
#1 Jorts Enthusiast


He/Him || Han/Honom || banner is by my sister, love u ya lil shit || FREE PALESTINE πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

A good video that accurately explains why stud is a term used for black lesbians only, not white, not poc, BLACK

I’m not even going to say please. Respect black identities and labels, they are ours for a reason.

Imma need this reblogged by white queer tumblr users since it’s mostly yall who wanna use it or want to know why you or other white people shouldn’t/can’t use the term β€œstud”


happy fourth of july fuck america fuck the supreme court fuck israel fuck capitalism fuck global warming fuck transphobia fuck shitty gun laws fuck billionaires fuck AI fuck nazis fuck racists fuck cops fuck everybody burn the system down


So what was Jurgen Leitner doing while Jane Prentiss was breeding worms in the tunnels? Like was he just kicked out of his home? Did they cohabitate? Was he just sneaking around his weird new roomie?

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