freedom. Who want to attack public figures for using politically incorrect words more than they want to help people that those words describe. Who want Biden to lose the presidency more than they want safety and freedom for Americans (or Palestinians).

It is not, ultimately, an effective perspective. Punishments are far less of a deterrent than people think they are. Protesters know they may be arrested, maybe even beaten or shot, but they protest anyway. Criminals are well aware of the justice system, and yet crime persists. If someone genuinely believes that they must do something, then the threat of punishment does very little.

But more importantly, punishment is not justice. Sometimes punishment can help to bring about justice, but that does not make them the same thing.

Voting out Biden will not create justice. At its absolute best, it would punish Biden. But it would also punish millions of other people who are vulnerable and in need of our assistance.

Rather than taking the action that best punishes the perpetrators, we must try to find the paths that best support the victims. Sometimes, if we're lucky, the same action will do both.

This is not one of those times.


In the 2000 election, a bunch of people wanted to send a message. They wanted to send the message that the environment was important and climate change was real and the US needed to do something about it.

So they voted third party for Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

They cost the Democrats the election. So instead of noted environmentalist and climate change activist Al Gore, we got George W. Bush.

But they sent a message right? They made a stand for their cause right? Surely it helped their cause, right?

It ENDED the Green party single-handedly as well as Ralph Nadar's career, because they were blamed for splitting the vote and getting a moron nepo-baby oilman into power.

Bush was able to stall for eight years on even admitting climate change existed, while making tons of money for his friends in the oil industry. AND he started two decades of wars that are still ongoing to this day. Literally millions died.

Next time it might be birth control rights. It might be nuclear war.

The genocide? Will escalate. More will happen in other parts of the world. Maybe here, who fucking knows.

I voted for Nader in 2000. It was my first Presidential election vote. It was my friends who went into warzones at the order of the man who took office as a result.

Your elders are SCREAMING at you to please learn from history.

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