Netscape NaviGAYtor

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Back before we stopped having Satellite TV and switched to streaming services, I have this vivid memory of a very specific Adult Swim buffer cartoon of this pixel art duo of heroes fighting this villain, and the male half of the duo literally penis blasts their opponent, as an attack. I only ever saw it once, and sometimes I think about it and how crazy it was, especially with the rise of the ā€œpenis blastā€ meme on Tumblr. I wish I could find it, but something tells me that searching ā€œadult swim penis blast bufferā€ on YouTube isnā€™t going to get me anywhere.

I went down a hyperfixated rabbit hole, and I found it.

The full animation can be found here. This specific scene starts at 2:45, and bonus: thereā€™s a titty blast, shortly after it.


Back before we stopped having Satellite TV and switched to streaming services, I have this vivid memory of a very specific Adult Swim buffer cartoon of this pixel art duo of heroes fighting this villain, and the male half of the duo literally penis blasts their opponent, as an attack. I only ever saw it once, and sometimes I think about it and how crazy it was, especially with the rise of the ā€œpenis blastā€ meme on Tumblr. I wish I could find it, but something tells me that searching ā€œadult swim penis blast bufferā€ on YouTube isnā€™t going to get me anywhere.


I wonder if one of the reasons jacked up truck drivers get a reputation for speeding (aside from their overtly cringe, performative masculinity) is because increasing the diameter of your tires makes your speedometer read lower than youā€™re actually going.

My mother and I had to take my brotherā€™s big ass Toyota Tundra to get it serviced, the other day, and I had Waze pulled up, navigating for us. I also have it set to beep at me if I go 10 over the speed limit. Well, it beeped. My mom asked how fast she was going, and I looked over, the truck said we were going 48 MPH. Reader, we were going 65+ MPH.

So thatā€™s the moment we had to start using Wazeā€™s speedometer instead of the truckā€™s built in one. Given that people who jack up their trucks arenā€™t that smart to begin with, I wonder just how many have no idea their speedometer is now wrong because they change their tire diameter.


Also, is this crazy to say: I want M. Razmodius to be a bachelor. I just feel like thereā€™s trauma behind that snooty, stuck-up personality, and I can fix him. Also, in the game, he literally says heā€™s looking for an apprentice to carry on his work after heā€™s gone. Like, hello. Iā€™m right here.

Plus the storyline of him cheating on his wife and possibly being the baby daddy of one of the people in Pelican Town would make for some juicy heart events. Itā€™s such a shame he doesnā€™t have any, at all.


I'm 2-for-2, now. Shane is the second date-able character I've tried befriending, and he's also the second person I've gotten stuck with because one of their heart events aren't able to be triggered until a specific season.

My first was Alex. His eight-heart event can only be triggered during the summer because that's the only season he goes to the beach. I hit eight hearts with him in the Fall, so I had to wait an entire year.

Shane is a little better, but I'm still stuck. His six-heart event requires it to be rainy/stormy, and I just entered winter... the only season in the game where it can't be rainy or stormy, and no, snowing doesn't count. I've tried. šŸ„²

Anonymous asked:

I just read a sentence of yours with no less than 5 dependent clauses. Maybe consider that

Sir, this is Tumblr Dot Com. Take a chill pill, go outside, touch grass, and realize that you're trying to argue with someone cosplaying as a two-decade-old piece of software. You're taking this website way too seriously.

Also, I'd be hard-pressed to take grammar advice from someone who "forgets" to punctuate, but I digress...


I just realized I've hoarded enough money to afford Robin's infinite furniture catalog and still have over 30,000g leftover. I don't know if it's a worthy investment, but it's certainly a tempting one.


I forgot that going the Community Center route would make Shane jobless. Now I really feel like I have no choice but to make him my romantic partner. He literally just told me he can't pay rent. I can't not let him fuck me, now.

Wait he pays rent to Marnie? I didn't know that. I thought he just worked with the chickens in exchange for a room

Also congrats on becoming a Shane simp, you're not alone lol

I suppose so. I talked to him at the Stardrop Saloon, and he said something like, "I haven't been able to pay my rent, but Marnie is letting me stay, anyway." I'm assuming that's a piece of dialogue that only happens after you finish the Community Center.

And yeah. I knew Shane was a popular choice. It was between him and Alex, going into the game. I was initially planning on choosing Alex because (for some reason) I was under the impression that his route was, specifically, extra rewarding for same-sex players. Now that I'm experiencing Shane's first hand, though, I dunno. Alex's 14-heart event seems to tie in to a lot of things in the game, based on the tid-bits I've seen scattered in the wiki, but with how serious Shane's route is getting, I dunno if I could go any other way.


I'm one item away from completing the Community Center, and I can't fucking catch a break. All I need is a Walleye fish, but I'm 14 days into Fall, and there hasn't been a single rainy day. I'm going to fucking explode.

Do you have the materials for a rain totem?

I've heard of that thing, on the Wiki, but I don't think I have the recipe, yet. Luckily, I caught a rainy day not long after posting this, and I finished the Community Center. Now, I just have to finish "The Missing Bundle" for the abandoned JojaMart store, and oh boy, does it look expensive. šŸ„²

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