
Bee on a Lark


I live in Thailand. สวัสดีค่ะ! ฉันชื่อบีส์ 🐝🐝🐝 I am a writer and comic artist drawing + writing about my silly OCs. For funsies. As a bit. https://www.patreon.com/LarkandWren (you may need to copy paste the full link...the html is busted on some devices for some reason, sobs)

The desertion of the dragons and betrayal of mages prompts a kingdom-wide ban on spell weaving. Fourteen years later, a young blind girl named Ayşe attempts to comprehend her place the post-magic world she lives in; a world she perceives very differently than those around her.

As she sets out to master the illegal art of weaving spells under the tutelage of an exiled arch mage, will she unravel the truth surrounding the fallout between mages and dragons?


Looking for something a little more sweet and slice of life-y? Check out the


What is the Hi-Note trio's go to for rainy days where they have nothing major to do?


Rainy days are pretty common in Vancouver, but Raf in particular really likes them so long as he doesn't have to commute in it. Rainy weekends are his favorite. It's the perfect excuse to stay holed up inside, brew a hot beverage of some manner, and veg out to the sound of the rain hitting the windows. Margie and Tess might be able to convince him to go for a little lunchtime walk a few blocks to the local coffee shop with them, and he's not usually one to decline--since, for some reason, the girls both delight in getting absolutely drenched in skyjuice, and Margie's joy is always an infectious one. Upon returning home, a hot shower to warm up and a midday nap together might precede dinner preparations...and dinner might be some kind of simple comfort food, like Margie's favorite macaroni in tomato juice (with hamburger, if they have some in the fridge), or Raf's go-to, french onion soup. Otherwise, the time is spent piled onto the couch playing videogames or watching movies together. There's never a day when Margie doesn't play piano for at least an hour or two, so that always makes its way into the activities, especially if the rain has caused other plans to be cancelled. Just a nice, quiet time, keeping (mostly) warm and dry and enjoying the steady pitter patter.


I wanna talk mushy sappy soft warm stuff about the hi-note trio, but I have no idea what to even say about 'em that I haven't already yammered excessively about :C


If you read webtoons, some of you might have noticed that a lot of us webtoon artists..don't know how to draw horses.

And we two birds are no exception--which is why horses, canonically, simply DO NOT EXIST in the world of Woven 😂

Unfortunately, our next comic is set in the LATE VICTORIAN ERA. On the BRITISH ISLES. These abominations were innumerable in presence and immeasurable in their importance to civilization and transport during this time. And so...I [Lark] must learn how to draw these infernal creatures because we've all seen what happens to horses in comics when artists... don't.

anyways, here are some of my struggle honse drawings...for your entertainment:


5 of the character dynamic ask game for the hi-note trio <3

  1. A has to get B a [birthday/christmas/whatever] gift. right now. what would they get? how long would they spend thinking about it? RIGHT NOW! For Raf, this is a no brainer: Waddle Dee/Kirby merch for Margie and a sushi dinner for Cortes. Easy, zero thoughts needed. He's got this shit on lock. Tess would give Raf an absolutely perfect, uninterrupted, "basically dead" 10 hour nap and Margie would get a jar full of oyster pearls. Also easy, no brains required. Margie would... Like--right now? Like NOW now??? She has no money!! And even if she DID have money, there's nothing she could buy that Raf couldn't just buy for himself! No, uh--no...it's gotta be a thing money can't buy. But--sexy stuff isn't really his thing, so it can't be that...uh, uhhh... And omfg what does she even get TESS?? Margie would...not get them anything. Not on time. But then, months later, she'd eventually drop an hour-long track on Raf. Basically like an album in of itself, but following a single theme/narrative, returning to certain motifs/melodies throughout, and without any breaks--because again--it's just one song, no separate tracks. It's a song that starts with a kind of...up-tempo energy that slowly winds down and mellows out as it progresses; a lullaby. Specifically, one for him to listen to when he's away, or while she's away. So that she can be right there with him, in the music, no matter what. For Tess, well...for her gift, Tess just wanted to be involved in making the Raf lullaby track! And so--that's what she got!

I’d love to hear #7 (are there any habits, mannerisms, practices etc. A does because of B? anything they do because they saw B doing it, or got advice from them about it, or something rubbed off on them? alternately, are there any little things B does that annoy them?)

With Tess especially. Either with the rest of the trio or just one of the others?

