
Paperclip Ninja

@paperclipninja / paperclipninja.tumblr.com

This blog is a smattering of anything that takes my fancy (Good Omens, GO currently takes all my fancy) |fandom nanna . she/her🌈🩷💛🩵| @Paperclip_Ninja on reddit/twitter

Rambly meta post

Because my brain is now permanently Good Omens shaped and my need to ramble about my thoughts and feelings will continue, I've decided to put the ramblings in one place (this post is the place) to make sure I a) don't start repeating myself and b) can find past rambles more easily when I'm grabbing ideas for fics etc.

So herein lie the rambly metas about:

The final fifteen™️ 

Duality and layers in Good Omens

1941 (and music)

Aziraphale things

Crowley things



Rated E, Chapter 8/8, cover art by @gleafer (and endless thank yous, Gleafer, you absolute sweetheart, for creating this art!! Everybody get in her Patreon! You will not be disappointed.)

Now complete! The final chapter is here!

For everyone who has been following along with the WIP, I so hope you enjoy the ending. For everyone who has been waiting for the finished story before jumping in, I hope you enjoy the ride. 💕

Chapter Excerpt

Twitchy and nervous—and increasingly irritated with himself for being twitchy and nervous—Crowley waits. His hands curl and uncurl around a brimming tankard of ale, fingertips drumming against the dented pewter. He tries to sink further into his chair, stretching his long legs to their full extension. Nonchalant, like. Seductive. Exceptionally suave. Only trouble is, his foot is bouncing and his body keeps tormenting him with tantalising little remembrances of the last time he sat in this same chair, at this same table, in this same tavern, propositioning an angel: silver cord wrapped around his wrist, the scrape of the wood grain against his side, Aziraphale’s hand splayed wide and open against his chest. He might as well attempt to cosy up on a bed of nails for all the nonchalance he’s able to muster. Each time the door opens, Crowley shoots upright again, craning his neck to peer around the thickening crowd of patrons, desperate for a glimpse of blonde curls, the soft curve of an angelic smile. Pull yourself together, Crowley. He’s coming. He’ll be here.

New Tags Added: Schroedinger's canon compliance

General Summary + Tags

After a drunken handfasting ceremony goes awry, Crowley and Aziraphale find themselves magically bound to be touching at all times. In order to set the situation to rights, they must embark on a multi-day journey to seek help from the last true witch in England.

Canon-typical drinking, sex pollen (but not really), more like forced proximity pollen, mutual pining, only one bed, only one horse, eventual smut, pining while fucking, angst with a happy ending

Thank yous forever to 2littletime707, @adverbian, and @harlotofupdog. I could not have brought this story home without your thoughts and your comments and your encouragement <3

And a big ol' thank you to @goodomensafterdark for being such an incredible community of creative goblinery.

🐝 Written for the Good Omens High Pollen Count Event! 🌻


GOAD Pride Gift Exchange fic: Never Too Old To Learn

This fic is for the lovely @bjs4bildad for the Pride gift exchange.

Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Rating: Explicit (read: smut with the thinnest veil of a plot)

Summary: Crowley and Aziraphale have well and truly settled into domestic life, but Aziraphale wonders if perhaps they're a little boring. He's always had trouble expressing what he wants, so Crowley enlists a professional to help his angel out.


Aziraphale nodded dumbly—he hadn’t heard the voice since the days at the Dowling residence and it wrapped itself around him and set his stomach aflutter. He hadn’t exactly hidden the fact he’d found Nanny Ashtoreth beguiling, however he’d also thought he’d been rather subtle about it at the time (he had not been subtle about it). He most certainly wasn’t being subtle about it now.

“So, ah, Nanny—”

“Not a nanny anymore. Though once a nanny, always a nanny I suppose…” Nanny Ashtoreth replied wistfully as she moved past Aziraphale and made her way down the path towards the gate.

He turned and hurried after her, one part captivated, two parts curious and very much still confused. Nanny Ashtoreth strode to the Bentley that was parked in the narrow driveway running alongside the cottage, before she finally stopped to face Aziraphale.

Eternal thanks to the glorious @harlotofupdog for cheerleading and the read over/speed beta and @goodomensafterdark for organising the exchange!


I've definitely been in a bit of an art slump for a hot minute. I came back to it with a vengeance when the brainrot hit, after so many years away. Learning digital has been SO fun and SO frustrating.

After a few things that seemed to flow, everything just kinda stahped working - and I know that this is meant to be some sort of 'oh, you're getting better so suddenly you realise how blergh you were before' but OOF the pain, and also, that's not happening, because I am an undiligent delinquent. But, I actually finished a thing, after WEEKS.

It's for my fic The Serpent and Thistle but I can't think of anywhere to add it, so I'm just slamming it into the wild so it's DONE and I no longer have to think about it and I did a thing and now my mind is freeeeeeeeee.


✨ New fic ✨

(Just a little guy, climbing around where he shouldn't be)

I've embarked on something overambitious again! 😃 I'm 85k words and 20-ish chapters in on my gdrive - enough to dare to start posting before pride month is over. (trans angel trans angel trANS ANGEL)

It's a supernatural murder mystery/ineffable husbands romance/love letter to the City of Aberdeen/project to besmirch every building of my alma mater. Crowley and Aziraphale are human (and subtly different from their "regular" selves—but that's for readers to wonder about and characters not to notice, yet) and meet as academics. Cue bickering and romantic tension. Then, someone is found murdered on a summoning circle.

Scorn and the Saint-Maker (rated E, no warnings)

Tags: Murder mystery, Temporarily human, Romance, Smut (some skippable), Demon summoning, Canon universe, Trans Aziraphale 🏳️‍⚧️, Cis Crowley, more tags on AO3

Summary, excerpt and art stuff™️ below the break⤵


Rated E, Chapter 7/8, cover art by @gleafer (chants: Patreon! Patreon! Patreon!)

The penultimate chapter is here! Now with actual Agnes Nutter.

Chapter Excerpt

Aziraphale places his hands on Crowley’s shoulders and feels himself lifted down to the ground. They stand there a moment longer than necessary—one last moment with their bodies pressed together, face to face, wanting for nothing else—until a voice startles Aziraphale from his thoughts.  “Thou art early.”

New Tags Added: None this chapter [but gently taps the existing Angst with a Happy Ending tag]

General Summary + Tags

After a drunken handfasting ceremony goes awry, Crowley and Aziraphale find themselves magically bound to be touching at all times. In order to set the situation to rights, they must embark on a multi-day journey to seek help from the last true witch in England.

Canon-typical drinking, sex pollen (but not really), more like forced proximity pollen, mutual pining, only one bed, only one horse, eventual smut, pining while fucking, angst with a happy ending

Eternal thank yous to 2littletime707, @adverbian, and @harlotofupdog. You are the most brilliant bunch of betas I could have ever hoped for! <3

And, always, thank you to the @goodomensafterdark community, for all the things!

🐝 Written for the Good Omens High Pollen Count Event! 🌻




You mean Miranda like in Shakespeare's Tempest Miranda, the sweet and smart girl with who believes that all people are fundamentally good and has a mysterious manipulative and omnipotent parent who doesn't explain anything to her and pretends to separate her from her true love on the account of an old feud, except in the end we discover that it was all planned from the start and he wanted the two of them to be together?

I see...

excuse me hold up beg your pardon whAT

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