
Cloudy with a chance of red tears


Vesper // In here I get to cry shallow tears about my recent obsession// SALTBURN! // DO NOT USE OR REPOST MY ART
Anonymous asked:

No one wants you on tumblr anymore.

Dear anon who’s apparently been creeping in my asks for weeks, sorry I’m only answering you now but life’s been busy but I guess that concept is unknown to you considering you have the time and energy to throw it on my way. Anyways! Fortunately I came to know of your existence bc you made the wise decision to creep into my comments on ao3 and it’s just my luck that I’ve just now decided to check my emails for notifs.

Anon, I’m guessing you’re the one I’ve “bullied”? But I also believe you’re the same freak who sent me those rude asks about my art and so what that tells me is that you’re just drooling for my attention and somehow hoping for my demise, finger tenting your hands like a villain? Before you were just insulting my art but now you have to actually resort to INVENT things as well, that much you’re desperate…

I’d never understoodd how could someone spend this much energy actively antagonising a complete stranger online bc it’s legit rotten and kinda pathetic in my opinion and that’s why the idea that I could be the one doing that to someone is just preposterous to say the least. Also in the last few months I didn’t have the energy to do anything except doing things which would bring me personal comfort. Drawing and posting fanarts was one of them. Guess you have to ruin that too,uh? You have to be really awful and bitter to manufacture lies… I mean what’s your end goal here? I’m legitimately curious. Maybe you’ve got the wrong person lmao? I’ve never been confrontational with anyone online over anything and I would just rather block people so, just so you know, that could be an option for you as well!

Anywho. I don’t know who you are (although I have my suspicions) but unless you’re the lady at the hospital who I snapped at for trying to not-so-sneakily steal my chocolate milk from my bag(!) (in my defence I didn’t eat anything the 38 hours before and that was the ONE good thing in the snack machine. I don’t like almonds on an empty stomach) I don’t owe anyone any apology.

I’m gonna turn off the anon asks on here and on ao3 and maybe you can show your username (without using burner accounts👏🏻) and be less of a coward in your sleazy ways to pick fight with strangers!

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