
The brainrot is strong (and so are the drinks)


~You can call me strawberry! ~ he/him~ ~My art is under 'strawberry art'~ 18+

Commissions Open

This was.. not exactly something I wanted to do, but unfortunately.. capitalism exists

Currently I'm unemployed, and while I'm actively looking for a job- it isn't easy.. so-

Some Encanto (and Encanto adjacent) examples below the cut, but if you want to see more than Encanto, here's my ko-fi for more examples

If anything.. reblogging is always appreciated 💛


It may not make the most sense to post this here but I really like how it came out so I don't really care.

So context- My friend over on insta, lord_madmyth, has a modern type au called streetrat bruno au. In it Bruno and Sofia have quite a nasty fight over a toxic girl (Bruno, in their au, is not aro/ace. Sofia still is)

Oh the things we say when we are hurt..


‘What is it mi amor?’ Pepa says. Although she peers through the doorway, eyes wide and face open, Dolores can see how her hands never still, tending the baby.

‘Nothing Mámi,’ she says quietly, her courage fading, ‘Don’t worry about it.’

‘You - you can talk to me,’ Pepa says, the clouds over her head darkening, even as she shifts Antonio to her shoulder.

Dolores darts into the room, pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek and to the top of Antonio’s head.

‘Don’t worry.’

Five times Dolores nearly told someone about Bruno, and one time she didn’t have to.


Werewolf au? Werewolf au.

Man when I tell you- I feel like I got more lore for this silly little au than my canon story-

I hope to do more works that hint at that lore eventually. The people I've told have all really enjoyed it

Bonus- my own ocs (those would be werewolves anyways, sorry sofia)

Some size comparisons for the wolves for fun since it's not easy to tell in their portraits


Werewolf au? Werewolf au.

Man when I tell you- I feel like I got more lore for this silly little au than my canon story-

I hope to do more works that hint at that lore eventually. The people I've told have all really enjoyed it

Bonus- my own ocs (those would be werewolves anyways, sorry sofia)


I love the animal crossing OC idea! That's so cute.

If you have the time, I'd love to see what you think of my OC Elena. Not really sure *what* I picture her as, tbh, so if you decide to make one for her, go nuts!

Pic from the Encanto Extended Edition event for reference.

Seriously this is such a neat idea!


Oh, thank you! Animal Crossing characters are much easier to draw than people and the designs usually come out really fun :)

Honestly, it was pretty difficult to determine the species for Elena, because there are so many of them and many of them kinda suit her, so I was thinking between an elephant, a bird, a kangaroo and some more, but I think a rhino suits her best. Brash, strong, hard-working.

So, here:

Personality-wise, according to the description you provided, I think she's more of a Big Sister to everyone. And I assume she offers to help people a lot ('cause you said in the description she's helpful to a fault lol)!

Now that I think, I might've made a mistake here and Elena's more energetic than stoic, so rhino might not suit her that well... On that matter, please tell me what you think!

Anyway, thank you for the request! I had a lot of fun drawing Elena, love her freckles and blue eyeshadow - such nice unique details 🥺

And just a reminder, if you (anyone who has an oc) like what you see, you can send me a request too! Only a bit of information about your oc and I'll do their animal crossing sona! Completely free!


Ohh encanto ocs as animal crossing characters 👀👀

I love your series with the family you captured them well- so it'd be an honor if you could do Armida!

She'd be a deer or a bunny (your choice!) And her saying would probably be "take care of yourself!"

I'm not too sure about personality though.. I hope that's alright

(If you do tags, please tag my other blog @pepa-brainrot -thank you and have a lovely day/night! ✨️💛)


Thank you so much for the request! I know and love Armida with whole my heart it's really an honour to me to draw her!! ✨

I chose a deer as a species, because she has such beautiful kind brown eyes, like a baby reindeer 🥺 Unfortunately, I don't add the eye color in the designs, so just wanted to let you know that her eyes are beautiful ':D

I love your design so much, it has so many cute details I wish I could add everything in this design, but I was afraid it would be too much T_T

The color choice is pretty self-explanatory, I love the color palette Armida has and it just made sense to make her a simple two-color deer :)

Regarding the personality: I don't play animal crossing that much, but according to Nookpedia villagers are not that diverse personality-wise. I think it only suits Armida to be normal, because I just don't see her being mean in any way and she doesn't strike me as a peppy type. If there was a gentle option, I would choose it in a heartbeat, but there isn't one :(

Have a great day/night too! ✨

Tagging your other blog: @pepa-brainrot (hope I understood you correctly)

And if any of you, my friends oc-havers, want a similar design for your oc, you can send me an ask with a description of your oc! It's completely free, I just like doing these little drawings 😊


Ahh!! She came out so adorably I'm 💛💛!!

Thank you so much, you captured her perfectly ✨️

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