
does he love you?

@officialabortionist / officialabortionist.tumblr.com

can you really have it all?
hi! i covered a song that i rly love recently and you should it out bc i’m happy w it!! also my endscreen has some nice music that i love with my whole heart and soul so pls go watch and support me!!! :)
  • Jordan Edwards is the latest name to be added to a long list of black people who’ve been killed by police. Edwards was only 15. His death sparked familiar outrage and calls to action. 
  • But there’s also been a push by black feminists to call out the use of the hashtag #SayHisName in place of #SayHerName on social media — a hashtag that became popular specifically to call attention to the media erasure of black women who are also victims of police violence.
  • The #SayHerName hashtag went viral in the aftermath of Sandra Bland’s 2015 death in a Texas jail cell. Its meaning was simple: 
  • In a political moment in which extrajudicial violence against black communities was becoming front page news, it was important to tell the stories of black women, whose deaths were often overlooked by media and the social movements they covered.
  • On Twitter, Chihiro Ogino made the case against using #SayHisName, noting that while it’s important to respect black men who die at the hands of police, that specific hashtag isn’t the way to do it. Read more (5/2/17)
Source: bit.ly

i started writing original fiction because of a comment i got on a house md fic i wrote when i was 12 years old. someone said “this is out of character, house and wilson would never act like this.” so i thought, “if i make my own characters, no one can ever tell me they’re out of character, because i decide,” and i started planning my first novel. now i’m 23 and i’ve written 4 novel-length works, i have a degree in publishing and i work at a literary magazine, largely because someone insulted my house fanfiction. follow your dreams.

succeed out of spite


I learned the word “cum” from reading stephen king books, but he spelled it “come” like a good repressed new england boy so i always thought that’s how it was spelled + still prefer that spelling. Also now whenever i have an orgasm i think of stephen king


Me every morning: ahhh today I’m going to be healthy this is the day Breakfast: fruit Lunch: sandwich Dinner: salad Midnight snack: 47 inch cheese pizza topped with Mac and cheese and mini burger patties to garnish and for dessert one of those giant snickers made out of many smaller snicker bars


In case you haven’t noticed, I’m WEIRD. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in and I don’t WANT to fit in.

Have you ever seen me without this stupid cap on? That’s WEIRD!

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