Regardless, I love reading anything about the blorbos. I hope creating their world makes you as happy as it makes us to hear about them🩷🩷🩷


Aw, this is a fun one! They've all rubbed off on each other for sure but, as you'd expect, Tess has picked up the most haha!

Tess is always a "sit back and observe" sort, but has picked up Raf's chill, quiet manner of drifting into the background when it suits her. And, like him, her hands are always doing...something. Folding a piece of paper, untangling a random thread hanging from her sweater, tracing the rim of her glass or cup, tapping a finger to a beat in her head. She doesn't chew her nails or pick at the skin around her fingernails as Margie does, though. But she will bounce her leg or wiggle them side to side while she sits, like Margie does. She'll also occasionally make little popping noises with her mouth or click her tongue and random times, just because it feels or sounds fun--again, like Margie does. Related to keeping her hands busy, and also borrowed from Raf, she has picked up the habit of straightening things out, or ordering them neatly/properly if she notices something that has been placed askew. Like, she'll smooth the tassels of a rug, or line up a row of condiments neatly on a shelf if it's clear that was the intention of their initial placement.

She doesn't usually emote with facial expressions, but one that she's enjoyed too much to not try on for herself is the raised-brow, half-lidded assessing stare down her nose that Raf does; an expression of curiosity from a person usually taller than the points of interest they are assessing--not intentionally snooty or condescending (as you might assume from the phrase 'looking down their nose at you").

She's still learning the limits wrt which little curiosities or desires are acceptable to indulge on a whim and which are not. For example, licking the tops of ketchup bottles is unacceptable is any context, whereas emptying 5 packets of sugar into a hot beverage is perfectly acceptable. Touching a random person's hair is unacceptable, but touching a random animal's fur or a plant's flower's foliage is generally okay. And for guidance on this, she turns to Margie (because if she were to follow Raf's example, well...he seems to be much more narrow in his range of personal allowances). As Tess was more or less a blank slate wrt personality and mannerisms when they first met her, Raf and Margie haven't really picked up much from Tess. Except--they're maybe a little more careful and clear when expressing things like...turn of phrases or hyperbole lmao Between Raf and Margie, there's a lot of subtle ways they've kinda changed to coexist more comfortably together. Margie's a lot better than she use to be when it comes to closing doors, turning off lights, and picking up after herself--to the point that a lot of these things have become an automatic habit largely thanks to Raf's patient consistency with her. She's also become more mindful about how her jokes, gestures, jabs, etc are received--and had grown more conscientious against behaving in overfamiliar ways with people until she's gotten to know them well enough to know what they're comfortable with. She's not physical with people on first introductions anymore, and avoids like...sexual innuendo, etc, unless there's a super clear, obvious pretext that greenlights it. All this arose from a sense of not...wanting to embarrass Raf in public or at social gatherings. She's a lot more prone now to be quiet/reserved during introductions, and 'read the room' before she starts spewing memes and niche jokes that...maybe no one there would get. Just little...socializing things that should be obvious to most people her age, but that she was never properly taught while growing up in a small town with a relatively insular family.

Raf's gotten into the habit of singing little one-line serenades about Margie (often a shade of complete nonsense) or muttering sweet/silly little loving sentiments while he's doing mundane tasks. Ideally only when Margie is around...but just as often when he's by himself...or, on embarrassing occasion, when someone who isn't Margie is the only other person around to receive his habitually mumbled sweet nothings lmao. It all started because he'd do it in response to Margie's one-line serenades about him, and her random little "fwiff fwaff faff, I love my Raf" space-filling little stim mutterings. There's a lot of random, aimless call-and-response between them when they're home together whilst independently busy with their own little tasks.

He's also gotten into the habit of spending more time noticing/collecting things that just kinda--make him smile. Especially if it's something that he can take and show to Margie. Because if he thinks it's neat, then she'll think it's awesome. Her desire to share positive experiences and things with him has rubbed off on him in such a way that now, if there's ever a nice thing he sees or experiences, it seems almost a waste not to also share it with her. It's like...a positive joy modifier. Man, there are a billion other little things, and probably much bigger things that I am simply failing to recall right now haha! But I have already spent too much time writing this when I should be...finishing my work on Woven lmaaoo <3


Just a break between archeological digs. Trying to respect that I can’t ask a lot of questions about Wolves of Danu for risk of spoilers. I want to ask a few so bad! Aaah. But I did have a related question I hope you can answer! I appreciate that you have set out to learn more about musical theory and particular instruments after Hi-Note made itself at home in your brain.  And that you listened to an audiobook from the era Wolves of Danu is set in to familiarize yourself with the vernacular of the time. Did you do any hyper fixation research for Wolves of Danu? Or other, more causally research?  Learn anything unexpected about the era you can share?


