
there's vampires at my door

@pavlmescal / pavlmescal.tumblr.com

rin; they/them | prev. scullyblr

Y’all I hit 4,000 followers! This is so exciting for me, and I want to thank all of you who have stuck around through all my multifandom madness! As an appreciation for all of you who’ve helped to make my stay on tumblr so fun, I’ve decided to do a celebration event. This event is open to all my followers!

To participate:

  • you must be following me
  • please like and/or reblog this post
  • send me a 💌 with your “make me choose” gif request. can be characters, franchises, tv shows, seasons, dynamics, etc. (my list of shows & movies i’ll gif is very very long lol. if you’ve seen it on my blog it’s fair game. if you’re not sure, feel free to ask.)
  • mutuals only: feel free to request whatever you want. it doesn’t have to be limited to the “make me choose” format.

That’s it! Thank you all so much 🥰

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