
Dracula Brainrot Hits Hard


I'm very normal about Hammer Horror :> Learning artist and fanfic writer, he/him 🏳️‍⚧️

ugly art, anatomically wrong art, no proper values art, uninspired art, half-finished, artblock-filled art is still art. your self-hatred has no power in removing what is. there’ll be no burial for what’s not stopped breathing


The most sacred holiness intertwined with the most hideous abomination, deep guilt flashing through the loveliest innocence [...] Love was no longer either the dark, animalistic drive I had fearfully felt it to be at first, or the pious, spiritual worship I had offered up to the image of Beatrice. It was both—both and much more: angelic and Satanic, man and woman in one, human and animal, the highest good and the uttermost evil.

— Hermann HesseDemian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth, transl by Damion Searls, (2013)


i need to make a shoutout post for the ioway tribe's bee farm products right now

esp this:

why do i love it so much? bc it repels mosquitos WAY BETTER THAN BUG SPRAY. Not only does it make ur skin smell like honey, it forms a waxy seal that buggy chompers cant bite through.

it also soothes bug bites, rashes, and itchy skin.

my partner has the Yummy Blood that mosquitos find irresistable. we tried so many repellents, the wristbands, the candles... nothing seemed to keep them away. out of curiosity and desperation, we tried this lotion bar and the results have been life-changing for us. it is EXCEPTIONAL.

if u or someone u know is bug bait, i cannot recommend this tribe's beeswax bar enough. please support native businesses, ditch the bug spray. this stuff works, and smells, way way way better than anything else.

Not to mention they have REALLY GOOD HONEY.

its summer again my dudes, self rb bc this shit still slappin and im gettin more🐝

yo i just got eaten alive by mozzies and this wax rly helped me feel better. never go thru summer without a tin🐝✨

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