A mix of casual and hyperfixation wrt research! I am still doing research, there are so many facets of live in the british isles c. 1880. It was a transitory period from the late victorian into the edwardian period. During the time of the story, the Eiffel tower had begun its construction in paris (which we also arrive in for season 2), the skylines were all VERY different, with some old heritage buildings just not existing, while other skyline-defining buildings of the time are now completely absent! The cultures where quite different--even just between the different class structures! There is SO much going on that'll shape each character's day-to-day in completely different ways...that I can't fall back on my usual "well what would I be doing here?" for certain ambient scene fills or introductions, etc. I am not from and have never been to Britain, and so this little fact came as a surprise: all the forests in Britain were(are?) privately owned. And so, hunting in the forests were strictly prohibited without the expressed permission of the landowner. If you killed a rabbit for food, that rabbit was considered a stolen property. Poaching was a very seriously taken offense. Landowners use to employ the use of mantraps hidden throughout the forests as a way of deterring poachers(the poor), and these traps were strong enough to shatter bone. By the time our story takes place, these 'deadly' mantraps have been made illegal. But still, there are instances where trespassers have been caught in illegal mantraps within the private forests. I guess, if you have money, you can get away with anything--no matter what era you live in.


Oh! I’m curious about 9 on the character dynamic list! I feel like we get spend so much time inside their heads we don’t know what the world sees when they look at this odd duo and/or trio all together!


9) what do outsiders think their relationship is? do they consciously or unconsciously act different around others?

They usually maintain the fun playfulness together, but there is very, very, very little in the way of PDA. Raf is uncomfortable with that kinda thing out in the open. At most, linked arms, held hands, or a stolen lil kiss upon the head when no one seems to be paying attention. Margie is a leaner though...she will lean against...anyone, honestly--not just Raf and Tess...so she get's a free pass on that haha! But generally, yeah--there is a concious effort to behave in a more reserved fashion when they are out and about.

The reception of them together is usually a positive one. They seem bright, sunny, a lot of laughter, and very little in the way of cynicism. they seem...friendly and approachable haha

If someone is having a shit day, maybe they come off as a bit lout and obnoxious[margie], especially if they are in a place that is usually more lowkey/quiet...like a coffee shop or smth.


Character dynamics game💙💙

How does Margie refer to Raf (first name/last name/pet name/title/etc) in her head, to him directly, and to others? are they different? why?


In her head, he's Raffy

Out loud and to others, he's Raf. Or, if the mood with him present is light and playful, Raffy Taffy.

Mr. Ephrem if she's being a cheeky pain in the ass, and only ever to him directly.

Never Rafael.

Anonymous asked:

i can just imagine Raf serenading Magritte with vivalidis four seasons summer and her just being absolutely fucking awestruck. He says that his rendition, with just the soloist part, is nothing close to the real thing. And so she asks him to play the other parts. And so he does. All of them — even a couple viola parts that dont realllly work but he can fiddle around and get them to. And she watches him work through the symphony parts until hes played all of them. Raf says that she should still listen to the real thing, because you’re supposed to hear the layering. (Of course Magritte has an incredible talent for sensing how things will layer, as evidenced by her record) She agrees, and when they’ve listened to the recording she simply says “I liked your version better. It was more alive.”

Haha! This is so sweet Q vQ♡♡♡

Raf wouldn't try to play the orchestral or off-instrument parts on his own, I think, outta a respect for the composer. But he absolutely would play solo parts of his favourite compositions for her [he is a huge fan of Ravel], and he'd do it without her asking to hear it [she would never ask, especially knowing how that whole *vague guesture* part of his life seems to be a dark cloud for him]. But you bet she'd be absolutely floored and delighted to hear it, and would far prefer anything he played for her over a recording, any day!


Last weekend I went to a performance by my local civic orchestra (in Calgary) that featured young virtuosos. Most were teens or older (16+). One of the soloists was 11 years old and performed Paganini's Concerto no. 1, op. 6. He was so small and cute and was by all rights a playful, shy child on stage while the orchestra played the intro movement, unsure what to do with his hands, swaying or wriggling occasionally... and then once his solo started the child was gone and a performer was on stage in his place. I was deeply impressed, but was tinged with a creeping sadness. The Conductor, while introducing the kid "Sacha" before the concerto began, said that he was going to play "Paganini like it was nothing". The kid blushed and hid his face. I was instantly stricken with a pang of tragedy, reminded of the "gifted kid" upbringing I had a taste of when I grew up, where my earned skills were reduced to "natural talent". I thought of his childhood lost to endless practice, endless tutoring, endless coaching, only for adults to say "it was nothing", that it was inherent skill and not over 50% of his lifetime devoted to moments like these, all for the audience's benefit.

Don't get me wrong, I think I enjoyed what I did growing up, what with the practice and performance, and I always had a choice, and was by no stretch of the imagination a virtuoso. I certainly was not prey to predators like many kids were and are. Probably why I still like my hobby as an adult.

Anywho, I thought of Raf. I deeply hope this real kid Sacha has a better childhood than your blorbo virtuoso had as a child, but I'm v. afraid from what I know about child performers: many have predatory family/agents. His music was excruciatingly beautiful. I hope he gets to have the beautiful life he wants and that his family is respectful of him as a human.


aw, I hope the was enjoyable and that everyone involved was having a good time! It's definitely possible to foster excellent young talent/passion/interests in a manner that's healthy. Many young ""prodigies"" do grow up to become excellent, passionate adult concert performers, after all. It's an expensive career for parents to allow their kids to spec into...which is the nain limiting factor for a lot of kids who wanna pursue this kind of music as a career.

Paganini at 11 is incredible♡


character dynamic ask game

qs focusing around how two characters interact with & see each other. any kind of matchup (partners, friends, mortal enemies, etc.) is fair game!

rules: send two characters and a question (or more!)

  1. what were A's first impressions of B? were they mostly correct or have they changed?
  2. if asked to describe B to a stranger, what would A say? are they mostly truthful, or is there anything they omit?
  3. what's something A thinks in their head about B that they would NEVER tell them out loud? alternately, what's something they want to say to them but haven't/can't, and why not?
  4. how does A refer to B (first name/last name/pet name/title/etc) in their head, to them directly, and to others? are they different? why?
  5. A has to get B a [birthday/christmas/whatever] gift. right now. what would they get? how long would they spend thinking about it?
  6. what does A think B thinks of them? or, if asked to describe their relationship, how would they do it? are they right?
  7. are there any habits, mannerisms, practices etc. A does because of B? anything they do because they saw B doing it, or got advice from them about it, or something rubbed off on them? alternately, are there any little things B does that annoy them?
  8. is there anything they really disagree on? what are they most likely to argue about?
  9. what do outsiders think their relationship is? do they consciously or unconsciously act different around others?
  10. how well does A think they know B? are they correct?
  11. what's something A knows about B that most people don't? alternately, what's something most people believe about B that A doesn't?
  12. if B asked A for help, how likely would they be to give it?
  13. if A needed help, how likely would they be to ask B for it?
  14. for two characters that met very recently, how would their dynamic be different (if at all) if they had known each other for much longer? for characters that are childhood/longtime acquaintances, how would it be different if they met for the first time today?
  15. what's A's absolute favorite (or least favorite) thing about B?
  16. free space: what's your favorite thing about their dynamic, as a fan or as a writer?

i disappeared for like...2(?) days...woops lol I am back now, but I have a buncha messages to respond to and very little energies!

I have read them all...they make me so happy Q vQ I cannot overstate it..!! I may be fatigued, but my heart is so full.

I will get around to responding (here and elsewhere) soon♡!

mmmnope, I am sorry guys haha I am not gonna be very social until my work on this last episode of Woven is done. It is eating up all of my spoons.

BUT we're very nearly there...only about a week of work left on it, at our current rate🤞it's dragging haha but it is getting there.


sean just came into my office like "Hey, I found a neat pebble!" and plunked this into my hand:

tiny mekong snail eating turtle, displaced by the yardwork occuring next door and ended up on the floor tiles of our back entrance, very stressed out 😂😭

We released him by the creek♡

good luck out there, lil' guy.

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